October Pumpkins 2017

I agree with the others about telling your boss, orglethorp. I really don't think that telling your boss counts as "announcing" or anything, it's just necessary sometimes.

Mep- I'm not showing but definitely bloating and probably put on a few pounds with all the burgers I've been craving!

I'm seriously exhausted right now. DH and I were watching a TV show at 8 tonight and I was falling asleep. So now I'm laying in bed about to go to sleep. Really wild Friday night!
ME, yay for the heartbeat!! I think they say fast for a girl, don't they? :)

My bloating comes and goes but I definitely seem to be fatter than normal on my belly. Not a bump, just extra flab, but I'm quite thin so it looks a bit odd! All the eating probably isn't helping :p
MePride congrats on hearing the heartbeat, that's so exciting!!!

Oglethorp, I know how you feeling about keeping it a secret but since your boss is asking questions and you have been sick a couple of times, you may want to consider telling her, in strict confidence. She may be willing for you not to get a Dr's note then. They are really pointless. If you go after the fact, tell the Dr you've been sick, they write a note, charge you a fee, and what did it really accomplish? Your boss has no more proof than she did when you called in sick.

Does anyone have any upcoming appts?

I was soooo tired last night. I worked a 12 hour dayshift, was falling asleep on my 25 min drive home and couldn't wait to put my son to bed. I went to bed at 8:15, think I was sleeping my 8:16, woke up at 12 to go pee, feel back asleep until 4 am when I had to get up for work again.
My boss is being borrowed by another location today through Friday, and the manager who's in charge of our department in the mean time is a much friendlier person to deal with. I think I may pull him aside sometime tomorrow and explain myself.

In the mean time, my mother suggested writing up a little note for my boss saying "x clinic is closed on weekends, y clinic won't see me as a walkin, z clinic doesn't take walkins; I have an appointment with my doctor on the 16th. I am willing to get a note to you after that appointment if you still want it."
Orglethorp I honestly think you're walking a tightrope by not telling your boss the truth. Later when you choose to announce she is going to remember you lied to her. Will your Dr be willing to just write that you had a stomach bug?I know mine would not, but not all Drs are the same. Plus if you continue to get morning sickness or it comes back later, it's going to be harder to explain.

My appointment is this Friday!
I said I'm going to tell management. I'm not bending over backwards to find a walkin clinic, though. They can wait for my next appointment.
Whilst not ideal, I think it's generally understood that women in the first trimester may lie about the cause of their symptoms as most are not comfortable telling until 12 weeks. Most people will understand and won't take offence at the lie. I think it's a good idea to tell the nicer manager though, Orglethorp... sounds like you're not being given much choice so at least you'll be able to tell someone you feel more comfortable with. Good luck :)
I agree, good luck orglethorp! I'm lucky to have a very understanding and friendly manager who would totally understand. I hope your manager is the same way.

Also, even though your manager may know, you can ask that the news be kept 'hush hush' so the rest of the office doesn't find out until you are ready. You'll have that surprise at least!!!

AFM, DH and I had our first 'shopping' excursion for baby. Haha, it was a disaster. I thought it'd be cute to send his parents a 'Grandparent Starter Kit' with a bottle, inside, and newborn socks. DH was agreeable so we went to Target. I thought gender neutral was best but holy heck... it's hard to find gender neutral onesies!!! And he was dead set on getting sports related onesies. We compromised by getting some sports related and some non sports related onesies, but we spent double the $$ in the process because we couldn't agree. Hahaha, he has a lot to learn.... I sent him a picture of a flyer in the midwife's office yesterday. New Daddy Bootcamp. The basics to changing diapers and caring for a newborn. He was all for it... even said he'd put on war paint on his face and get a utility belt and outfit it with bottles and pacifiers!! I hope he does because I would laugh and it would go in the baby book.
Well, once we announce on Facebook, it'll get around work. I've got a few coworkers friended.
Haven't been on here in ages! Have been so busy.. lots to read and catch up on! Sounds like all is going well for everyone.

I understand the not telling your employer situation. I decided to tell my manager at 4weeks and was put on light duties with immediate effect. Which I wanted. Otherwise I would have waited for sure. The benefit has been that she is really understanding when I have called in sick, especially after my losses.

I have had my booking in appointment with my midwife and declined an early scan. We decided to wait for our 12 week scan which is on March 22nd ( I'll be 11w4d) then it's all systems go with announcing! Not even our parents know yet!

I will be having a consultant appointment soon due to previous pregnancy and birth difficulties. But I'm ok with this as I know it's all for the greater good!

As for my symptoms, my (.)(.) are sore allllll over! I have white milk dots around my nipples too.. my tummy is hardening slightly at the bottom although my bloat is still there! No MS just that meh feeling! My clothes don't fit.. and my (.)(.) which are normally a G cup are now even bigger.
Bit late on the game, but got my bfp two weeks ago. I'm 5+5 today, due 31st of October (Halloween!), but I think I am made to have early babies. My daughter was born at 37+5, so will probably be more like mid-October when this one arrives. This is our second and last as I'm 37 and will be done having babies after this. Our daughter is 4, will be 4.5 when this baby is born.

Nothing too exciting to report. I remember last time everything seemed so new and I felt so awful right away. I have felt rough from about 3+3, but I'm taking it more in my stride this time. No time for resting or complaining, so just getting on with it, so I think I don't notice it quite as much. Though I've been very short-tempered with everyone this weekend, so that's not great!

I've called the midwives and should have my booking appointment in the next few weeks. They'll send me the letter this week sometime. I'm with the home birth team here (my daughter was also born at home) and they are lovely, come out to your house to do all your appointments. You need to go in to the hospital for scans and such, but otherwise all at home, which is really nice and a change from my first when we had to go to the GP surgery. Scan should be at end of April sometime.

We haven't told anyone yet. I'll tell my mum and stepdad in a few weeks. They're in the middle of moving house at the moment, so I'm giving them some time before we spring the news on them. We won't really tell anyone else til after my scan. Fortunately, my boss will be away for about a month from the second half of March (she's taking time off to go visit her daughter in NZ who is about to have her baby), so I'll avoid really having to see too many people at work until after my scan anyway, so makes it easier to keep it on the down low since I don't really want to tell any of them before then. I work an office job with 2 days a week at home anyway, so it's pretty low stress.

Congrats to everyone else. Hope you're all feeling well so far (or as well as can be expected!).
As for my symptoms, my (.)(.) are sore allllll over! I have white milk dots around my nipples too.. my tummy is hardening slightly at the bottom although my bloat is still there! No MS just that meh feeling! My clothes don't fit.. and my (.)(.) which are normally a G cup are now even bigger.

I wear a 34K and I have to order my bras from the UK because the US doesn't believe in big boobs (or maybe they do, but they don't believe in big boobs with smaller band sizes... it's silly).
I am only 5 + 1 so I have a feeling I'm going to start having difficulties in the bra area, soon... so far they're just sore.
First appointment for me today! I just picked up my sample pot to prepare and then I'll hopefully get my scan date in a few days. I'm most excited about telling my boys, it's been hard keeping it a secret from them. I hope they are pleased!
KRobbo - Good luck at your appointment today!

MindUtopia - Welcome! I know what you mean exactly. This is pregnancy number three for me so I'm just kind of like yeah yeah let's get on with it LOL. No real symptoms so to speak, but i was the same with my other two pregnancies as well.

Oglethorp - Good luck with the job situation. Hopefully they will be understanding about the pregnancy and work with you on your absences. I know some companies suck at being compassionate to pregnant mamas which just burns me, especially when it is another mother you're dealing with! The company my husband works HR for is so strict with attendance. I wouldn't do well there! Fortunately, I'm a teacher so we are given sick days/personal days each year. That's what we pull from too for maternity leave so it's nice.

As for me...I found the heartbeat with my doppler yesterday! I was beginning to worry a bit because I knew I found it in week 9 with my others and hadn't been so lucky this time. Come to find out, I think it just needed charged. As soon as a charged it for awhile, I found the heartbeat immediately. I took a huge sigh of relief. We still haven't told family. I think we are going to try to wait until after my 12 week appointment and then drop the news.
Had my booking in appointment today, 6 attempts to get blood out! :( never had an issue with blood being taken before but she just could not get it out, when she did it would stop and she'd have to wiggle it around.
All booked in though, gotta wait for my scan date to come through and I've just booked my private early gender scan for when I'm 15+5 :) :)
Hi everyone, just checking in. I'm on vacation so forgive me for not addressing individuals. I hope everyone is doing ok

I've been nauseous and throwing up once most days. I also found out I have a simple cyst on my left ovary, which I had with nora and I'm not worried about (not sure who was recently asking about ovarian cysts), and a small subchorionic hemorrhage. Hopefully it will resolve on its own, but it does increase my chance of miscarriage. :( I had about 24 hours of bleeding ending last night, enough to need a liner. We did a bit of hiking Saturday so that may have irritated it. I'm hoping everything is ok.
Drjo sorry to hear about the cyst, I hope it resolves itself soon :hugs:

Saraaa how annoying that it was so difficult to get blood, maybe she was New?

Lindsay yay for finding the hb:happydance: I can't wait to get a Doppler.

Krobbo how was your appointment?

Welcome Mindutopia :flower:

MrsReed glad you got your booking in went well:)

AFM still getting on and off ms, but not every day. First US is this Friday, I'm so nervous :nope:
Spoke to the nicer manager today who's in charge while my usual boss is on loan to another store. I told him I'm pregnant and explained the doctor's note situation. He said because of the reason, waiting until my next appointment is perfectly fine, but I do still have to bring a note. He'll talk to my boss about it all. Now fingers crossed she doesn't mention my pregnancy in front of my coworkers when she gets back and decides to discuss it with me. She'd totally do that.
MrsReed - Sorry about the (.)(.) pain. I get it off and on too and have noticed that I've increased at least 2 cup sizes already :shock:

KRubbo - Hope your appointment went well!

Lindsay - How exciting to have found the heartbeat so soon! I wasn't able to find my baby's heartbeat until 10 weeks for the first time.

Saraaa - Yikes! I would have passed out with that many pokes. I dread bloodwork. I have "poppy" veins and it is very hard for them to get blood out of me too unless I have an experienced tech. Most times they have to use the smallest needle available. Makes for getting IVs at birth no fun :(

DrJo - My MS has been fading since I turned 9 weeks (although today I had a miserable day and dry heaved in the morning) so hopefully you won't have to deal with it too much longer... especially on vacation that has to be miserable, you poor thing! :hugs:

Stillpraying - Good luck for your ultrasound but I'm sure everything is fine hun :flower:

Orglethorp - Glad you were able to figure something out but I hope for your sake that your boss keeps quiet. Nothing worse when you're already stressing about carrying a baby and somebody breaks the news before you're ready.

AFM I've been having some pains around my pubic bone. It feels like my uterus is trying to push out of my pelvis and causing some pain there. I also feel a little bump starting to form when I lay down and can even see it in the mornings when my bladder is full. I've been having this sharp stabbing pain in my right side that I'm not sure what it is from but it is worrying me a bit. I know the baby implanted on that side from my first ultrasound so I'm hoping it has to do with that. Maybe round ligament pain? Idk but I won't be getting another scan until 20 weeks so that kind of bums me out. I also still haven't announced my pregnancy yet.

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