October Pumpkins 2017

Aww, that's so cute! It's good she's excited... might help when baby's here and waking her up all through the night :p
Amanda: Your daughter looks so happy, so sweet. Lovely scan pic as well :)

Mrs B: Not feeling movement here yet, heard for first time moms it can be anywhere from 15-20 weeks, I'm hoping closer to 15 as I need the reassurance as well.

How is everyone doing? I'm honestly just excited to "officially" be in 2nd tri now :happydance: We have an appointment next Mon. Hubby thought we'd see baby at every appointment but I don't think my OB does that even though it would be nice.
Here's pics from my scan today. It was very quick!! I was out in 15 minutes so a little disappointing but my OB gives me a scan every visit so only 10 more days and I'll see babes again

Lovely scan pics! Jealous that you get to see baby so often!
MrsB I felt baby for the first time on Friday night but this is my third baby and the first time I have a posterior placenta (we think - they told me at the 12 week scan but they don't really tell you that early usually) i am certainly not feeling much or often but once more since Friday.

Amanda my boys are so excited to, ds2 is only 2 and is convinced he has a baby in his tummy too, he even spent over 5 minutes 'listening' to it on the Doppler. Ds1 has to now talk to both of our babies every day.

Angelgirl - second tri for me tomorrow and I'll join you on the excitement train! I'm feeling almost human again!

My bloodtests came back and as expected there are antibodies in my blood. I'm not worried as this is my third time but means I'm high risk again and baby is at risk of becoming anemic in the womb or afterwards. My boys are perfect and the risk is very low. Anyway this time round they want to test DH, I'm hopeful if they discover that his blood is not the reason I have the antibodies then they will discharge me as the baby will be at no risk at all. Weird they never tested before, but I'm kind of sadistically pleased that he's going to suffer a little pain! I've been joking that I hope he gets a trainee!
Angelgirl, I think it's just different for everyone. This is my first pregnancy and I've been feeling movement and licks (not consistently) since the end of my 13th week! But being a physiotherapist I am also very in tune with human anatomy and my own body and can detect subtle differences and what's normal. So maybe that has something to do with it??
Oo, I hope I'm not far off feeling movement then, ME! But I'll take 15 weeks if not :p
Orglethorp, how you getting on with work? I hope they've stopped pestering you!

My managers haven't pestered me since, but the 3rd party reporting system people phoned me again today. I told the woman who has my case file about the revolving door of assistant managers in charge of my department, and how they don't communicate with one another, so the one who reported my file (and then spoke to me and said he'd deal with it on the 5th, the day before they called me the first time) didn't know I'm pregnant until he asked what was up that day. He's been covering my department for 3 weeks, and the 2 people before him knew. When I told him, he said non-issue, I'll take care of it, don't worry. This was news to the lady who has my case file. She didn't hear from anyone. I also told her about how work is making me report sick to miss shifts for my appointments instead of dropping the shifts from my schedule, even when I notify them 3 weeks in advance, and even though pregnancy-related appointments are by law not sick time. She said she'll check with the store again and if I don't hear from her, it's all good.

Also, when she told me who her contacts were for the store, I was so confused. The first name she rattled off is not one of my managers or co-workers. No idea who that person is. The other was the general manager. Her contacts don't include my department manager (the person who actually has to make these decisions about my absenses).

In other news, I don't look pregnant clothed yet because my bump doesn't protrude past my usual belly chub, but my lower-belly pouch is much rounder and fuller than usual. I think I'll start showing soon.

I may have felt a flutter today. I know 13+3 is really early on a first pregnancy, but the only other thing it could have been is gas, and I've been remarkably not gassy today.
Everything looks good.
Baby is measuring 10 weeks, 2-3 days, and heart rate was between 175-185.
My husband and I are so relieved.


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I'm loving the bumps! Mine seems to be pretty flat in the morning still and gets larger throughout the day. I guess gravity takes effect and pulls everything down so I'm looking a bit potbellied by the end of the day :haha:

Mrs. B - I am not feeling much movement yet. Since this is my fourth baby I know how to discern proper kicks from gas and have felt flutters (a couple were hard enough to feel on the outside) but they are nowhere near consistent yet. I mean look at my siggy... the baby is only the size of a can of pop which means those little legs/arms aren't reeking havoc yet lol.

Med, Amanda and EBAUERHAUS - Beautiful scans ladies! Great to know that everything is going well <3

Cute announcement, Amanda! How sweet that she was excited!

Congrats on making it to the second trimester, Angel :) Hope your appointment goes well xx
i haven't felt any movement yet and at the scan the baby was jumping all over the place even the doctor struggled to gte second measurement, i'm 13 plus 3 days so maybe feel something soon.

My bump has defiantly popped i couldn't fit onto my normal work trousers today not even with the bobble trick, guess its matty clothes for me now :(
Amanda, such a cute announcement!!!!

Orgle, sorry you've had such a hard time with work and multiple bosses not communicating . I have not told my work yet and I'm currently working in a potentially hazardous location due to dangerous chemicals. I've been holding out as they were not at all accommodating when I was pregnant with my son and once I tell them, they will post my position and someone else will take it temporarily so I didn't want to say anything after my two miscarriages or I would be moved and then lose this posting for 6 months. I have to see the occ health nurse next week and make it known to my boss. I am also tied to this schedule due to daycare so there just happens to be a spot open right now but they are not posting it for bids so I'm hoping they won't be ass*s and let me go there so I can stay on this rotation. This will be my last week here at this site and it's bittersweet. I will miss all of the guys and I've told a few people since I won't be here anymore. This many not make sense but my workplace is a little complicated lol.

As for me, I'm 13 weeks today!!!! Or further if I go by my dating. I'm not feeling any movements yet but I can definitely feel where my uterus is moving up.

We plan on telling our family this weekend so I also did not want to tell work before them, I just have an issue with that.
Sorry I've not been around much since joining...a lot of issues so far which hopefully are now resolved! Had our 12 week scan though (my 5th one so far!) and all looks good! Measuring a day ahead! Roll on October!
Oh dear.. woken up this morning to the WORST round ligament pain in my left side. I've noticed my tummy is 'weighing' more, so when I have turned on my side in the night it pulls. I think I have strained too much when turning in my sleep and now I'm feeling very sorry for myself! Hubby is running me a warm bath to relax in now..

On the plus side I am now 15 weeks, and baby is roughly 11cms! Huge ha ha!

I have my consultant appointment in just over a week.. to discuss my plans for labour.

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Just had an appointment with my regular doctor - first time she's seen me since my ultrasound at 11+5. Everything's good and normal, and apparently I've lost 3lbs. :shrug: I thought for sure I'd be a couple pounds heavier by now, but nope! No wonder I don't look pregnant yet :haha:

Doc confirmed that the cramps-while-walking I've been experiencing in the latter half of some shifts is very likely just round ligament stretching, and that I shouldn't worry unless it gets worse.

She also said to phone in and let her know if she needs to write a "fuck off" letter to deal with my work absenses/scheduling nightmare. I love this woman :D
Omg, Orglethorp, your doctor sounds awesome! Ha!

Congrats on getting through the 12w scan, nlk!

Hope everyone's doing well :) I had my consultant appt yesterday and she was so nice and understood that I was quite anxious, so gave me a really quick scan. Got to see baby sucking it's thumb! So cute!
If everyone is ok with it and Lindsay wouldn't mind, I thought maybe we could put a blue or pink emoji beside everyone's Due date as we all find out what were having? I've been looking back to remember who found out so far but it's hard to go through so many posts :)
If everyone is ok with it and Lindsay wouldn't mind, I thought maybe we could put a blue or pink emoji beside everyone's Due date as we all find out what were having? I've been looking back to remember who found out so far but it's hard to go through so many posts :)

I've decided I'm going to stay team yellow, but a yellow emoji would be fun!
Sorry MissYogi, you are right, yellow / green / white would be great to add too :)

I, myself haven't decided on finding out or not but I most likely will.... the anticipation would get the better of me
I've always been team yellow but this time we are letting ds1 decide. He's 5 and is loving the responsibility. I'm pretty sure he'll make us stay team yellow as he says he's never had the surprise before like me and his dad have and he thinks it would be nice to be surprised. I won't really know for sure though until the day as he could have a change of heart!
Orglethorp: Sounds like you have an awesome doc! Glad to hear everything is great!

Mrs B.: Aww how cute! I wonder if our doc would do a scan just to ease worries, that would be awesome!

Med: I definitely think that's a great idea. We find out late May, man is time passing so slow!

Those of you staying team yellow I don't know how you do it, the idea is awesome but I'm already anxious to know what we're having and have been for weeks. You must all have some great self control :haha:

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