October Pumpkins 2017

My prayers are with you babifever, I hope everything turns out! :hugs:

As for me, I tried my doppler again, couldn't find the heartbeat, but I'm not really too worried, as I do have a uterus that lays back a lot, so therefore the baby lays back! And it's harder to find. My appointment is now the 23rd instead of the 20th, my daughter is having surgery on the 15th and she may not be well enough to go to daycare the 20th so I may have to watch her, so I figured it would just be easier if my mom could come and watch the kids while DH and I go to our appointment, since it's about an hour in a half appointment!
I got my booking appointment date which is for the 29th of March. It seems forever away though. With my first, I was traveling for work for 3 weeks (week 8 through 10), so I had to have my booking scheduled for 7 weeks. Waiting until 9 weeks seems soooooo long.

But I did book in for a private reassurance scan today for when I'm 8+3. I didn't do one with my daughter, but I'm older now (36), so I felt like it would be nice to have that extra reassurance. We'll also likely see close family for the weekend in mid-April (before my 12 week scan). There's no way I can get away with not drinking for an entire weekend, so we'll have to tell them and really I'd like to know everything looks okay before then. So at least 2 weeks doesn't seem too far away.

Babifever, so sorry about all the uncertainty you're going through at the moment. Hope there will be positive news for you next time.
Oh babifever, how stressful! I sure hope dates are just a little off and you get a special surprise at your next visit. I bet that wait is agonizing. Try to pamper yourself a bit and relax. (Easier said than done, I know!)

KitteyKat - I'm still hit or miss on finding the heartbeat with my doppler and I'm almost 11 weeks now. I was definitely finding it more consistently with my last pregnancies, but all pregnancies are different so I'm not stressed about it. I also had surgery which left a 5 inch scar across my lower tummy which is where I normally find the heartbeat so maybe that is affecting it?

We are debating on when to tell our news. I have told a few close friends, but no one else, not even our parents. My 12 week appoint is on 3/21 so I think I will feel comfortable sharing after that. But, we might just wait until Easter so we can tell our big family at the same time. We are going to my in laws the weekend after Easter so they would find out then too. I'll be 16 weeks on Easter. I would love to be able to tell them the gender as well but we'll see. I haven't decided if we are going to do a private gender scan. Around here, they ask plus size mamas to wait until 17 weeks but I found out right at 16 weeks with my first so who knows.
Actually, we are taking a trip to the Cinci area a few days before Easter so I was just looking up ultrasound places there because I would love to be able to know the gender when we tell family. All of them say to wait until 16 weeks. I would be 15w4d when we would be able to do it. I wonder if that would be close enough?
Sorry to hear that babifever :(

Just got my scan date through, 30th of march at 2:30! Luckily it's my day off work so no one will notice I'm gone lol. I'll be 12+3 then :)
Actually, we are taking a trip to the Cinci area a few days before Easter so I was just looking up ultrasound places there because I would love to be able to know the gender when we tell family. All of them say to wait until 16 weeks. I would be 15w4d when we would be able to do it. I wonder if that would be close enough?

I would call and ask, since different places have different policies. Inhad one that said 13 weeks but they took me at 12.4 :)
Mind, I think that's great that you booked a private scan ! The only private scan s here are the 3D and 4 d ones otherwise I would be tempted to go every week lol.

I tried my Doppler today and after a few minutes my Doppler was showing 120-180 bpm but was all over the place. I'm not sure if this was baby or not. For those of you that found the heartbeat, did your bpm go from low - mid 100's and high 100's in a matter off seconds and back down, up, etc?
Had a good appointment today! Found out my uterus is tilted a bit far back.... dunno what that means other than it may take a bit longer to show a bump and be harder to find a heartbeat.

I bought my first newborn cloth diaper cover today! Yay! I got a rumparooz all-in-2 with snap in insert for 4-15 lb babies. I'm excited.

And I celebrated by buying myself a pregnancy safe anti-acne face wash because DANG!! I get these acne flare ups once a week to every two weeks. It blows. And being prone to acne I'm afraid I'll have it the entire pregnancy and breast feeding.

I should get my gender/anatomy scan scheduled soonish. I'll get it done around 18 weeks.

Planning on telling a couple coworkers I'm friends with in a week when I'll be 12+3. My boss I'll tell a week later when he gets back from vacation. My closest friend and coworker just received a job offer that she's planning to take and she told him this week. I don't want to give him a heart attack before he goes on vacation by telling him he will be 2 staff members short when we are so busy with full staff. Hahaha, plus my maternity leave will coincide with the start of 2 new orthopedic surgeons upstairs which mean we will be SUPER EXTRA busy. He will have a meltdown.
babifever: I really hope your next scan gives you some good news :hugs:

Meditteranean: I don't think the readout is all that accurate this early on. When I use mine it jumps a lot too. I've done it twice now and found baby's hb both times and the readout is always jumping around so who knows. Maybe it's more accurate later on? I pretty much ignore the readout and just enjoy the sound of baby's hb :cloud9:

Congrats to everyone who already have their scans booked. I won't find out when mine will be until I see my OB on the 15th. I'm guessing that appointment will cover a lot and hopefully we'll book my first scan. Most seem to want to do a scan at 12w which I'm fine with. For now the doppler gives me the reassurance I need. I feel like we're going to have a girl but that could be because I really want a girl :haha:
Angel 12 weeks is great for nub guessing on scans :thumbup: lol hope you get your date soon!

MEpride I'm planning on cloth diapering also! Been reading and watching a million videos on it lol that sucks about the breakouts, I hope the cream helps!

Mediterranean my midwife said the readings aren't accurate this early. You may be hearing your heartbeat as well. If it sounds like a whoosh whoosh noise it's your hb, if it sounds like a galloping horse it's baby. I YouTubed it first so I knew what to listen for lol i was so confused at first. Hope that helps :)

I had my first ultrasound today! I think with Ramzi theory it should be a girl? Lol not sure. She said the placenta was on the left. But the yolk sac was on the right, because baby is still getting nutrients from that. I'm being reffered to high risk OB and they'll do another ultrasound close to 15 weeks.


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Babifever, sorry to hear that. I hope you get good news next time!

I got my first u/s date, March 29th. I'll be 2 days shy of 12 weeks based on LMP then, but I expect to measure a week behind that since my cycles are 35 days. I'm excited, but also slightly disappointed. Work's been wanting to get me trained on the power equipment and that's test day of the 2-day training course they got me signed up for. Murphy's law, right?
Got my scan date through.. mine is on the 22nd March and I'll be 11w4d.. just over a week away now!

Private party over here in my head as I hit 10weeks today!! Wohhooo:happydance:
I read the appointment paper and it says the tech won't discuss results with me. All info will be sent back to the referring doctor. So I don't get to find out on scan day how far along I actually am?
Orgle- that may depend on the clinic. In my ultrasound, the tech showed me the heartbeat and told me measurements, but she couldn't tell me about the ovarian cyst or the subchorionic hemorrhage.

Afm, I have an ultrasound with the specialists on Wednesday, shortly before my first midwife appointment. I'm scared they won't find a heartbeat. I've had 3 bleeding/spotting episodes in 9 days. My hemorrhage is in the lower uterine segment which tends to be worse bc the bleeding irritates the cervix. For now I'm on pelvic rest and not to lift more than 30 lbs. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news on Wed.
Ladies from England, how do you get your exemption card?
I'm sure with my son it just appeared in the post one day, but my friend that's got a 6 month old said she had to fill in a form that came in her pack from the midwife.
I didn't get anything in mine... and I have the dentist next month so I don't want to pay :haha:
I was sick last night, and then once I got back to bed OH was up trying to stop a headache that woke him, and then when he got back to bed the cats decided to use our bed as a trampoline. And it's daylight savings time here in Canada, so we lost an hour. My alarm went off to get ready for work, I was so tired my eyes hurt and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to keep breakfast down, so I reported in sick and went back to bed. Now it's 11:30. I slept until 10, had breakfast, and I'm feeling guilty for missing work. :/
I have no idea what I'd do if I didn't work from home as sick as I've felt for the past few weeks. I guess in that regard I can count myself lucky but man I'll be so glad when this MS business is over!
I envy you! I've been keeping my eyes open for years for a decent work from home job that doesn't require driving to meet clients (we've only got 1 vehicle, so if I'm home I'm housebound).
Ugh I've been so sick today, for most of the day I've not been able to keep water down. I hope it's an off day and not a sign of things to come for a wee while. Ive given in and asked for help and MIL will be here Tuesday to entertain my boys. I don't think I could even manage to work from him angelgirl! I had to make a display for my son for school tomorrow and that just about finished me off!
Ladies from England, how do you get your exemption card?
I'm sure with my son it just appeared in the post one day, but my friend that's got a 6 month old said she had to fill in a form that came in her pack from the midwife.
I didn't get anything in mine... and I have the dentist next month so I don't want to pay :haha:

At my booking in appointmenty midwife mentioned the card and I got it through the following week (8weeks) she seemed on the ball. Might be worth asking yours? It might be different in other areas?

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