October Pumpkins 2017

Got my scan today! And have done my announcement, my phone battery is draining so fast from all the Facebook notifications :haha:

Couldn't measure the fold for downs because my uterus is now retroverted since my pregnancy with my son, they had a hard time getting a photo at all lol.
Gotta go back to my midwife for a quad blood test to test for it in a few weeks!

My due date has changed to the 8th of October now, so I'm now 12+4! :)

My scan as well, it doesn't look like my sons one, but my friend still thinks it's another boy :/

Love the announcement! Very cute! Your little lad looks very happy to become a big brother!
My scan as well, it doesn't look like my sons one, but my friend still thinks it's another boy :/


The announcement is so sweet! I love how your happy your DS looks. My kids kept crying when I tried using them in our announcement :rofl:

I can't really see anything that looks like a nub, although it could be hiding behind the leg. I'm going to guess girl for you xx
To the ladies who have been pregnant before. Is 14 weeks to early to feel fetal movement? I was lying on my back last night, very still and felt a very gentle, subtle poke. Almost like the tip of a finger gently tapping. It happened twice and that was it. But I feel like 14 weeks is way too early, especially for a first time successful pregnancy.

Not at all! I've been feeling flutters from this baby since about 10 weeks. I have a posterior placenta this time. I felt flutters with my second at 13 weeks (also posterior placenta) but with my first and third, both anterior placentas and very lazy babies, I didn't feel movement until about 18 weeks.
Lovely scans, ladies!

Glov- I'm sorry to hear about you feeling depressed. Some may be normal due to hormonal changes and thinking about how your family will change, but if it continues more than 3 weeks and is causing an impact on you accomplishing everyday tasks, you should talk to your health care provider.

Sara- our sonographers no longer tell us to drink water before scans. They say technology is good enough now that they can usually see what they need without a full bladder.

Robo- love your announcement idea!

Afm, my dog died yesterday. It's sad but I'm honestly relieved. He had health problems and was declining, so it was time. We buried him today.

We did manage to finally tell my step-dad about the new baby, and he's ridiculously excited. His mom just got moved from the hospital to a rehab center/nursing home. She's still weak and can't get out of bed. He agreed not to tell her about the baby, since his brother is best friends with my mom's brother and no one in the family can keep a secret. However, if she starts taking a turn for the worse, I agreed to tell her before Easter, which is when I'm planning to tell the rest of the family.

I'm hoping things calm down a bit now. I'm starting to plan Nora's birthday party. Does anyone have suggestions for a 1-year-old Easter basket? We want to do something small for her.
saraaa: What a lovely scan and announcement, your son looks so happy! Your scan photo looks more girly to me but I'm new to all that so who knows :haha:

drjo: So sorry to hear about your dog, glad he is at peace now at least :hugs: Glad to hear your step dad is so excited, it's so amazing when family gets so excited about a new addition, the way it should be!

Nothing major to report here, MS comes and goes still but mostly stays away now. I still have a lot of food aversions though. I just can't wait to get to 2nd tri and all the joys it'll bring, especially when we get to see baby again. It helps to see all these lovely scans though :)
To the ladies who have been pregnant before. Is 14 weeks to early to feel fetal movement? I was lying on my back last night, very still and felt a very gentle, subtle poke. Almost like the tip of a finger gently tapping. It happened twice and that was it. But I feel like 14 weeks is way too early, especially for a first time successful pregnancy.

Not at all! I've been feeling flutters from this baby since about 10 weeks. I have a posterior placenta this time. I felt flutters with my second at 13 weeks (also posterior placenta) but with my first and third, both anterior placentas and very lazy babies, I didn't feel movement until about 18 weeks.

I'm just not sure if what I'm feeling is actual fetal movement. I'm expecting an active lil bub as DH NEVER stops moving and fidgeting, lol. I've been joking for months that when I do feel it I won't stop feeling it until he/she is out of there! I am so antsy for these next 7 days to fly by as I feel like I could do with reassurance that everything is okay in there. I feel SO NORMAL that it's unerving. Then I remind myself that 1) I get headaches if I don't drink enough water (which is not normal for me), 2) my nipples are still sore, and 3) my poor lower GI system is all sorts of messed up between one extreme and the next.
drjo718: I'm sorry about your dog, but I know how you feel. A week before my son was born, my dog started having horrible seizures. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and when we finally had him euthanized two months later (much longer than we should have let him go), I left the vet's office feeling like I was floating. I felt happy again, and at the same time, I felt guilty for being so relieved, but I really was. I had my first newborn and a dying dog, and it was a lot to handle. I felt like I missed my first two months with my kid because I was constantly cleaning up dog messes. Everything got better after my dog died (and even now I still feel bad for feeling that way).
I've been feeling so crappy today. Things are supposed to start getting better around now, right? lol. Baby didn't get the memo. 12 weeks :D By developmental stages, that puts me in 2nd trimester. By dividing the weeks of pregnancy into 3 equal parts, still got a little while to go. Which do you ladies go by?

Developmental Trimesters change at 12 & 27 weeks.
"3 equal trimesters" is 13+3 and 26+6 -or- 12+5 and 25+3 depending on whether count from LMP or ovulation.
And then there's the other camp that rounds off to 14 & 28
Well BnB says 14 weeks officially but all my books say 12 weeks so I go with the middle... 13 weeks lol. Plus I never seem to make it to my due date anyways. I think it'd be safe if you moved over to the second trimester now though. I did at 12 weeks ;)

Does anyone feel worse at night instead of the usual "morning" sickness? For some reason for me that past few days I've been feeling ok in the mornings and during the day but by dinner time I'm so nauseated I can barely eat. It lasts until I go to bed. Here I thought I was out of the woods for sickness... apparently it still wants to hang around a little longer :(
I went by 14 weeks primarily just because if you count from LMP, you aren't even pregnant for the first two weeks. I decided to go by gestational age.
Lilmiss- totally with you on the evening nausea. Mine starts to build in the afternoon, and if I don't eat it's even worse, but I almost always throw up in the evening after supper. I've actually lost a couple pounds so far bc of it. With Nora I always got sick around 5 or 6pm, but rarely threw up. I was nauseated with her from weeks 7-18. I'm hoping it doesn't last as long this time, but who knows. I've been puking since I hit 4 weeks with this one.
Yeah, evening nausea over here too, although it seems to be letting up along with all my other symptoms. Bloating seems to have gone down too. My 12 week scan next week cannot come fast enough!
I get random days of evening nausea too!
My proper sickness was between 6-9 weeks and it was always in the evening, luckily it went away but if I do get it it always peaks around 5pm just in time for me to not want anything for dinner :(
I don't know if I should be jealous or thankful for no nausea over here. I've had a couple of days of blah where nothing food wise appealed to me but no nausea.

I'm one week away from my nuchal scan! It can't come fast enough!
I keep feeling like I'm feeling baby move, with my son I didn't feel a thing until after 20 weeks.
I don't really know how a retroverted uterus affects things, but I'm 90% sure I'm feeling something lol.
In my scan the sonographer said baby was trying to climb up my uterus so I don't know if it's that I'm feeling?
2nd Trimester starts at 13 weeks around here. So I'm happy to say we are in our 2nd trimester, I love this trimester.

I haven't had any nausea for a while, I've been feeling movements, and even DH got to feel so movements. I have a smaller body my belly is pretty much all baby...every pregnancy. It's funny when I lie down, my right side sticks out more than my left side, quite interesting.

We are only 3 weeks until our gender ultrasound, this month is going to fly by, since we have a lot going on this month!
You ladies getting gender scans soon- so exciting!

I'm going to find out at the routine anatomy scan. The sonographer at my dating ultrasound said I'm supposed to ask my doctor to refer me for that scan to take place at 19 weeks, but I think I'll encourage my doctor to do it for 20 weeks. If she goes with 19 weeks (I become 19 weeks on May 5th) and they schedule me a few days early, we'll be in trouble. I'm out of province over a "long weekend" (of my own creation) until May 2nd for a wedding!

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