October Pumpkins 2017

I totally understand lindsayms05. There is a apart of me that wants to keep the information private as long as possible. But my pants are getting snugger (too much cheese and chocolate, hahaha) so I don't think I can keep it a secret for too much longer. The other part of me is bursting to tell my mom as she has been on grandbaby bump watch for the past couple years and it would make her so happy.

I'm almost dreading telling the inlaws. I know they'll be happy but since I'm not terribly close to them... I don't know. It's easier, I suppose, to not say anything at all and then surprise them in 6 months with a "congrats! You're grandparents!".

I stepped on the scale last night and realized I've probably gained 6-8 pounds this first trimester. WHOOPS! WITHOUT morning sickness and a ravenous hunger I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. I'm a fairly lean person of 130 lb at 5'7" so 6-8 lb doesn't really show, but still! I was determined to not gain a ton of weight. It's all the cheese and chocolate! Gah!
Haha...I wish I could keep it a secret for awhile longer too but my mom is definitely going to put two and two together soon. I see her almost everyday so I know that cat will be out of the bag soon. I'm sure it will be okay. We will tell them soon.

As far as weight gain, I have gained about 2 pounds according to my scale. It's really weird for me because I usually have zero appetite in the first half of my pregnancy. With my other two, at my 12 week appointment, I was down about 10 pounds. For some reason, I crave sweet stuff this pregnancy so I know I am indulging in too much sugar. I love speedy freezes right now lol. You are slim to start with so your weight gain thus far is okay. I'm a bit over weight so I'm always encouraged to gain less weight, hopefully sticking around 15 pounds. That was easy with my daughter because I was down 10 after first tri so we'll see how it goes with this one. LOL!
I hope everyone is doing well! Haven't had a chance to check much past couple days. Today was my first OB appointment and they did a smear, transvag. ultrasound and basically just took a lot of information. We were so excited to see our baby for the first time eeek!!!! :cloud9: Baby measured perfectly to date and my due date stays Oct. 8th, just 2 days after my bday! Baby was really active so took a bit to get a good shot but I'm attaching a photo. Heartbeat was a healthy 160 bpm.

Welcome to the group, Ashley! Congrats. :)

Angelgirl - So glad your appointment went well and you were able to see your lo! Great pic. It's always such a wonderful feeling to see the babe for the first time.
MEPride and Lindsay, good luck with when you choose to announce. We haven't told anyone yet either. I'm in my 9th week so were waiting until at least 12 but I'd like to wait until we get the results from the nuchal scan. I've always told me parents right away but after my two losses I decided I would keep it a secret.

Angel, that's a great pic! I have my idea of what you will have so I'm curious to see if I'm right :) Are you going to find out?

I'm not sure if it was here that the hook effect was mentioned, I tried this out and I still had a very strong test line that appeared the instant the urine hit it. Maybe it varies from person to person. Mine was at 210,210 last week.
Hi everyone, I just found this thread. Due date for me is Oct 17. I went for a US yesterday, dated at 9w0d and saw kicking legs and a HR of 170.

Has anyone here tried to predict gender using the Ramzi theory? I looked at it last night, and if I am doing it right, I am expecting a little princess. Would be super happy to hear from anyone who did it on a past pregnancy to see if it's right or not! (I know, I'm nuts--just so excited, I can't stop!)
Welcome Ashley and syncro:)

Lovely pic, Angel!
A relieving ultrasound for me today. Little heart beating away at 188 and no sign of the subchorionic hemorrhage! I was measuring right on, so my due date stays Oct 24. And my blood pressure was totally normal today, which is also a relief considering I've had some high ones since having PIH with Nora.
I've been eating a lot of apples lately, and that seems to be good for MS. It's enough to fill the stomach but doesn't sit heavy, and it has a lot of digestive enzymes that'll help break down anything in the stomach better, too. OH and I start work 30 minutes apart, but he works a longer day, so I wait in the staff lounge at my work for 2 hours after my shift ends. I usually pack something like an apple as an extra snack for that wait. Lately I've been eating to apple on my first break instead, and it helps me get to lunch break WAY better than my other first break snack options have.
UK ladies how long after your booking in appointment did you get your scan letter? I remember it coming really quickly last time. I am already 10+2 and my booking in appointment was last Monday. I'm wondering whether I should ring and chase it?
UK ladies how long after your booking in appointment did you get your scan letter? I remember it coming really quickly last time. I am already 10+2 and my booking in appointment was last Monday. I'm wondering whether I should ring and chase it?

Mine came within about 4 days, but with my son it took ages to come. Mines booked for the 30th of march
Welcome Ashley and syncronisity! :)

Congrats, drjo and angel! What a beautiful scan, angel! <3

I'm having a hard time with the weight gain too. I was really looking forward to watching my weight but no such luck. At my booking appointment (at 9 weeks) I was already 6 lbs up. I've been steadily gaining over a pound a week since finding out I was pregnant at just before 4 weeks. :wacko:
MEPride and Lindsay, good luck with when you choose to announce. We haven't told anyone yet either. I'm in my 9th week so were waiting until at least 12 but I'd like to wait until we get the results from the nuchal scan. I've always told me parents right away but after my two losses I decided I would keep it a secret.

Angel, that's a great pic! I have my idea of what you will have so I'm curious to see if I'm right :) Are you going to find out?

I'm not sure if it was here that the hook effect was mentioned, I tried this out and I still had a very strong test line that appeared the instant the urine hit it. Maybe it varies from person to person. Mine was at 210,210 last week.

We will find out at a 20w scan, at least that was what I was told today. So far off! I wish there was a way to tell based on the 10w scan, I'm just so impatient lol. Care to share your guess though?

A relieving ultrasound for me today. Little heart beating away at 188 and no sign of the subchorionic hemorrhage! I was measuring right on, so my due date stays Oct 24. And my blood pressure was totally normal today, which is also a relief considering I've had some high ones since having PIH with Nora.

Aww congrats! So happy to hear everything is fine, must be a huge relief for you! :happydance:
Hi ladies! Just wanting to join in please, had my first scan yesterday and have a due date of October 29th! Very excited but nervous still as I had a missed miscarriage and d&c only 8 weeks ago and conceived again straight away! I have been feeling pretty nauseous so that has been a good thing lol

How's is everyone feeling?
Congrats and welcome tobemom! I'm doing ok, the MS seems to be passing now but fatigue is hitting me full force. Can barely keep my eyes open anymore :sleep:

I know it is kind of early but has anyone started thinking about gender yet?
Thank you for all of the warm welcomes ladies!

Congrats and welcome tobemom! I'm doing ok, the MS seems to be passing now but fatigue is hitting me full force. Can barely keep my eyes open anymore :sleep:

I know it is kind of early but has anyone started thinking about gender yet?

I am getting the MaterniT21 test done at 11 weeks so I will find out the following week! I'm around 6-7 weeks now!
Thank you for all of the warm welcomes ladies!

I am getting the MaterniT21 test done at 11 weeks so I will find out the following week! I'm around 6-7 weeks now!

Hi Ashley,

Can you tell me how much this test costs and if Medicare cover any of it, please?

Welcome Ashley and syncronisity! :)

Congrats, drjo and angel! What a beautiful scan, angel! <3

I'm having a hard time with the weight gain too. I was really looking forward to watching my weight but no such luck. At my booking appointment (at 9 weeks) I was already 6 lbs up. I've been steadily gaining over a pound a week since finding out I was pregnant at just before 4 weeks. :wacko:

Gosh, me too! This is my last one (#4) and I gained over 20kg with all my others, so was determined this time to be uber-healthy and be one of those lucky women who don't look pregnant from the back! No such luck, as I had food aversions to anything low-carb from weeks 6-8, and even now, all I want is fruit and carbs, so my poor teeth and waistline are suffering! :-(
UK ladies how long after your booking in appointment did you get your scan letter? I remember it coming really quickly last time. I am already 10+2 and my booking in appointment was last Monday. I'm wondering whether I should ring and chase it?

I had my booking-in appointment real early (last week, so 9w1d), but booked my 12 week nuchal translucency and 20 week anomaly scan in ages ago, as our bulk-billing radiology department books up 6 weeks in advance, and if I couldn't get in then I'd have to go private and pay around $200 per scan! So I've got my Down's blood test on Monday (10w4d), my 12wk scan at 11w5d and my 20wk at bang-on 20 weeks.

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