October Pumpkins 2017

Hey Ladies,

Here's my bump today at 15+4 weeks


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Med I am jealous of your bump... you look great!

AFM I had my anatomy scan today. Everything looked good. Baby was measuring on the bigger side, in the 80th percentile, but all my kids were bigger so that was no surprise to me. Early gender scan at 13 weeks gave us a boy guess and it was confirmed that we are indeed expecting a baby boy!
KitteyKat: Congrats on your little boy!

KRobbo: Should be fun to find out what you're having! FX for a girl but I know you'll love him/her no matter what!

Amanda: Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Orglethorp: Wow what nerve! I don't want anyone touching my belly unless I'm close to them.

Jumik: Hope you feel completely better ASAP but I'm glad your job is so understanding and gives you so much time for sick leave while pregnant.

Med: Such a cute bump!

lilmisscaviar: Yay for a healthy baby boy! :happydance:
Here are the momma guesses and confirmations so far:

Lindsay - :blue:
verily - :pink:
Lilmisscaviar - :blue:
drjo718 - :blue:
Saraa - :pink:
KitteyKat - :blue: (thought boy)
MissYogi - :yellow: (thinks girl)
MrsReed2015 - :yellow:
KRobbo - :pink:
Mrs. B - :blue: (thought girl)

Orglethorp - thinks boy
PSamuel - thinks boy
MEPride - thinks boy
AngelGirl86 - thinks girl
Amandasb84 - thinks boy
CrazyBird - thinks boy
Meditteranean - thinks girl (although may be wishful thinking)

If you'd like to add your guesses or I've missed you, please let me know and I'll add you in :thumbup:
I'm staying yellow. I have a boy already so girl would be nice but don't mind either way!
MrsReed, Were you team yellow for your son? Now that I'm at the point of finding out (should be this week, eeeeeekkkkkk) I don't think I could be team yellow. The anticipation would drive me nuts! I applaud people who don't find out. I need more will power :) Is this pregnancy any different from your son's?
Looks like the boys are taking over so far!
It feels so weird to be on the pink side of things this time, I can't stop myself looking at all the cute little pink onesies :haha:
Ugh I've changed my mind ... I've been up all night with my youngest who has allergies and was unwell and now I have to get myself together to do the school run! I hate not getting enough sleep so having a third is definitely a bad idea!

I guess it's too late for that?!?!? Oh well thank goodness my caffeine aversion is over! Onwards and upwards......yawn!
I'm guessing boy. We've already got a boy. A girl would be lovely but as long as it's healthy that's the main thing.

I've got a uti urghh!! I thought my iron was low as keep feeling really faint and also getting what I thought was PGP but the doctor tested my urine and I've got an infection. Good job I went to the doctors as I was just going to buy some iron tablets.
MrsReed, Were you team yellow for your son? Now that I'm at the point of finding out (should be this week, eeeeeekkkkkk) I don't think I could be team yellow. The anticipation would drive me nuts! I applaud people who don't find out. I need more will power :) Is this pregnancy any different from your son's?

No I found out with my son, so this will be nice to wait. Part of me is impatient but my hubby keeps me focused! This pregnancy is kinda different, my son is 8 this year so it was a long time ago. I had pre-eclampsia with him and became very ill. So my bp is being monitored this time round. I don't feel any different in myself this time? With him I craved sweet rice pudding. ( sweet is meant to indicate a girl!) no cravings this time so who knows! I am feeling movement so much sooner this time round. I have had them daily from 13 weeks!

I'm just enjoying the journey :)
KRobbo - LOL! Don't feel bad, I think we all think that way sometimes! My 3 year was throwing a massive fit at the doctor's office yesterday because a piece of her popsicle broke off and I wouldn't let her eat it off the floor. In that moment, and all other 3 year old attitude moments, I kept thinking...and I'm adding a baby to this mix lol.

I feel like I have lived at the hospital the last few weeks. My appt was last Tuesday. I ended up rushing my daughter to urgent care on Thurs with a 104.7 fever and then I had to take her back yesterday because she was breaking out in a rash from her antibiotic. I will then be back next week for my 18 week cervical length scan. I love that I get to see frequent peeks at my little boy but my doctor made it sound like I will be making biweekly visits from here on out because of my TAC. On one hand I feel like it will be a lonnnnnnnng pregnancy, but then on the other hand, I feel like it is flying. I absolutely can't believe I'm 17w1d already. My daughter will be switching bedrooms so I have two rooms to decorate in the next few months. Little things like that are weighing on my mind. Luckily we have all the baby stuff we need other than clothes...now it's just a matter of getting it all out and sorting it. I only have one month of school left and then I will be out for the summer so I'm glad I'll have summertime to get things in order!
MrsReed, it will be such an amazing day for you to find out on birth day ! Glad you are being monitored and hope all stays well this time around.

Lindsay, that was a lot of hospital visits!!! Hope the rest are only for scheduled appts for baby!

As for me, my drs office called me this morning at 8:30 and told me my NIPT results were in and I'm low risk!!! I was soooo relieved! 😂The gender also came back so I went to the library and the librarian went into my email but the office hadn't sent it yet . She was disappointed lol. I think we're going to do a gender reveal party with a cake iced inside with pink or blue. I picked up the decor today 🙊
Mediterranean- that is great news! I'm so happy for you and you must feel relieved.

2 1/2 hours until I find out!! I'm so excited. Also my sister is messaging me all excited and that means so much as she suffered a loss last year so this pregnancy is bittersweet for her. She wants to do a gender reveal video when we see her tomorrow and, although it's not something I'd usually do, I'm going to do it for her.
Ugh, I need to vent. Early in pregnancy I was getting super super cold, and wanted to rule out hypothyroid (causes miscarriage and stillbirth) and iron deficiency, so got the midwife to run the tests and she said my thyroid had to go back to my doc. My doc contacted me to say I'm actually borderline hyperthyroid (the opposite and not anywhere near as problematic for pregnancy) but they think the machine might be giving slightly high readings so let's re-run and send to another machine. They lost that sample. Took another. Waited three weeks, no result. Got to my first pregnancy consultant appt who explained that the lab had refused to run the test because I'd already had one. She sent me to the endocinologist, who I've just been to, and that's the woman that has me irritated. She made it quite clear that if she'd been involved she'd never have done the test in the first place (despite the fact I had a known symptom and the disorder is highly risky to pregnancy, and I have a history of infertility and MC), and it was quite clear she was annoyed she now had to see me when I was only borderline hyperthyroid. She even said she'd written to my midwife to tell her off for doing the blood test. So, what, I should have risked another f-ing miscarriage to save her from extra work?! Still, she insisted we must now run another blood test (and send to the same damn machine that refused to do the test the second and third times!). Then she spent most of the rest of the appointment questioning my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis even though it's nothing to do with her, and has no relation to thyroid. So angry right now... she hinted that she didn't even accept my EDS diagnosis, even though she's not the correct specialist for it and I've been diagnosed by the correct specialist! So right now I have a midwife, a pregnancy consultant (who is the one that should and is monitoring anything to do with my EDS related to the pregnancy in coordination with the specialist), and an endocrinologist who is only interested in my EDS and not my thyroid and to be honest is quite condescending and rude. I'm close to discharging myself from the endocrine clinic and refusing to see her again. Sorry for the vent... just really angry about the whole thing.

What really pisses me off is the attitude that if we didn't know about my issue, we wouldn't have to treat it. That's the attitude over here... let's not do anything that might indicate a slight problem because then we have to treat it. If we don't see it, we can pretend everything's fine and the person's healthy... la la la la la *covers eyes*. God forbid we try to ensure someone is actually healthy. I know there are huge problems in the States with cost and medical treatment, but at least you get damn treated without being made to feel like you're inconveniencing them! And without being made to feel like you should have just risked a miscarriage rather than have a simple blood test.
Hey ladies, I have a question. I've been feeling flutters and the occasional kicks since 13+6. I've noticed in this last week to two weeks I've barely felt any kicks but am still feeling the flutters. I used to feel the kicks every day to every other day. Why do you suppose this is? I thought maybe baby just changed its position??? Just seems odd that I suddenly feel less kicking than I did before. Not worried since I have felt quickening and did feel gentle kicks last night but still odd....

Also strange, I've noticed I can feel quickening in my back???? I'm feeling it right now, more right sided and low in my back. I've also felt it under my left ribs. Now.. obviously it shouldn't be baby under my ribs yet as I'm barely 18weeks... just wondering why then?

And finally... I seem to have popped this last week!! Still looks like I've eaten too much mac and cheese but belly is definitely popping! Yay!!
Ugh, I need to vent. Early in pregnancy I was getting super super cold, and wanted to rule out hypothyroid (causes miscarriage and stillbirth) and iron deficiency, so got the midwife to run the tests and she said my thyroid had to go back to my doc. My doc contacted me to say I'm actually borderline hyperthyroid (the opposite and not anywhere near as problematic for pregnancy) but they think the machine might be giving slightly high readings so let's re-run and send to another machine. They lost that sample. Took another. Waited three weeks, no result. Got to my first pregnancy consultant appt who explained that the lab had refused to run the test because I'd already had one. She sent me to the endocinologist, who I've just been to, and that's the woman that has me irritated. She made it quite clear that if she'd been involved she'd never have done the test in the first place (despite the fact I had a known symptom and the disorder is highly risky to pregnancy, and I have a history of infertility and MC), and it was quite clear she was annoyed she now had to see me when I was only borderline hyperthyroid. She even said she'd written to my midwife to tell her off for doing the blood test. So, what, I should have risked another f-ing miscarriage to save her from extra work?! Still, she insisted we must now run another blood test (and send to the same damn machine that refused to do the test the second and third times!). Then she spent most of the rest of the appointment questioning my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis even though it's nothing to do with her, and has no relation to thyroid. So angry right now... she hinted that she didn't even accept my EDS diagnosis, even though she's not the correct specialist for it and I've been diagnosed by the correct specialist! So right now I have a midwife, a pregnancy consultant (who is the one that should and is monitoring anything to do with my EDS related to the pregnancy in coordination with the specialist), and an endocrinologist who is only interested in my EDS and not my thyroid and to be honest is quite condescending and rude. I'm close to discharging myself from the endocrine clinic and refusing to see her again. Sorry for the vent... just really angry about the whole thing.

What really pisses me off is the attitude that if we didn't know about my issue, we wouldn't have to treat it. That's the attitude over here... let's not do anything that might indicate a slight problem because then we have to treat it. If we don't see it, we can pretend everything's fine and the person's healthy... la la la la la *covers eyes*. God forbid we try to ensure someone is actually healthy. I know there are huge problems in the States with cost and medical treatment, but at least you get damn treated without being made to feel like you're inconveniencing them! And without being made to feel like you should have just risked a miscarriage rather than have a simple blood test.

Definitely unfair for you all the way around. I don't know about the laws where you are but in the states a person is considered in charge of their own medical care. I would have told this practitioner to shove it. She has no business looking into your ED diagnosis when she is supposed to look at a thyroid issue. See someone else if you can. Unfortunately a person can be subjected to similar unfair treatment in the states.... but generally the fear of lawsuit here is strong enough to clip most tongues and make doctors think twice about how they word things. But not all. And definitely not the orthopedic doctor I work with.
Med what a neat idea about the gender guesses/confirmations. I'm glad to hear your test results came back low risk.

Saraa - This is definitely a very blue month lol! Last time I was due with my rainbow DD there were more girls than boys so it seems like I'm always in the majority rather than the minority. I'm glad it worked out that way though. I'm really happy to be expecting another little man!

KRobbo your post made me laugh - although I'm sure you were being serious - only because there were a few days when I felt that way myself :oops: Sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for having four kids especially after we tried taking them to my anatomy scan. DH wanted to be there for the gender confirmation and we didn't have a babysitter so we had to take the kids with us. Big mistake. After the way they acted, the poor tech probably thought "they sure need another one!" Anyways how did your scan go?

MEPride - I asked my doctor that same question once. She told me that sometimes baby grows faster than the uterus can stretch so it becomes cramped in there. When that happens there is less room for the baby to have enough room to land some serious punches/kicks.

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