October Pumpkins 2017

Had my booking in appointment today, 6 attempts to get blood out! :( never had an issue with blood being taken before but she just could not get it out, when she did it would stop and she'd have to wiggle it around.

Sounds like the person was newish, but... Did you also drink plenty of water beforehand? My veins go into hiding when I'm even a little dehydrated, and it's so easy to get dried out while pregnant. Got the best scolding from a phlebotomist when I popped in early in the morning for a beta draw and only had a small glass of water. :dohh:

I had the same sort of first appointment with my regular OB today (after being handed off by my reproductive endocrinologist). I spent 2 1/2 hours in the doctor's office between filling out paperwork, talking extensively with my OB's primary nurse, getting some cultures, getting an ultrasound (my LO was wiggling <3 ), and then getting 7 vials of blood drawn. With the last bit, she was able to hit the vein properly on the first try (thank goodness) and didn't leave my arm a wreck--unlike my progesterone draw last week that resulted in a big bruise.
MrsReed - Sorry about the (.)(.) pain. I get it off and on too and have noticed that I've increased at least 2 cup sizes already :shock:

KRubbo - Hope your appointment went well!

Lindsay - How exciting to have found the heartbeat so soon! I wasn't able to find my baby's heartbeat until 10 weeks for the first time.

Saraaa - Yikes! I would have passed out with that many pokes. I dread bloodwork. I have "poppy" veins and it is very hard for them to get blood out of me too unless I have an experienced tech. Most times they have to use the smallest needle available. Makes for getting IVs at birth no fun :(

DrJo - My MS has been fading since I turned 9 weeks (although today I had a miserable day and dry heaved in the morning) so hopefully you won't have to deal with it too much longer... especially on vacation that has to be miserable, you poor thing! :hugs:

Stillpraying - Good luck for your ultrasound but I'm sure everything is fine hun :flower:

Orglethorp - Glad you were able to figure something out but I hope for your sake that your boss keeps quiet. Nothing worse when you're already stressing about carrying a baby and somebody breaks the news before you're ready.

AFM I've been having some pains around my pubic bone. It feels like my uterus is trying to push out of my pelvis and causing some pain there. I also feel a little bump starting to form when I lay down and can even see it in the mornings when my bladder is full. I've been having this sharp stabbing pain in my right side that I'm not sure what it is from but it is worrying me a bit. I know the baby implanted on that side from my first ultrasound so I'm hoping it has to do with that. Maybe round ligament pain? Idk but I won't be getting another scan until 20 weeks so that kind of bums me out. I also still haven't announced my pregnancy yet.

I've been having an intermittent sharp stabbing pain on the right side, too, lilmisscaviar. I asked my midwife and she said everything looked fine on the ultrasound. She thinks it may be round ligament pain even though I've been getting it since the beginning.
My appointment went fine. The midwife has changed since my last pregnancy and I didn't like her very much, she was very old school and short - she had a trainee with her and was being very impatient with her. She didn't want to do my gtt until 25 weeks which I think is ridiculous as I was on insulin 4 times a day by the time I left first tri last time. I had to push to get an earlier one done but she wasn't impressed at being questioned! Almost makes me pleased I'll be high risk and won't have to see her much!

Sorry there seems to be so much sickness around, I'm 9 weeks today and still up and down with it. In a few weeks we'll all be in second tri and feeling the glow!

I'm feeling a little disappointed today as it's really hitting me that our summer trip will have to be cut short. We were meant to be camping for 5 weeks Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. I'll be 28-33 weeks by then. DH thinks it's a terrible idea and is suggesting we cut it back to 3 weeks. I'm saying let's see how my pregnancy and health go and make a decision later - what do you ladies think? Would you camp pregnant?
Had my booking in appointment today, 6 attempts to get blood out! :( never had an issue with blood being taken before but she just could not get it out, when she did it would stop and she'd have to wiggle it around.

Sounds like the person was newish, but... Did you also drink plenty of water beforehand? My veins go into hiding when I'm even a little dehydrated, and it's so easy to get dried out while pregnant. Got the best scolding from a phlebotomist when I popped in early in the morning for a beta draw and only had a small glass of water. :dohh:

I had the same sort of first appointment with my regular OB today (after being handed off by my reproductive endocrinologist). I spent 2 1/2 hours in the doctor's office between filling out paperwork, talking extensively with my OB's primary nurse, getting some cultures, getting an ultrasound (my LO was wiggling <3 ), and then getting 7 vials of blood drawn. With the last bit, she was able to hit the vein properly on the first try (thank goodness) and didn't leave my arm a wreck--unlike my progesterone draw last week that resulted in a big bruise.

I had to go straight from work but I had drunk a big bottle of juice before going. The Burger King I had just as I left work probably didn't help haha :haha:
Least I'll had drunk loads when I have to go for my bloods after my 12 week scan, so hopefully they'll be fine!
Glad your scan went ok! :happydance:
KRobbo - I guess you'll have to go with how you're feeling at the time, with my son I didn't really feel pregnant apart from the belly so I would probably have been more than happy to travel around.
Would you have to get insurance or something like that just incase you went into labour early in one of those places?
Had to reschedule my first midwife appointment only a few days though. My daughter is having her adenoids taken out next Wednesday, so I decided to take off next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. So decided to switch it to a later date since I have my worry with my daughter right now. I'll be 12 weeks so not bad at all.

Got the deposit down on our gender scan for the 22nd of April, we are so excited to find out what we are having. My DH wants a girl but he says it's a boy...just because I think it's a boy and we already have names picked out. Candayce Anne OR Connor James.

Everything has been good with me for a while. I haven't really had any morning sickness, just because at my job I can eat and drink whenever so it makes it easier, I'm always snacking at work. My boobs really hurt but that's always a good sign, I figure!

I can't wait until it starts getting nice out so I can take this puppy for a walk, it's been so cold out lately, but at work I do get to do yoga as well as go for a walk with coworkers for an hour in a half and get paid for it :) so I figure that's my exercise! :haha: Has anybody weighed themselves lately? I weighed myself yesterday at work and I was 150...holy moly I can just imagine what I"m going to be like when I am in the 2nd and 3rd trimester!
Nice to read how everyone is doing.

KRobbo - I would definitely go camping when pregnant. Actually, we definitely will around that time too, though not for so long as summer is our busy season for our business, but we'll carve out a few weekends here and there. I will likely be away for a conference for work (my choice, I don't have to go, but I want to) when I'm about 33 weeks, which will be to Glasgow, so have to fly. That's probably about the limit of when I want to be away on my own, but I think it will be fine, though I'd cancel it if there was anything worrying that came up. You can always see how you feel.

Only thing to report here is that I'm SO hungry. This is an entertaining development because with my first I had no appetite at all from about 4 weeks until 14 weeks. This time literally everything looks good and everything is like the best thing I've ever eaten every single time! :shrug:
Glad to hear you are all doing well and seeing some happy ultrasounds!

Yesterday I had a bit of brown spotting, very small amount, like I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't obsessively checking my undies and cm. I panicked and called the midwife who said it's likely nothing to worry about, could just be implantation bleeding coming out and to just watch and rest. I took the day off work so I'm at home resting and hoping everything is alright. My ultrasound next week seriously can't come soon enough!
Welcome Momma Piglet! Congrats!

Miss Yogi - I too had a small bit of brown discharge a few weeks ago. It went away with no cause identified but everything is well. I think as long as it is scant and brown, it's just one of those things that happen. Try not to stress! I know that's easier said than done lol.

All ladies....do me a huge favor. I have been super swamped with work right now (IEP season!). I have been trying to keep up with all the new additions and changes. Please take a look at page one and make sure I have you marked under your due date. If you aren't on there, or have had your due date change, please respond to this and let me know so I can get it changed. I feel like there have been a few ladies who didn't post an actual due date. I promise, I'm not trying to exclude you, I'm just not sure where to put you if you haven't told me a date. :)
saraaa: Wow that's way too many attempts. Definitely sounds new. I hope I can get a gender scan that early!

verily: Long time at the docs office but congrats on seeing your little one! I can't wait until we finally get to see ours, whenever that might be.

KRobbo: I would go camping definitely! I think I would take precautions but I don't see why you have to cut it short. Maybe just make a plan in case something does happen?

KitteyKat: What lovely names! I haven't weighed myself because I'm afraid to :haha:

Congrats to those who have found their baby's heartbeats on a doppler already! I just got mine yesterday, might try and find it tonight. I am just so nervous but I know if I don't find it that's ok too since I"m only 9w. I just really want that reassurance so FX! Also my MS feels like it's starting to let up finally, I was so afraid I'd have to deal with it until 2nd tri or later but maybe I'll be lucky and it'll be completely gone by then.
Angel good luck with finding hb, I ordered my Doppler last night.

Missyogi glad you're resting :hugs:

Mindutopia I have that same thing going on. I literally just ate TWO PB&J sandwiches and my stomach still feels empty! If this keeps up I'm going to gain a TON of weight:growlmad:

Kitty how far long will you be at your scan? I'm thinking of doing mine at 14 weeks since that' will be on my birthday :)

Krobbo sorry you had an obnoxious mw, hopefully you won't have to deal with her anymore! As for camping, I would do it but only if I had something to sleep on. I really don't think I could sleep on the ground that far long :haha:

AFM only 2 1/2 days until my ultrasound :wacko:
My due date is currently October 8th. :)

I hope you have a great U/S, StillPraying!
Found baby's hb on the doppler! Took a few mins but now I know how to find it yay! The screen said 178 bpm but not sure how accurate that is. Just made me even more excited!
MrsReed - Sorry about the (.)(.) pain. I get it off and on too and have noticed that I've increased at least 2 cup sizes already :shock:

KRubbo - Hope your appointment went well!

Lindsay - How exciting to have found the heartbeat so soon! I wasn't able to find my baby's heartbeat until 10 weeks for the first time.

Saraaa - Yikes! I would have passed out with that many pokes. I dread bloodwork. I have "poppy" veins and it is very hard for them to get blood out of me too unless I have an experienced tech. Most times they have to use the smallest needle available. Makes for getting IVs at birth no fun :(

DrJo - My MS has been fading since I turned 9 weeks (although today I had a miserable day and dry heaved in the morning) so hopefully you won't have to deal with it too much longer... especially on vacation that has to be miserable, you poor thing! :hugs:

Stillpraying - Good luck for your ultrasound but I'm sure everything is fine hun :flower:

Orglethorp - Glad you were able to figure something out but I hope for your sake that your boss keeps quiet. Nothing worse when you're already stressing about carrying a baby and somebody breaks the news before you're ready.

AFM I've been having some pains around my pubic bone. It feels like my uterus is trying to push out of my pelvis and causing some pain there. I also feel a little bump starting to form when I lay down and can even see it in the mornings when my bladder is full. I've been having this sharp stabbing pain in my right side that I'm not sure what it is from but it is worrying me a bit. I know the baby implanted on that side from my first ultrasound so I'm hoping it has to do with that. Maybe round ligament pain? Idk but I won't be getting another scan until 20 weeks so that kind of bums me out. I also still haven't announced my pregnancy yet.

I've been having an intermittent sharp stabbing pain on the right side, too, lilmisscaviar. I asked my midwife and she said everything looked fine on the ultrasound. She thinks it may be round ligament pain even though I've been getting it since the beginning.

It does sound like it could be round ligament pain since it isn't constant. This would be really early for me but I suppose it is possible to feel it earlier with the more babies you have, just like with movement. I rested up today and haven't had it at all so I'm going to continue to be hopeful :)
MEpride I've found the more water I drink the less pains like that I have. Maybe try increasing your water intake?

Angel yay for finding hb!! Mine should be here on Thursday!
Hey guys I'm still lurking, just haven't had time to post a lot especially considering I'm also journaling this pregnancy. Glad to see everyone is moving along.
I've got the day off today and I slept in. Big mistake. No food between supper last night and now (10am). I know I'm really hungry right now, but I feel sick. Trying to work up the courage to eat something :p
Stillpraying: I will be just over 16 weeks. That's when we found out what we are were having with baby #2. I'm very excited. This time is flying by now, I can't believe I will be 10 weeks tomorrow! <3 Crazy.

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