October Pumpkins 2017

Jealous of you ladies getting your gender scan soon! I won't get mine until the anatomy scan in 6 weeks.

Pretty sure I've been feeling some fetal movement. Not much and only when I lie down on my back at night, but I'm pretty excited to be feeling it at 14 weeks. I didn't expect to feel it for a while yet just based on the premise I'm not sure what I should be feeling. I felt it again last night and it gave me the warm and fuzzies all over. 😍

So strangely enough, I've actually been losing weight these last 2 weeks. My appetite has returned to normal and I'm assuming a lot of the bloat is going away. Weird, I gain almost 10 pounds in the first trimester and I've lost 2-3 in the last 2 weeks. Anyone else experience that before?
I keep feeling a sort of thumping in my uterus which I'm pretty sure are flutters already. At my last scan the tech told me I have a posterior placenta and she said that I'll probably start feeling movement soon. I also get crampy on occasion and the only thing I can associate it with is that being my body's reaction to the baby's kicking spree.

My next doctor's appointment isn't until April 10th and to keep my sanity I don't own a bathroom scale ( :haha: ) so I'm not sure how much weight I've gained or lost. I don't feel like I've been gaining as much as in the first trimester because oddly enough I haven't been as hungry as I was. This entire week I've been having to force myself to eat for some reason so I won't be surprised if I haven't lost some weight at my next appointment. My anatomy scan will probably be after my appointment but I'm hoping to get it scheduled before we leave for our babymoon in mid May.
With weight I've only gained 2 lbs, but with both pregnancies before I had a lot of water weight, I was very surprised that I had only gained 2 lbs. I guess I've been more active and busier with this pregnancy since I work with this one, and the other two I didn't. The doctor only wants to me to gain about 10-15 lbs with this pregnancy.
Didn't realize until I was having a terrible morning talk with the toilet that I ate utter crap yesterday. Greasy bacon & hashbrowns breakfast, which is a treat in this house, didn't have a propper lunch just snacked, and then OH's brothers invited us out for supper and I had a (really really tastey) greasy burger meal. I'm paying for it today.

Anybody else's pets get all concerned when you're sick? My cats get in the way investigating. It's a wonder neither has been barfed on yet.
We have a 12 week old puppy, she barks at my husband when I holler at him, sometimes I will holler at him to come and sit down and chit chat when I am in the bathtub relaxing. I also have a 13 year old dog, she has always watched me, she is my Anxiety therapy dog, so she feels whatever I feel. When I was having contractions with the 2nd baby, she stayed up and watched over me, they even allowed her in the hospital with me, so she walked the halls with me in labor. It's really bittersweet.
I've got a velcro dog, but I can't tell if she senses anything different or not. She's always stuck to me like glue regardless. I also have an aloof dog and he can't be bothered to care (he's also 11 years old so he's getting more aloof as time goes by).

Rant time: I've been taking the same calcium-magnesium-vitamin D pill for well over a year. It's a big bottle, so I was already working through it when I got pregnant. I ran out on Sat and went to the store to buy another bottle. Had a peek at the levels list again to decide if I might need more Vit D. That's when I noticed it has 20mg of horsetail herb (whole herb) in it. Cue freakout session. :cry: It's one of those herbs that they don't know about enough, so they just don't recommend it during pregnancy. The main risk is that it can affect absorption of B1.

My husband has managed to talk enough sense to calm me down, i.e... 20mg is a tiny amount for that herb and it wasn't an extract. I was taking a vitamin with 100% B1 added, so it would counteract it. The warnings against it are similar to Category C drugs, as in we don't know of birth defects but use with caution. Some people take it in herbal teas on purpose. Etc...Etc...

Still the pregnancy anxiety is super real and I'm alternating between freaking out and bummed out.
Anybody else have any experiences with vision changes during pregnancy?

I've always experienced floaters, light sensitivity, and a small degree of what I call "background" visual snow, but this morning I had a period of about an hour when the visual snow was suddenly visible over everything on one side of my vision, no matter if I closed one or both eyes, and no matter what I was looking at. It felt similar to having glare from the sun in my eyes, and I felt the need to block it with my hand, but it's not coming from something external so I couldn't.

(When I say background visual snow, I mean I see -and always have seen- dancing static on plain surfaces, such as a wall, or in the absense of light. It's in the background, though, and doesn't interfere. Suddenly for an hour I had a large patch of this somewhat blocking out my vision. It was a blurry spot in my vision full of that dancing static.)

Wondering if this is a pregnancy thing or something else.
Could be pregnancy related. Or could be an ocular migraine. Migraines usually happen on one half of the head only, but contrary to popular knowledge, migraines don't always come with pain.

I used to get ocular migraines. They started as a black fuzzy speck in my peripheral vision. And as the migraines progressed the speck grew in size until my one eye was completely blind until the migraine started to go away.
Anybody else have any experiences with vision changes during pregnancy?

I've always experienced floaters, light sensitivity, and a small degree of what I call "background" visual snow, but this morning I had a period of about an hour when the visual snow was suddenly visible over everything on one side of my vision, no matter if I closed one or both eyes, and no matter what I was looking at. It felt similar to having glare from the sun in my eyes, and I felt the need to block it with my hand, but it's not coming from something external so I couldn't.

(When I say background visual snow, I mean I see -and always have seen- dancing static on plain surfaces, such as a wall, or in the absense of light. It's in the background, though, and doesn't interfere. Suddenly for an hour I had a large patch of this somewhat blocking out my vision. It was a blurry spot in my vision full of that dancing static.)

Wondering if this is a pregnancy thing or something else.

It could be nothing major, but I would schedule an eye appointment just to be sure. Out of the blue, I went for my annual eye exam (because I was out of contacts! lol) and they found a tear in my retina that I had to have lasered. It is super rare to have a retinal tear or detached retina at such a relatively young age (33) but it happened. The main symptom can be floaters, although I never even noticed them and rarely notice them now.

Chances are that it's not your retina but better safe than sorry! A tear can turn into a detachment which is bad bad news!
As for me, I have my first cervical length ultrasound tomorrow. It is down via vaginal ultrasound so I'm not sure if I'll get to see the baby or not. I googled and it seems like a lot of ladies who go for cervical scans get a quick peek of their babies, depending on who is doing their scan. All the ladies that I had ultrasounds with with my daughter were all very nice so hopefully I'll get a nice one that feels like giving me a quick stomach ultrasound. Apparently at this stage, you can't see much of the baby when an ultrasound is done transvaginally.
Apparently at this stage, you can't see much of the baby when an ultrasound is done transvaginally.

Is this because the baby is too big for this type of ultrasound? Or just because it isn't the main objective to see the baby?
Orglethorp: Not sure about the vision changes, doesn't seem like it would be pregnancy related but our bodies are changing so much it's hard to say. Ask a doctor?

I am also jealous of those getting gender scans so early! We won't get ours until May 25th so still a ways off. Super excited though!

How is everyone doing? MS easing off for most of us now? For me it's much less often than it used to be.

I'm officially finally 13 weeks :happydance: Not sure whether or not to count it as 2nd tri yet though? My phone apps already do though.
Orglethorp, with all the pregnancy changes it could well be related but I'd get checked out just in case.

Angel, nausea seems to be easing for me too, or at least it's not as strong when it is there. I'd love to know whether 2nd tri actually starts at 13 weeks or 14 weeks, because all the advice seems to differ! Either way, I've got a bit longer to go :p

I'm counting down the hours until my scan... only 57.5 hours to go!
My nausea has also been a bit less in the last few days, but it makes me super nervous because I think it's a bit early for that. Hopefully all is still well at our next ultrasound in two weeks!
As for me, I have my first cervical length ultrasound tomorrow. It is down via vaginal ultrasound so I'm not sure if I'll get to see the baby or not. I googled and it seems like a lot of ladies who go for cervical scans get a quick peek of their babies, depending on who is doing their scan. All the ladies that I had ultrasounds with with my daughter were all very nice so hopefully I'll get a nice one that feels like giving me a quick stomach ultrasound. Apparently at this stage, you can't see much of the baby when an ultrasound is done transvaginally.

They had to do mine transvaginally for my scan because of my uterus they couldn't see what they wanted to abdominally, you could still see the whole baby doing what it was doing just from another angle :)
That's me made it to 12 weeks :) got our fist scan on Friday which seems like forever away

MS seems to be slowly going away but headaches seems to be taken its place

hope all is well
Saraaa....how far along were you when you had your scan? I'm 14w1d today. I hope I get to the see the baby! From what I read online, but this stage the uterus has moved up and you will only be able to see whatever part of the baby is pointed down...like the top of the head or the feet. My appointment is in 7 hours so we will see soon! The main reason is to make sure my cervix is staying stable, but I'd love to get a cute pic too. :)
I had my NHS scan yesterday, lovely to see baby and I think you can tell it's grown in less than a week. I wasn't going to get pics but the technician was lovely and gave me some for free.


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Wooo, boy!! Was baby dancing away yesterday! Up until yesterday I had to concentrate to feel it but yesterday he/she was dancing away like CRAZY. And I think he wore himself out because I haven't felt him today. Hahaha. It felt like tap dancing fingers off/on for 2 hours.
Great scan, KR!

Woohoo ME! That's so fab! Can't wait until I can feel some movements :)

Good luck with your scan, Lindsay!

Yay, Amanda. I'll be joining you at 12 weeks tomorrow :)

Only 37.5 hours until my scan now :p

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