October Pumpkins 2017

Hey ladies, I'm mainly just lurking but I have a question, are any of you still having sex? We've decided to wait to have sex till after the 12 week scan as I may be high risk because I have a heart shaped uterus. Anyway we still have foreplay, with my first pregnancy I used to get bad cramps after I had orgasm but this time around there are no cramps, does anyone else get cramps after orgasm or not. Makes me worry that I'm not feeling the cramps like last time. Can't wait to have my scan so I know everything is ok with baby.
Hey ladies, I'm mainly just lurking but I have a question, are any of you still having sex? We've decided to wait to have sex till after the 12 week scan as I may be high risk because I have a heart shaped uterus. Anyway we still have foreplay, with my first pregnancy I used to get bad cramps after I had orgasm but this time around there are no cramps, does anyone else get cramps after orgasm or not. Makes me worry that I'm not feeling the cramps like last time. Can't wait to have my scan so I know everything is ok with baby.

I will be honest when pregnant I'm not as sexual :cry: but we have actively been DTD . I remember getting contractions after DTD later in pregnancy, it's normal. Please speak with your doc if you are worried.

Also regarding gender, I'm hoping to know at 11 weeks. Plan on taking Harmony again at 9_10 week. .
Thanks for advice on camping on, I need to relax and decide nearer the time I guess. First tri is not a time to make any decisions as currently I feel like I am always going to feel this way! I'm actually not so secretly hoping that I get a call from the docs to say my iron is low so at least it can be fixed because I can barely parent this exhausted and dizzy!

Crazybird we don't really dtd when preggars until near the end - purely for natural induction purposes lol. But sometimes I'd cramp and other times not. I'm 9 weeks and 1 day too.

What is the Harmony test? I see it mentioned a lot.
Krobo good plan on just playing it by ear :) the Harmony test is similar to Maternity21 (and others) it tests for chromosomal abnormalities and other genetic things. Usually women who have history of MC, are older, or have genetic/chromosomal things in their family get tested. But it also tells you the gender.

Babifever glad to hear you're doing well:flower:

CrazyBird I still have sex normally with all of my pregnancies, although less in 1st tri because of sickness lol. I would call your dr and ask. I do sometimes cramp after orgasms but not always

Kitty that's exciting :) I found out at 15, 12, & 13 with my babies. Not sure what we will do this time.
I haven't really felt'in the mood' for sex, tbh. But we fool around and when I orgasm I have cramping... the first time I was surprised how intense it was. I haven't been too keen on orgasming since then because of how strong the cramps were.

Who is getting what tests done? DH and I decided to forgo all the screening tests. Neither of us have anything genetic in our lines (that we are aware of) and we are only 31 years old. It'll kill me to wait another 6-10 weeks for the next ultrasound to find out the gender though. We are considering getting a more in depth ultrasound done to look for genetic abnormalities, like Down Syndrome.
Hi everyone, glad you all seem to be doing well!

Crazybird, I have had ZERO desire to be intimate, plus we went away to Jamaica so I'm waiting on my Zika results and my husband still has to go for his since he can pass the virus onto the baby if he caught it so that really puts a damper on things.

I'm getting the nuchal translucency ultrasound and bloodwork done between 11-13 weeks but I didn't know there were so many other tests you could get done. It would be great to find out the gender so early through these tests but I don't know if it's something they do in Ontario generally. How is that test done? Does it test for more than the nuchal scan (down syndrome, trisomy 18 and 21, and I'm not sure what else).

I'm 8+1 based on my ultrasound but I think I'm 8+4 based on O date. I don't have another ultrasound for over 2 weeks when I go see my OB. That is soooo loonggg. I'm hoping to be able to pick up the heartbeat on my Doppler in the next week so I can be assured again. I wake up every night to get something to eat, my boobs are still sore (sometimes more than others), I'm more emotional and I've had a couple of days where nothing seems good to eat to me. Not really nauseous but I don't want anything even though I'm hungry.
I haven't really felt'in the mood' for sex, tbh. But we fool around and when I orgasm I have cramping... the first time I was surprised how intense it was. I haven't been too keen on orgasming since then because of how strong the cramps were.

Who is getting what tests done? DH and I decided to forgo all the screening tests. Neither of us have anything genetic in our lines (that we are aware of) and we are only 31 years old. It'll kill me to wait another 6-10 weeks for the next ultrasound to find out the gender though. We are considering getting a more in depth ultrasound done to look for genetic abnormalities, like Down Syndrome.

Harmony does all of that
I haven't really felt'in the mood' for sex, tbh. But we fool around and when I orgasm I have cramping... the first time I was surprised how intense it was. I haven't been too keen on orgasming since then because of how strong the cramps were.

Who is getting what tests done? DH and I decided to forgo all the screening tests. Neither of us have anything genetic in our lines (that we are aware of) and we are only 31 years old. It'll kill me to wait another 6-10 weeks for the next ultrasound to find out the gender though. We are considering getting a more in depth ultrasound done to look for genetic abnormalities, like Down Syndrome.

Harmony does all of that

Yup! I knew that. The point is we didn't want to spend the money on all these extra screening tests when we could wait for our next ultrasound regardless. Especially since we aren't at high risk for any of those conditions. The screening tests, like Harmony, seemed excessive in our case. Why spend hundreds extra when you could spend only $20 (random number thrown in) extra for the same (potentially more definitive) results?

Two thoughts as I'm thinking them: I just realized I have been driving around without my wallet for almost a week and could not, for the life of me, find it in the house. Of course my DH said I left it in the car after we went out to eat about a week ago. My memory is TERRIBLE these days!!!!

Second, I just heard some horrible news about my friend in her 3rd trimester... about 3 weeks away from her due date. I won't go into specifics to respect her privacy but it made me absolutely terrified. We go through the first trimester with anxiety and some fear and then feel less fearful the closer to the 2nd trimester we get. By the third trimester we should be practically 'home-free', so-to-speak. She is a living example this is not true and now I'm terrified and probably will be a bit terrified up until I hold a squealing healthy baby in my arms. I feel for her.
An ultrasound does not give more definitive results,. if you are low risk, most drs will just recommend the NT scan, if you have markers on an ultrasound that indicate the possibility of genetic/chromosomal issues they will encourage you to have the blood tests and possibly amniotisis if neesed. Im so sorry for your friend, those losses are so tragic :hugs:

So sick today. Another migraine. And my awful neighbor constantly smoking is really not helping.
Crazybird we have been DTD at least weekly since finding out we were pregnant and I used to cramp a lot in the beginning but not so much anymore. If you haven't been DTD it is highly possible that your body is just not used to it and that is your body's reaction. It shouldn't hurt the baby, but if it keeps up longer than a few times, I'd mention it to your doc.

MEpride we also plan on foregoing all the genetic testing. Sometimes (depending upon the test) getting it done is more of a risk than not doing it. Of course, if we had something genetic running in our family we would in a heartbeat. My next ultrasound isn't until 20 weeks so unless I go private - which I've been thinking about but not 100% sure yet - I won't find out gender until then. I think I'm going to have them put the gender in an envelope though to open when I get up the courage... I'm too chicken to find out during the ultrasound lol!

Meditteranean - I get days like that too, where I'm hungry but I just can't bring myself to eat anything. Usually during those times I eat a rather bland diet, like rice or a salad, and even then I have to force myself to eat it. Good luck at your next scan!

Stillpraying - So sorry you're feeling ill today! I have a migraine too. We had a major change in weather and I think that is why. I'm so sensitive to weather when I'm pregnant for some reason :(

Anyone "feel" like they know what they're having yet? They say maternal instinct is the best indicator ;)
An ultrasound does not give more definitive results,. if you are low risk, most drs will just recommend the NT scan, if you have markers on an ultrasound that indicate the possibility of genetic/chromosomal issues they will encourage you to have the blood tests and possibly amniotisis if neesed. Im so sorry for your friend, those losses are so tragic :hugs:

So sick today. Another migraine. And my awful neighbor constantly smoking is really not helping.

Actually... it can. During an ultrasound a trained tech can measure certain anatomical parts that are characteristic to a particular genetic condition, like Down Syndrome. Forehead size, for example, or the spacing between the eyes. I never said it was 100% definitive of the condition as only a genetic diagnostic test can be 100% definitive. But yes, it can show certain traits that could make my midwife say, "we think your baby may possibly have Down Syndrome". And personally, that's good enough for me until the baby is born. Fingers crossed I never hear those words!

I'm sorry to hear about another migraine. Do you get them frequently in pregnancy? Does anything help give you relief? Migraines can be awful. I suffer from 2 kinds: ocular and vertilaginous. I go temporarily blind in one eye and have HORRIBLE pain with my ocular migraines. My vertilaginous migraines leave me with such disequilibrium that I can't stand up for fear of falling over. Thankfully I have less pain with those and more unrelenting fatigue. Ice packs at the base of my skull and around my eyes help to lessen the pain... along with a healthy dose of caffeine. I hope you feel better!
Had my first midwife app yesterday all went well, confirmed my date at 17th October 2017, got date for first scan which shall be on 7th April oooohhh cant come soon enough
Had to reschedule my first midwife appointment only a few days though. My daughter is having her adenoids taken out next Wednesday, so I decided to take off next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. So decided to switch it to a later date since I have my worry with my daughter right now. I'll be 12 weeks so not bad at all.

Got the deposit down on our gender scan for the 22nd of April, we are so excited to find out what we are having. My DH wants a girl but he says it's a boy...just because I think it's a boy and we already have names picked out. Candayce Anne OR Connor James.

Everything has been good with me for a while. I haven't really had any morning sickness, just because at my job I can eat and drink whenever so it makes it easier, I'm always snacking at work. My boobs really hurt but that's always a good sign, I figure!

I can't wait until it starts getting nice out so I can take this puppy for a walk, it's been so cold out lately, but at work I do get to do yoga as well as go for a walk with coworkers for an hour in a half and get paid for it :) so I figure that's my exercise! :haha: Has anybody weighed themselves lately? I weighed myself yesterday at work and I was 150...holy moly I can just imagine what I"m going to be like when I am in the 2nd and 3rd trimester!

My gender scan is the same day at 12pm! :) :)
I've been thinking boy, but I don't feel 100% stuck to that theory yet. OH thinks boy also. Everyone else we've told thinks girl. We'll see!
I plan to do genetic testing due to my age. Nothing runs in my family, but forewarned is forearmed.

I've been weighing myself often. I've actually lost a little weight despite eating constantly (and sometimes terribly). I'm usually subclinical hyperthyroid and this baby is making it worse, but not enough to make my endocrinologist do anything yet.
The doctor said more likely than not this is an abnormal pregnancy. I go back again next Thursday and she said if no heartbeat then it's definitely not viable and I will either choose to miscarry naturally, take medication to induce or D&C. She said she would be surprised if there's a heartbeat next week, but it is a possibility. She also said the biggest alarm is not that there's no heartbeat but that the gestational is larger than the yolk sac, even though both grow since last week , also last week no fetal pole, this week it was ... I should be 7+4 based on LMP, gestational sac is 6+1 , yolk sac is 5+1, fetal pole visible but no heartbeat; last week no measurements but gestational and yolk sac visible.
Babifever I hope this turns around for you:hugs:

Verily my sister chose to do genetic testing because of age as well, she said it was nice to have the reassurance:thumbup: I hope the thyroid issues don't become a problem for you. Do you take medication or anything?

Amanda yay for first appointment!

My Doppler came today and I found the hb:happydance: tomorrow is my ultrasound, I'm very nervous.
Oh Babifever I'm so sorry to hear this :( I know of this all too well. When I went in for my 10 week u/s on my previous pregnancy I was told there was no heartbeat and baby was only measuring 6 weeks. It's crushing to hear. I'm glad they are giving you another scan in case you are behind on your dates. I'll be thinking about you.
So sorry Babi. I hope the next scan gives you good news :hugs:
I'm sorry to hear this babifever. I hope it turns out just fine for you in the end. 😢 My thoughts go out with you.

Second prenatal appointment today for a physical so I'll get to hear the heartbeat today. First pelvic exam (yuck) but no pap needed as I had one last year. If all goes well I've made a plan to buy our first cloth diaper in celebration! We are planning to cloth diaper our lil one to save money in the long run. I figure I'll try to buy a diaper or insert every week until delivery so the sticker shock won't be so bad!!! Amazon Prime is going to be working over time!!!! Has anyone cloth diapered? What are you favorite brands? I'll probably stock up on AI2's and will also get newborn-15 lbs.

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