October Pumpkins 2017

I had my 12 week screen today. Everything looked really, really good. NT scan was 1.2mm and there was a visible nasal bone (baby looks like it'll be getting my long nose). I got my blood drawn for the Panorama blood test, so now I have the long 7-10 day wait for those results, but seems like I might not have anything to worry about.

My progesterone is the only thing worrying me, but my reproductive endocrinologist seemed to not be concerned. I have been off the suppositories since the 23rd and my latest bloodwork today came back at 20 ng/ml. I hope it will start climbing soon with the placenta kicking in full-time.
Congrats on a healthy scan, verily!Good luck with your Panorama testing.

I have backaches after doing too much during the day and at night, especially if I'm laying on my back. I had SPD in previous pregnancies and am so scared it is going to happen again this time. Last time it hurt to walk for about 2 weeks postpartum between the SPD and the fact that my DD almost broke my tailbone on the way out :wacko:
Lilmiss, maybe it's baby brain (that's what I'm going with) but did you find out you're having a boy? I see the stork with blue on your signature!
Hay ladies .. so I'm back on here after a while ... expecting #2 ..

Due date is 25th October making me 10 weeks tomorrow I think ..

Iv still not been seen by a midwife yet atall so I'm still feeling abit anxious .. not sure if this is normal procedure now or they are just very busy with appointments. I'll have my first appointment on Monday at 10+5 ... what do you ladies think ? How early did you have your first appointments? xx
Welcome Strawberrie! It different for each provider and practice. My midwife starts seeing patients somewhere between 8-10 weeks but because of her schedule and mine, I ended up seeing her at 10+2 for the first visit.
I need some encouragement, ladies. I'm feeling really down about my weight. I've already put on a pound a week and I'm feeling and looking enormous. Like, maternity jeans and leggings are already a necessity and none of my bras fit at all. I think it's bothering me so much because I was already about 10 pounds overweight to begin with and I was really hoping not to go overboard this time. It's just that my MS and fatigue have been so bad that I've literally been sitting on the sofa eating bread for weeks.
I get what you're feeling Lullabye. I didn't have ms but an insatiable hunger and craving for carbohydrates and cheese for the first 11 weeks. I gained almost 10 pounds. I did NOT like it at all. But around week 12 I noticed my appetite returning to normal and am no longer eating every bread product is sight. I haven't gained weight in the last 2 weeks.

There's hope yet. Once your symptoms start to subside it will be easier to control the weight gain.

I like to think of it as nature. Logically and intellectually we know we should be eating veges and fruits... but instinctually we eat breads and carbs during the first trimester. It may be because that's all your stomach can tolerate or in my case that's all my body wanted. In either case, we have to trust our bodies to know what's best. It gets easier, and soon. Your body is doing what it's supposed to be doing and that is a beautiful thing. It will get easier.

You are not alone!
Laying down after work and noticed my bump :happydance:


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DH can no longer make my scan on Monday so we've booked a private reassurance scan for tomorrow. I don't mind going alone for scans but not the very first one, not until I know baby is in there safe. I'm really excited for tomorrow but I know I'll be a bag of nerves when it comes around!

Strawberrie I was 9w for my mw appointment.
Everything looks good on my ultrasound, no reason found for the bleeding so I must just have a friable cervix. Baby was moving around like crazy. Heart rate 170. If the Ramzi theory holds true, this will be another girl.
MrsReed yah for the bump!

KRobbo, good luck on the private scan tomorrow! Is it a regular scan or 3D?

Drjo, that's great news! I think the Ramzi theory is only effective very early on. Most don't get the chance to determine the Ramzi theory.
Ooo, look at that baby bump! That's exciting! I haven't really noticed mine yet.

First scan tomorrow!
MEPride thanks that makes me feel a little better knowing it's all normal .. only a week to go I guess and I'm sure I'll feel a lot better once iv seen the midwife x

And all the best for tomorrow KRobbo ... I can't wait to be able to actually see what's going on in there .. just try and relax and enjoy it xx
Lilmiss, maybe it's baby brain (that's what I'm going with) but did you find out you're having a boy? I see the stork with blue on your signature!

We had a scan done last week and the tech told us she was 95% sure we are having a boy. We also saw the bits and there was no doubt to me that it was a boy compared to the scan we had with my last DD at 13 weeks. Her nub was already almost non-existent by then. However I did warn DH we'll have a lot of explaining to do if we go to our 20 week scan and it changes :haha:
Welcome strawberrie and congrats! As others have said it depends upon the office you go to. My first appointment in my first pregnancy wasn't until I was 9 weeks, whereas with my last couple pregnancies (at a different office) they saw me at 6 weeks.

I feel you, Lullabye. I'm already in maternity pants too. My regular jeans are just too snug and I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on the baby. My bras no longer fit either. I too have been steadily gaining about a pound a week. I gained a lot in my past pregnancies though and dropped the weight by 3 months postpartum in my first two pregnancies. Last pregnancy though... I'm not sure why... I had a hard time losing the weight. I still had 25 lbs. to lose when I fell pregnant with this baby so now I'm worried that I'm going to be huge by the time I give birth.

Cute bump, Mrs. Reed! <3

Good luck with your scans, KRobbo and Orglethorp!

Glad to hear your scan went well, Drjo. So reassuring :)
Same here, lilmisscaviar. I haven't gained any weight, but my stomach is just not having it when it comes to tight pants or underwear. Any pressure just makes me nauseous. I got by with the hairband trick until about 9 weeks and then broke down and bought maternity pants. So glad I did. These are soooo comfortable.
Meditteranean- I've also had scans at 8 weeks and 6 weeks, and they all indicate girl by the Ramzi theory, which was true for my daughter. So I guess we'll see! I don't have a feeling either way with this one.
Got my scan tomorrow :happydance:
This is how I'm going to announce with my son standing next to it holding the scan photo! :)
I gave up trying to write it in chalk lol, just wish my chalkboard was magnetic because the letters are sellotaped on at the mo :haha:

Waiting to leave for my scan soon. Had to report in to work's absentee system since I'm technically still on the schedule today even though the managers know I won't be there and why. I'm a little annoyed because the reporting system doesn't have a reason option that applies, so I have to report this as if I'm sick. I'm not sick. The government website says time missed from work for pregnancy related appointments shouldn't be counted as sick. Managers didn't know what I should report, said they're get back to me, and never did. HR lady said "Well government policy and company policy don't always line up. The managers know the real reason, just report sick."
Just got home from my dating ultrasound, and my EDD was actually confirmed exactly! I must have had my last period the weekend *of* New Year's, not the weekend after, as I estimated. With my cycles being 35 days, I was expecting to be set back a week. October 13th it is!



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