October Pumpkins 2017

I would love to join you all! My calculated due date is Oct 22nd. This is my first pregnancy and feel like a complete newbie to all of this!

My calculated due date so far is October 28 and I'm in the same newbie boat as you. :)
Kdee, that's so exciting, a first grandchild for you MIL. How did she respond to the news? When do you go for your first ultrasound? We found out with our son at the ultrasound but I'm not sure about this one. I don't think I could wait that long! I think I'd do a gender reveal party instead but I may change my mind.

Velathria, yeah, for getting to the 5th week! I've read a lot of stories about women who have had major symptoms and miscarried and others who have had none and had healthy babies and the reverse so I don't think that's a true indication on whether it will be successful or not, but I think most of us wish for ms to feel more at ease.

Lilmisscaviar, will you be finding out the gender?

Honey 27, welcome! Your son is adorable!!!!

How is everyone else? Are your symptoms coming back again for those that have been feeling less?
Welcome to the newcomers!!

I found out some very exciting news today. One of my friends is pregnant as well and she is due likely the same time as me! She isn't exactly sure how far along she is but estimates between 9 and 10 weeks. I am 9+4 according to the doc but only 9+2 according to LMP. According to her DH, she's been having a rough time with fatigue and MS. I gave her my sea bands since I haven't needed them.

There definitely is a part of me that is almost jealous of her fatigue and MS. Not that I WANT to experience it, but to have it would be somewhat of a reassurance. I am constantly terrified of a mmc just because I have very few symptoms. I'm always poking my boobs to make sure they're still sore.

Anyone else experiencing very few symptoms? Or know of people who have experienced few symptoms??

My first prenatal is next Friday. I'm really hoping my midwife will use a Doppler on me. I'll be almost 10 weeks so we might be able to hear the heartbeat. It sure would put my mind at ease!!!
Hi Ladies! I've been a bit quiet in here, but I've been stalking. Tomorrow I'll be officially 6 weeks! I am so happy to have gotten farther along than I was last time, now I'm just waiting for every new week. I have my first appointment booked with a midwife on March 15th to pick up requisitions, then hopefully an ultrasound a few days after that. It seems like it is such a long time to wait!
Kdee, that's so exciting, a first grandchild for you MIL. How did she respond to the news? When do you go for your first ultrasound? We found out with our son at the ultrasound but I'm not sure about this one. I don't think I could wait that long! I think I'd do a gender reveal party instead but I may change my mind.

Velathria, yeah, for getting to the 5th week! I've read a lot of stories about women who have had major symptoms and miscarried and others who have had none and had healthy babies and the reverse so I don't think that's a true indication on whether it will be successful or not, but I think most of us wish for ms to feel more at ease.

Lilmisscaviar, will you be finding out the gender?

Honey 27, welcome! Your son is adorable!!!!

How is everyone else? Are your symptoms coming back again for those that have been feeling less?

She said she already knew!!! We'd mentioned that I hadn't drank whilst at a party last weekend and with me being poorly all week she put 2 and 2 together and was just waiting for us to tell her! She's been amazing and did a whole load of washing for me yesterday. We ended up telling the kids yesterday too as they had started questioning my illness, they are so excited.

I havnt had my date for US yet. I've had a doctors appointment but all he did was take my bp and took details to pass on to midwife (which I thought was weird as no questions about medication or previous pregnancies etc, he didn't even make me do a test to confirm!), just have to wait for a phone call/letter from midwife. I'm 6weeks 3 days so I'm guessing it will be weeks yet. I'm in uk and it's usually around 12 weeks mark.

Just getting ready for work and I have no idea how I'm going to get through today, my nausea is unbearable. I've spent all weekend in bed. :wacko:
Meditteranean: i think i am obsessing over the whole symptoms thing but i still feel like everything is fine in there.. Thinking back to my son's pregnancy... I remember I didnt start with symptoms until i was around 8 weeks. So that gives me plenty of time to feel ok :) and bbs are still sore so that's a good sign.
Did find two more pregnancy tests in the house yesterday and took them. It's such a reassurance to see those strong lines still appear super fast ^^ my DH said i should relax and stop obsessing but it's killing me to have to wait still so long until the Ultrasound.....

MissYogi: Looks like we are close.. kind of XD I am 5 weeks and have my first ultrasound on the 21st of March ^^ Do you feel like it's still taking forever :D Wish i could sleep until then ^^

Has anybody told their children yet?
MEPride, to answer your question on symptoms, I don't get much by way of symptoms. For my first pregnancy with my son I didn't have any ms. The only symptoms I had were insomnia in the very beginning, feeling more tired, sore boobs til 16 weeks I believe and I a few pimples in the first couple of weeks. I had nothing after that until my last month when my feet and ankles would swell if I sat down or stood. Some women don't experience many symptoms and some do for some pregnancies and don't with others, even with the same sex.

Kdee12, that's awesome that she suspected it and seems to be taking care of you already hehe. I wish I got that from my MIL. Can you see a dr before the midwife and get some nausea medication if you feel that sick? That would be awful to have to go to work like that.
Kdee, that's so exciting, a first grandchild for you MIL. How did she respond to the news? When do you go for your first ultrasound? We found out with our son at the ultrasound but I'm not sure about this one. I don't think I could wait that long! I think I'd do a gender reveal party instead but I may change my mind.

Velathria, yeah, for getting to the 5th week! I've read a lot of stories about women who have had major symptoms and miscarried and others who have had none and had healthy babies and the reverse so I don't think that's a true indication on whether it will be successful or not, but I think most of us wish for ms to feel more at ease.

Lilmisscaviar, will you be finding out the gender?

Honey 27, welcome! Your son is adorable!!!!

How is everyone else? Are your symptoms coming back again for those that have been feeling less?

She said she already knew!!! We'd mentioned that I hadn't drank whilst at a party last weekend and with me being poorly all week she put 2 and 2 together and was just waiting for us to tell her! She's been amazing and did a whole load of washing for me yesterday. We ended up telling the kids yesterday too as they had started questioning my illness, they are so excited.

I havnt had my date for US yet. I've had a doctors appointment but all he did was take my bp and took details to pass on to midwife (which I thought was weird as no questions about medication or previous pregnancies etc, he didn't even make me do a test to confirm!), just have to wait for a phone call/letter from midwife. I'm 6weeks 3 days so I'm guessing it will be weeks yet. I'm in uk and it's usually around 12 weeks mark.

Just getting ready for work and I have no idea how I'm going to get through today, my nausea is unbearable. I've spent all weekend in bed. :wacko:

I'm so sorry that you have to go to work like that... Hope you feel better.
Isn't it funny how our family usually already knows before you tell them. I told my MIL and she knew. ^^
We told our son too cause he kept asking what is wrong with me and why he had to be careful around mommy's belly. He is so excited... I'm from ireland and it usually takes until the 12 week mark to get checked but because i had a miscarriage in my first preganncy (was pregnant with twins and lost one) and had another one this year.. So i'll be getting one at 8 weeks.

it sucks that your doctor didn't even make you take a test. And did he not ask if you had any questions or anything?
Kdee I thought it was odd that the GP didn't give me a test when I was pregnant the first time but they don't check at all. My first was a surprise too and my DH was almost refusing to believe it until the GP confirmed it and the doc just laughed at him! I had awful sickness my last two pregnancies - a lot of people at work guessed because I was so green and not drinking tea.

My symptoms are still not as bad as they were and although I'm exhausted I'm coping much better than last time! I think it must help that I don't have to work anymore so I feel very fortunate that I can rest a lot.

1 week to midwife for me - I'll be 9 weeks then so hopefully I'll get my scan 2-3 weeks later.
Kdee, that's so exciting, a first grandchild for you MIL. How did she respond to the news? When do you go for your first ultrasound? We found out with our son at the ultrasound but I'm not sure about this one. I don't think I could wait that long! I think I'd do a gender reveal party instead but I may change my mind.

Velathria, yeah, for getting to the 5th week! I've read a lot of stories about women who have had major symptoms and miscarried and others who have had none and had healthy babies and the reverse so I don't think that's a true indication on whether it will be successful or not, but I think most of us wish for ms to feel more at ease.

Lilmisscaviar, will you be finding out the gender?

Honey 27, welcome! Your son is adorable!!!!

How is everyone else? Are your symptoms coming back again for those that have been feeling less?

We're going to try to stay team yellow this time but it is going to be hard lol. I love finding out the gender of my babies, however we found out with our last three before birth and I'd love even more to keep one a complete surprise!
Got my doppler back from my friend and of course I tried this morning :haha: didn't hear anything but I'll try again in a few days.
Not feeling sick today thank god, but I've got a pain across the top right hand side of my bum, not sure if I've pulled something at work or if it's a nerve. Back pain always makes me nervous because that's how my miscarriage started >.<
The week and a half of sickness was more than enough for me but it adds to my paranoia that it's gone :huh:
I know how you feel saraaa! When symptoms disappear it's concerning. I have less breast and nipple tenderness today which has really been my only real symptom. But being over 9 weeks now I'm wondering if the placenta isn't starting to take over or what. So I'm trying not to panic but it's so anxiety provoking!
Saraaa, good luck with the Doppler! I darent get one because I'd drive myself nuts trying to find a heartbeat 24/7! Whenever I get pain in that position it's always a touch of sciatica. I know how you feel about the worry though... for me it was loss of symptoms last time so I go crazy every time my boobs get less sore (like they did a couple of hours ago). Just have to keep telling myself that every pregnancy is different and to trust this one is going well.

Trying, I'm feeling cramps too. Not majorly painful but really uncomfortable. Hoping it's a good sign!

How's everyone's MS been, and what type have you had? I've not actually been sick but getting super hungry all the time. If I don't eat I get nauseous, and generally feel pretty queasy all evening too. As rubbish as it feels to feel sick, I like feeling like everything's progressing. Got my u/s on Thurs so hoping for good news! I'll be about 7w3d so they should see the fetal pole and heartbeat at that point.
Mrs.B Thursday is not very far away!

Saraa, did you use the Doppler with your son as well? If so how early did you find the hearbeat? A lot of women don't hear it until 12 weeks so it may still be a while until you heart it, just don't panic :) I bought one also but I'm not trying it for a couple more weeks, or if I have another ultrasound and see the heartbeat then I will try to find it on my own afterwards, I don't want to stress out.

MEPride, when is your first appt or ultrasound?

I meet with the OBGYN for my first appointment tomorrow. I'm going to ask her all the questions about the ultrasound that the tech couldn't tell me and I hope she will want to recheck my dates and send me for another one :)
Mediterranean I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow!

MrsB yay for an ultrasound so soon!

Lilmisscaviar good luck with team yellow! We found out super early with all of our babies....I think we will wait for the anatomy scan this time :) team yellow would be fun but I'm afraid if it's another girl dh would be so disappointed.

Velathria my dh is always telling me to stop obsessing over symptoms. So hard! And yes dh told dd1 on her birthday lol she's excited but she's always worried the baby will have to go to heaven like her brother Luke.

AFM in an extremely boring course this week and I got a bad case of MS and had to run out (in heels) to throw up. The food I ate for lunch didn't agree with me and my stomach has been upset since....like gas pains. It suvks.
Mrs.B Thursday is not very far away!

Saraa, did you use the Doppler with your son as well? If so how early did you find the hearbeat? A lot of women don't hear it until 12 weeks so it may still be a while until you heart it, just don't panic :) I bought one also but I'm not trying it for a couple more weeks, or if I have another ultrasound and see the heartbeat then I will try to find it on my own afterwards, I don't want to stress out.

MEPride, when is your first appt or ultrasound?

I meet with the OBGYN for my first appointment tomorrow. I'm going to ask her all the questions about the ultrasound that the tech couldn't tell me and I hope she will want to recheck my dates and send me for another one :)

Yeah I heard it just before 10 weeks with him, but that's when I got it so I didn't try any earlier. Hopefully I can find it next week just to know there is actually something in there :haha:
I was watching videos on YouTube and there were people finding it around 7 weeks with my Doppler, I didn't think that was possible!
Mrs.B Thursday is not very far away!

Saraa, did you use the Doppler with your son as well? If so how early did you find the hearbeat? A lot of women don't hear it until 12 weeks so it may still be a while until you heart it, just don't panic :) I bought one also but I'm not trying it for a couple more weeks, or if I have another ultrasound and see the heartbeat then I will try to find it on my own afterwards, I don't want to stress out.

MEPride, when is your first appt or ultrasound?

I meet with the OBGYN for my first appointment tomorrow. I'm going to ask her all the questions about the ultrasound that the tech couldn't tell me and I hope she will want to recheck my dates and send me for another one :)

I've already seen my little bean on ultrasound. My scan is posted on this thread about 1 week back. I can't stop staring at it, lol. The heart rate was good and fast which gave me, and still gives me, reassurance even as my breast soreness seems to be disappearing. My first midwife appointment is Friday. I have a huge list of questions to ask, hahaha.
I used the doppler and I was able to hear the heartbeat. It was really low on my belly. It was so cute, my daughter helped me with is so she knows how to use it now :)

My son keeps coming up to me and says "Mom, do you still have the baby in your belly?" every single day when I get home from work he asks that, he also insists that it's a boy. I can't wait to find out what I'm having, I really have a feeling its a boy because of the symptoms and the heartbeat...since this pregnancy is the exact same as my little boy's, so we will see. It would be so nice to have two boys and one little girl. Our little girl has so many medical problems she honestly deserves to be the only girl.

Other than that sore boobs, tired, and feeling hungry all the time. I don't feel much yet. I feel huge too, I went to go by maternity pants for work since I work at an office this time around instead of being a stay at home mom in sweatpants. So I broke down and bought some, and they feel really comfy, I can't wait until it starts to get nice out so I can get some capri's and shorts!

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