October Pumpkins 2017

I'm having issues with work, too. I made a post about in in the Pregnancy Club section, a thread called Venting About Work.

My MS had eased up a lot the past few days but hit me like a ton of bricks last night! I konked out at 9:30pm, slept until 9:00am, but still spent all day on the sofa being a lump.
Well, guy nosey manager who wanted a report on my doctor's appointment ended up not being in today, and won't be tomorrow. Then I'm off Tues & Wed, so it'll be Thursday at the earliest before he gets to ask.
Wow, Lullabye, that's awful! HR needs to step in and sort it out! Your managers are breaching policy by ignoring your docs note... disgusting behaviour! Don't take on the fight yourself, it's too stressful. Get back onto HR and tell them they need to explain the policy directly to your manager. GL Xx
Meditteranean: I am actually hoping for a girl so I hope you are right! I actually only use my doppler once a week just to check in for a minute. I have gotten to the point that I can find the hb within seconds now.

KitteyKat2010: Glad your daughters surgery went well. So exciting to see baby too!

babifever: I am so sorry you are dealing with this :hugs: Prayers they will have a definite answer for you soon. I don't blame you one bit for wanting a second opinion.

MrsReed2015: Yay I'm a lime too! Good luck at your first scan! I was really nervous about mine too so I completely understand but I bet baby is perfect!

Mrs B: Aww great scan pics! :happydance:

As for me I thought MS was tapering off but it comes and goes throughout the day. At least now I'm not sick ALL day like before though. So far I have no aversions to certain foods and can pretty much eat anything.

We announced on FB this week as well and everyone is so so supportive and happy for us. We couldn't be more blessed :cloud9: We were originally going to wait until 12w but since everything looked perfect at the OB we decided we couldn't wait anymore.
We just announced on facebook today. So many happy comments rolling in, I love it! My fellow female stock room worker commented, too, so I expect this means the entire back room will know tomorrow.
Great scan pictures, Mrs. B! What a cute little bean. I know it is early but do you have an inkling about gender yet? I always seem to after my first scan... sometimes I'm right other times I'm wrong lol.

Glad to hear you all have been receiving good comments and support. I have yet to announce publicly on Facebook. The last time I did with my rainbow DD I had a lot of rude comments about having a "big family" so I'm kind of afraid to this time. Then again if I don't I will have quite a few people mad at me that I didn't tell them. I can't seem to win :shrug:

I'm having a private ultrasound done this Wednesday. I have to see the baby again before 20 weeks lol. I'm probably going to announce after that, as long as everything seems to still be going well.
I'm sorry a few of you are having problems at work. I had to leave my job after my first baby due to her not willing to take a bottle but being a stay at home mom brings on it's own host of problems. Other judgmental stay at home moms, always worrying if you are "contributing" enough etc etc. right now I've bee feeling so tired and ill I consider keeping my kids alive All day a successful day bahaha!

Thursday we have our first scan but no announcements here- not until all of our blood work comes back will we start planning for the announcement!

Hope everyone has a good week and those dealing with morning sickness that it backs off!
Hi guys, long time no see! I've been a bit absent... Nothing to really report too, low on motivation. Tired, nauseous, though both are improving now. Just ticking along and I figured I'd stop in for a moment.
Thanks, lilmisscaviar :) My initial gut feeling from getting the BFP was girl, but family history and the Chinese calendar etc all suggest it should be a boy! I think if you use Ramzi theory on my scan it's boy, but you're supposed to do that at 6 weeks, not 9. So now I have no idea!

Good luck with your scans this week everyone! :)
Lucky ladies having scans this week! Mines next Thursday, we'll announce on Facebook after that, I've just gotta find a creative way to involve my son in it.
I found one thing on Pinterest but I think trying to get him to pose for 4 photos will be impossible :haha:
If I ask him to say cheese he gives me this really fake smile lol.
Sickness for me has been gone a couple weeks, I've just been feeling sort of travel sick every so often, bet this baby is another boy!
I almost daren't temp fate but I think I'm beginning to feel better! I'm 11 weeks tomorrow and my scan date finally came through for 3rd April. I'll be 12+6 and I have never had to wait this long!

Sorry you ladies are finding work difficult, if I was still working there is no way I'd be able to have my third baby. My employers were not very understanding and took my previous pregnancies personally, they would have been ok if I hadn't gotten so sick or had gestational diabetes but were really unwilling to make the adjustments I needed. Fortunately for me as the HR Manager I was well aware of my rights, but that still didn't make work any less comfortable. It's one of the main reasons I chose to stay at home with my boys for a while, that and settling my eldest into school and looking after my youngest for can be sickly (I'm currently stuck under my poor ill boy on the sofa). Anyway I'm in the UK so if I can help anyone with employment advice I'd be happy to.
Hi ladies, I am so sorry to hear of the work trouble you all seem to be having. It's amazing to me to see so much trouble in the workforce regarding pregnancy. In the US pregnancy is often treated as a 'disease'. I have to take Short Term Disability as part of my maternity leave. I'm not disabled.... I'm having a baby. It's all so backwards.... I wish I had advice for you all, but I'm afraid I don't. I wish you all luck, though.

AFM, most of my 'symptoms' from the first tri have gone away. My ravenous hunger seems to have subsided these last two weeks (thank goodness, I could not keep gaining weight like I had been. I'd be giving birth to a cow if I did!). But my symptoms seem to have been replaced with headaches that last for days. Tylenol does nothing for these headaches. I've had this current one for 48 hours now. Last time I was able to be a couch potatoe for a day and the headache resolved, but because of work I haven't been able to lay low, making this headache worse. Go figure my first real major pregnancy symptom I don't get until the very end of the first tri when I think I'm in the clear. Thankfully ice helps, but only temporarily.
I'm 7 weeks, 2 days, today and just called in to set up my first appointment!
It's 3 weeks away on April 10th and I've become MORE nervous just since calling them. I really hate the doctors.

The cool thing is we set up the appointment with the doctor that handled my miscarriage back in September. She called me up about half an hour after I'd called into the office and told me how excited she was for me and wanted to know how I was feeling so far.
I thought it was really nice of her!
I've hit 11 weeks and my RE is weaning me off of progesterone suppositories. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I trust he knows exactly when to yank them.

MS is still off and on. I had it especially bad for the past two days, which I'm sure is a side effect of cutting my progesterone dosage.

I'm currently run down with either really bad allergies or a minor cold. I just got back from a trip abroad, so it wouldn't surprise me if I caught a cold from the long plane ride.
Verily, congrats on hitting 11 weeks! I'm 10 myself and I put myself on progesterone so curious how your Dr is weening you off? I take one suppository daily since I found out I was pregnant.
I told my mom about my pregnancy tonight. She's very happy for us and said she had some suspicions. We were going to tell my step-dad, too, but he ended up unable to make it to dinner bc his mom had some major health problems. We'll tell him next week.

I was able to catch the heartbeat on my doppler earlier today. I can also hear the baby moving a ton. Still feeling nauseous and throwing up almost daily.
Hey all! I guess I never told y'all about my back story it's sort of interesting. I've had two children naturally but was NTNP for the last year so I decided to talk to an RE. Well the RE did a total work up on me and told my AMH was extremely low (.3) which basically is premenopausal and shows signs of diminished ovarian reserve-shocking because I'm only 32 and I have a two year old and four year old already. -anyway fast forward we decided on IVF but my doctor wasn't hopeful...he put me on one of the strongest protocols....I created one follicle. Wow. sad. IVF cycle cancelled. Tried IVF a few months later...different protocol- 2 follicles-IVF cycle cancelled (this was Jan/feb of this year 2017) Doc basically said it was hopeless unless I used donor embryos.

Soooo the next cycle I decided to take matters back into my hands and I purchased some ovulation stick. Caught my ovulation and timed our intercourse. Bam. Success the first cycle after two failed IVF cycles. These babies are wonderful little miracles. Even the finest doctor with the most invasive treatment couldn't help us. I must say I'm very happy to chatting with you ladies today!
Morning ladies!

First scan is tomorrow ( my 12 week but a tad early) and I'm very excited/anxious! Hoping all is well! My (.)(.) aren't as tender anymore and I feel fabulous, which I've read is because the placenta takes over about now? Once tomorrow is out of the way, I can stop letting my previous losses ruin this pregnancy for me.

My first midwife appointment is Thursday, I noticed on my appointment reminder that there will be a midwife "trainee" attending my appointment as well. So that will be exciting, I'm pretty sure this one will do a scan on me since she has a trainee with her, we find in about 4 weeks what we are having, and time is definitely flying now that it's becoming nice outside.

Other than the appointment on Thursday, everything is going well here. I still am so hungry but than I get food and I'm "blah". I haven't thrown up at all yet so "cross fingers" that it probably won't happen. Glad things are going well for all you ladies, I'm excited that some of us are almost out of the first trimester already..where did that time go! :)
Woke up this morning feeling pretty darn good, despite sleeping in past 9am without eating anything yet. Fingers crossed this means I'm exiting the MS woods. OH was using my belly as a pillow last night on the couch and said its making a LOT of noise up close. I wonder if some of that noise is the baby jumping around in there. I know at 10 weeks the baby very well could be kicking up a storm, and I just don't feel it yet because things aren't big enough

Edit- Never mind. Forgot my prenatal until lunch, took it as I was eating noodle soup, and brought it all up 5 minutes later. Probably should have let lunch settle before adding the vitamin.

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