October Pumpkins 2017

UK ladies how long after your booking in appointment did you get your scan letter? I remember it coming really quickly last time. I am already 10+2 and my booking in appointment was last Monday. I'm wondering whether I should ring and chase it?

Mine came within a week, and is booked for next Wed...:happydance:
I'm sure it will arrive this week. They say they aim to see you between 10-14 weeks for the 12 week scan but each NHS trust is different.
Angel, I'm not sure if you were hoping for a specific gender or not but I definitely think girl for you. I'm not an expert by any means though LOL.

Ashley, what is the MaterniT21 test? Is that just for gender or for abnormalities tests or both?

Tobemom, welcome and congrats!

WrinklyMummy, that's awesome that you have all your scans lined up! I had a difficult time booking my nuchal scan due to mine and my husband;s scheduling constraints so I booked 3 dates just in case and I will cancel the other two when I know more. Otherwise scans are pretty easy to get into here within a week or so.

drjo, I'm so happy for you!

I still have 8 LONG days before my next OB appt. She has an u/s machine in L&D ward so I can't wait until next week! I'm only 9+2 / 9+5 depending on u/s date or my O date and I feel like I've known for at least 3 months already!

For those that have home dopplers, how often are you using them? I'm trying not to use mine all the time but it's so hard
Well my daughter had her surgery yesterday (adenoids out and tubes put in her ears) she did fantastic, but they had to monitor me afterwards in the recovery room 2 that we were all in, she was kicking and screaming, but she wanted me to hold her and only me. She was biting, scratching and slapping at DH. The doctors were so nice about it, they had an OB nurse in there as well, so once she got done kicking and screaming, they were able to use the doppler & ultrasound and so baby kicking away! They were warned that I was almost 11 weeks pregnant, so they didn't want my daughter to harm the baby, but they also didn't want my daughter to want me and not be able to hold her right after surgery.
Glad to hear your daughters surgery went well KitteyKat, and that you got to see/hear the baby!!!

Welcome to all the newcomers! This is a pretty active thread with wonderful ladies. We're happy to have you!!!

AFM, planning to tell the family tonight. I feel irrationally nervous!!!!! I also booked my gender scan (level 2 ultrasound) for May 12th. I think I'll be right at 20 weeks then. SEEMS SO FAR AWAY!!!

And finally, a question (TMI warning).... has anyone experienced cramping and posterior pelvic pain after having a large bowel movement? It's not bad and there's no spotting. I've been fairly 'stopped up' for the last 3 days today and finally felt the urge to go. Well I went... and since then I've been having mild cramp like discomfort and posterior pelvic achiness. I've had 3 episodes of these feelings since finding out i was pregnant and only now connected the possibility it may be related to having a bowel movement. Anyone else have this happen?
Glad to hear surgery went well, Kitteykat :) Always scary whenever you have to put your child through surgery. I had to put my 4 month old son through surgery for a birth defect he had and it was the scariest thing ever. Thankfully all went well and he will be 3 years old next month.

Good luck with telling everyone, MEpride! Let us know how it goes :) As to your other question I have never experienced that before. Mine is always in the front. If you were constipated, and sorry for the tmi ahead of time, it may be possible that your BM was so hard it may have bruised your tail bone on the way out. I have had that happen to me before. It didn't feel like cramping though... more just a soreness that took a while to go away. I'd mention it to your doctor at your next appointment just in case though.
Welcome Ashley and syncronisity! :)

Congrats, drjo and angel! What a beautiful scan, angel! <3

I'm having a hard time with the weight gain too. I was really looking forward to watching my weight but no such luck. At my booking appointment (at 9 weeks) I was already 6 lbs up. I've been steadily gaining over a pound a week since finding out I was pregnant at just before 4 weeks. :wacko:

Gosh, me too! This is my last one (#4) and I gained over 20kg with all my others, so was determined this time to be uber-healthy and be one of those lucky women who don't look pregnant from the back! No such luck, as I had food aversions to anything low-carb from weeks 6-8, and even now, all I want is fruit and carbs, so my poor teeth and waistline are suffering! :-(

I feel you. It is going to be so hard to lose the baby weight after this pregnancy, I have a feeling, especially since I still haven't lost all the baby weight from my third. I'm finding it hard to eat healthy since I'm still suffering from occasional nausea :(

For those that have home dopplers, how often are you using them? I'm trying not to use mine all the time but it's so hard

I use mine once or twice a week, only until I find the heartbeat and get an accurate reading.
Thank you for all of the warm welcomes ladies!

I am getting the MaterniT21 test done at 11 weeks so I will find out the following week! I'm around 6-7 weeks now!

Hi Ashley,

Can you tell me how much this test costs and if Medicare cover any of it, please?


I think if you are over 35, Medicare may cover it since you are considered a higher risk pregnancy- I have private health insurance though so I have no idea- I am not over 35 so I am opting for it though I am considered lower risk. From my understanding even if your insurance won't cover it, I heard the max you would pay out of pocket for it is $250- again this is just what I have read so I'm not completely sure on the accuracy of that.

The MaterniT21 test checks for chromosomal abnormalities which is why it's recommended for women over 35 but the side benefit is it also can determine the gender as early as 10-11 weeks!

I hope all are feeling well!

AFM I'm getting a little nervous about getting morning sickness. We are leaving on vacation next week and we are driving to Nashvillle- about a seven hour drive- I would hate for it to start kicking in then. So far I feel fine but I'm only like 7 weeks yet
Telling the folks went very well last night! Both were excited and already started calling each other grandma and grandpa. It was really cute! We also did FaceTime with my sister to tell her which, in a way, I was dreading. She doesn't like kids or the philosophy of marriage which is more than fine and accepted in our family. But she and I are traveling buddies and like to plan adventures (we just came back from Iceland in December) and I know she's disappointed we won't be able to take our yearly trip this year. I also feel for her as she lives 400 miles away so she will miss out on a lot where she lives.

Tonight I tell some coworkers. In about a week I tell my boss as he is currently on vacation. Didn't want to give him a heart attack before he goes on vacation, hahaha.

All is well!

How is everyone else doing?
I'm glad it went well! We're trying to figure out if there are any close friends or anything we still want to tell in person before we announce it on Facebook. We're also trying to think of cute announcement pictures we could do.
I forgot to update you guys yesterday, there was a heartbeat this time but it's 80 instead it should be 120-180 according to them; also they said the yolk sac and fetal pole decreased in size, which indicates miscarriage. Even though I am absolutely positive things were bigger on the screen than last Thursday!?? She also said it will be "a miracle" if there's any development or normal heartrate going forward. She offered me the pills to end the Pregnancy or d&c. I declined and scheduled another ultrasound for next Thursday. She said there's no possibility that I ovulated late or the dates are wrong either.

This morning I I made a request that my Dr. go ahead and refer me to the fetal Speacilist just as I would have been for my diabetes anyway. That way I can get a second opinion with an advanced ultrasound. I also would like to come in today and Monday to draw my hgc and progesterone levels. My Dr has not once mentioned it or tested her self! She based everything from hgc done by my primary on 02/20 & 02/22. I understand her "for certain" medical diagnosis and I understand they can not stop miscarriage.....BUT I'm not giving up until my baby does.

I'm wishing you ladies the very best and plan to keep stalking, but I rather not continue to talk about my limbo here. If you want you can continue to follow my journal thru my journal in my signature link. Love, peace and healthy babies !!!
Awww, babifever...I am so sorry you are stuck in this weird place of not knowing. I think it's a great idea to get in with a specialist and go from there. I absolutely wish you the best of luck moving forward and completely understand unfollowing this thread. I'll leave a msg on your journal so I can follow along for updates!
I'm a lime! My WTE app is saying baby is the size of a line today! How exciting! I have my first scan on Wed.. very very nervous/anxious due to previous experiences last year.

(.)(.) tenderness has subsided for the first time.. all normal so I've read. My nausea is still present in the eve, I gag even brushing my teeth!
Thinking of you, Babi. Hope you get some answers at your next appointment!

Good luck Mrs R! I'm sure your scan will go beautifully :) Did they not allow you an early scan? Like you I'm getting nausea in the evening too. My (.)(.) tenderness keeps disappearing too. I keep prodding them to make sure they're still a little tender :p

I had a private scan today and all is looking good. Measured me at 9w2d but another measurement said 9w5d so I'll stick with 9w3d for now! 150bpm heart rate :) will post a pic soon.

Sorry if I've missed anyone. Hi to all the newbies and I hope everyone is doing ok!
Thinking of you, Babi. Hope you get some answers at your next appointment!

Good luck Mrs R! I'm sure your scan will go beautifully :) Did they not allow you an early scan? Like you I'm getting nausea in the evening too. My (.)(.) tenderness keeps disappearing too. I keep prodding them to make sure they're still a little tender :p

I had a private scan today and all is looking good. Measured me at 9w2d but another measurement said 9w5d so I'll stick with 9w3d for now! 150bpm heart rate :) will post a pic soon.

Sorry if I've missed anyone. Hi to all the newbies and I hope everyone is doing ok!

We were offered an early scan but felt we'd like to wait. We went through so much last year hubby wanted us to be 'normal'. The wait has killed me but it's not too far away now. Roll on 4 days time! Glad your scan went well x
I can understand that. We had the early scan and whilst it gave us hope that all was going in the right direction, I don't think it reduced the anxiety much! Enjoy your scan. Not too long to wait now :) xx
I'm gagging at everything today and ready for an afternoon nap despite getting 10 hours in last night. Blegh.
How's work going, Orglethorp? Your boss being ok with you?
Here are two pics from my 9w3d scan today <3


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Great pictures, Mrs B. Congratulations! I can't wait for my scan on the 29th :)

My boss situation is a little weird right now. My usual boss actually turned out to be very excited and supportive (which I didn't expect), but she's still mostly at the other location right now. The assistant manager who's doing her job while she's gone is normally quite sweet and understanding, and is definitely one of my top choices for managers to go to when I've got a problem, but I'm getting a weird vibe off him lately. He asked me on Wednesday when my next appointment was and then when we'd work together next, because he wanted to know what my doctor had to say. Um.... no. I've already told you all you need to know right now. Just want proof I'm seeing a doctor? I've got appointment cards in my wallet.
Thanks :) Um, that's kinda weird! You needed to tell him you were pg but that doesn't mean he has a right to be privy to any further details about your pregnancy! Glad your normal manager took the news well.

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