October Pumpkins 2017

Miss Yogi - Good luck for your scan!

Dr. Jo - Hope the bleeding clears for you soon. Could it be possible if they didn't find anything on the scan that you have an irritable cervix? That is the cause of bleeding during pregnancy for a lot of women.

Kitteykat - I think it is normal to be nervous at any appointment, whether getting a scan or not. I'm always nervous the days I have an appointment just because I dread doctors of all forms lol. My regular appointment is tomorrow but it is just a checkup and to hear the heartbeat, etc.

MEPride - Congrats on making it to the last week of the first trimester! Amazing isn't it?

Mediterranean - Good luck for your scan!

Mrs. B - Lol I thought the same thing... then I saw the nub and thought it can't be any more obvious :haha:

Saraa - I hear you on the bloodwork. You'd think after four pregnancies I'd be used to it by now but nope. My crappy veins make me dread it every time. They had to jab me no less than 5 times during active labor trying to find a place to put my IV in my last pregnancy. Ugh! Anyways good luck for the scan you have coming up... that's always something exciting to look forward to :)
Had my appointment today, it went fantastic and the midwife found the heartbeat right away. It was in the 150's. My due date did change only for 2 days...so it puts me at 11 weeks and 5 days today, meaning I would be due October 7th instead of the 5th not too bad, but doctor just wants to go with the further one just in case!
KitteyKat2010: So glad to hear the great news! :happydance: You are due 1 day before me. Did you get any good scan pics?

Just found out today our anatomy scan is on May 25th. Seems so far away, I truly hope they do another scan between now and then but we'll definitely be finding out what we're having at the anatomy scan. I'll be 20w 4d on the date of the scan.

Has anyone really started showing yet? I know it's pretty early. I haven't really started showing at all yet. Since this is my first I wonder when that usually begins.
As of last Thursday, I hadn't even gained an ounce yet, so I don't think I'm showing. If I am, the weight has re-distributed, not added on :p First scan coming up on Wednesday!
Scan is less than 24 hours away! I'm still super anxious and praying that it's not a blighted ovum or something like that. Super jealous of you ladies with your dopplers hearing the heartbeat already! As for showing, I know I couldn't be actually showing but my lower belly is sticking out way more than normal. I normally have a little bump at the bottom of my belly just of skin and flab but now it's pretty pronounced so I guess that's bloating, or maybe it's just mac and cheese.
angelgirl: I didn't get a scan this time, since I got one earlier.

I've only gained 2 lbs. The doctors only want me to gain around 15 to 20 pounds. This will be interesting :)
Thanks for your well wishes for tomorrow girls!

Angel, I started showing with my first around 18 weeks but this varies person to person.

So I have my second OB appt tomorrow. The first I was so nervous to make sure everything was ok, I didn't really ask many questions. What questions did you ladies ask or have for your OB's or midwives?
I definitely look pregnant, but it's obviously not baby at 10 weeks. I don't even feel bloated most of the time... think my body has just decided to store all my extra flab on my tummy!
Angelgirl I've been showing for a few weeks, it's my third though and I'm already on the small side. I've actually lost 4lbs so far but definitely not in the uterus area. I'm having to consciously dress to conver my stomach on the school run. I'm 11+ 3.
Glad to hear about all the good scans.

Afm, another episode of bleeding today. This is really getting frustrating. I had unexplained bleeding with nora, but not this far along. I found baby's heartbeat with the doppler right away this morning, so that's slightly comforting. I just wish the bleeding would stop. As for weight, according to my scale, I haven't gained anything yet. But, I throw up about half of what I eat so that's probably why. I also feel like it's getting harder to find clothes that don't show the belly. I can't button my pants anymore due to bloating. I also have a very short torso (only an inch of space between my last ribs and my hip bones) and carry really high, so it's my middle abdominal area that's sticking out. I manged to get thru lunch with my grandparents and cousin without them noticing I wasn't eating lunch meat, so I don't think they're onto anything.
Love the scan pictures! I have a cervical length scan at 14 weeks and 16 weeks but my doctor said they would take a peak at the baby if there was time and should be able to tell me gender by the 16 week scan! I'm so excited and nervous to find out.

drjo...So sorry to hear about the bleeding! That is always scary to see. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on for your peace of mind.

Right now I'm just ticking off the minutes of my lunch period waiting for the end of this school day so I can get my weekend started!
Soooo my coworker today warned me against eating too many Halo oranges because she said it can make my amniotic fluid acidic and cause skin issues for the baby -.-

I feel like this is false, and my google fu is failing. I have an appointment today so I think I may just ask. I have been eating the CRAP out of Halos.
I've never heard of that, but I feel like if eating too many oranges was a bad thing for pregnant women, that'd be something our doctors would be mentioning.
I just got back from my OB appt and things were great!!! She offered us the abnormalities testing that we could do now and tells the gender. It's about $550 so for now we'll do the Michael scan and bloods and if those results are borderline we can get the genetics testing paid by the government. We got to see baby and he/she was moving like crazy, kicking their legs and waving their arms. So amazing!!!! We got to see fingers even. Only two more weeks for my nuchal scan :) I'll try to post a pic
Here's my in-office ultrasound at 10+3 / 10+6.


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Nice scan, Mediterranean! Looking good for 10 weeks :)

Angel I'm definitely showing. I gain weight like crazy during pregnancy and it is becoming so obvious now that when I tell people they say "I figured you were but I didn't want to sound rude." Almost no one is surprised lol. Here was my bump pic at 13 weeks.


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Meditteranean: Lovely scan! It's so amazing to see them moving about in there :happydance: Do you have a feeling what you're having yet?
Nice scan, Mediterranean! Looking good for 10 weeks :)

Angel I'm definitely showing. I gain weight like crazy during pregnancy and it is becoming so obvious now that when I tell people they say "I figured you were but I didn't want to sound rude." Almost no one is surprised lol. Here was my bump pic at 13 weeks.

Wow and only 13 weeks! I doubt I'll have a bump even at 13 weeks at this point considering I haven't really gained anything yet. Honestly can't wait to start showing though!
Lovely pic Med!!

Awesome bump lilmiss :) I'm looking forward to getting a proper bump :)
Thanks so much ladies!

Lilmiss you have such a cute baby bump! You totally look pregnant not like you gained weight. I hate the in between stage where you looked like you packed on some pounds around your middle lol. I notice I can't fit in some of my jeans now but I've only gained 2 pounds.

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