October Pumpkins 2017

I'm going to help swing the balance - she's pink! I can't believe I'm going to have a girl!! I'm over the moon and I cried at the scan - if you knew me you'd know how mad that is as I never cry over nice things.

Mepride - I stared feeling little taps at 13 weeks and then nothing since then until yesterday in the scan. Turns out she likes to turn around and cuddle into the placenta (sounds like I might have another koala baby) so I'm guessing it's change of position.

Little miss - I feel your pain my youngest pooed his pants at the scan! And it was a stinker! My eldest didn't react well to the news? I don't think he's bothered that it's a girl though, I think it all became real for him and he's now realised we're getting another baby. But I do like them today as they let me sleep!

MrsB - the NHS is both fabulous and horrible. What I would give for a little continuity of care or some individual care! There is a GP at my practice who I refuse to see, he stated questioning DS2's dairy allergy when I went to see him about him having tonsillitis. i nearly complained about him but just avoid him now.
KRobbo - Congratulations!!! :)

We're on to week 2 of my son waking up in the night and coming into our bed! Hope this phase goes away soon, he usually sleeps 12 hours solid and I'm too tired to sit in his room at 3am and get him back to sleep lol
Sorry for the rant everyone :) I feel a bit better this morning... still v. angry with her words and actions, and concerned how she might impact on my EDS care going forward, but my anxiety is down and I'm calmer. I'll speak to the midwife later, and might try to get in touch with my consultant to mention my concerns to her. I just don't think two consultant trying to separately treat a patient at the same time is a good idea... there are going to be crossed wires. Thanks, ME :) Lawsuits aren't so much a thing over here, so there isn't really that threat making them think before they speak! Not that I'm keen on the lawsuit culture, but it does have a few benefits at times. I can certainly refuse treatment, but then getting that treatment in future, if required, would likely be impossible. So I need to be careful before I kick up a fuss.

Sorry, I've missed quite a few posts on here... I'll try to catch up, but sorry if I miss anyone.

Med, yay for good results! So pleased for you!

KRobbo, Lol, I think it might be a bit late I'm afraid ;) My gma always used to tell the story that when my dad was born, as soon as they announced he was a boy (she already had a boy), she told the nurses to push him back in. Lol! She really wanted a girl.

ME, yay for popping! I woke up at 5am needing to tinkle, and for the first time, I felt a hard, slightly rounded stomach as I lay down. Went away after peeing, so I guess it was pushed up, but I'm hoping it might mean my belly will pop in the next week or so! I suspect the amount of movement we might feel at this stage will not only be based on how baby is lying, but also on where the uterus is. I suspect as it moves up, it might place itself somewhere that isn't as sensitive to movement. Just a guess though.

Well, I'd best join in on this guessing game! My gut feeling since the beginning has been girl, but my head does kinda lean towards boy. However, seeing as we're so blue here, I'm going with my gut and guessing girl!
MrsB - the NHS is both fabulous and horrible. What I would give for a little continuity of care or some individual care! There is a GP at my practice who I refuse to see, he stated questioning DS2's dairy allergy when I went to see him about him having tonsillitis. i nearly complained about him but just avoid him now.

This, this, and this. When you get a good doc with continuity, the NHS is fab. In principle, it is the right way to run a healthcare system (IMO), but in reality a lot of the time the care is subpar, or you're bounced from one to another without much help. Waiting times can be atrocious, and I've repeatedly faced the attitude of 'none of these common ailments match your symptoms. Nothing more I can do. Bye.' That's what worries me about her interfering with EDS... it's a 'rare' syndrome so they automatically assume you can't have it. Because it's rare. I really feel for the nurses as it's rare you'll find a rude nurse, yet they're rushed off their feet all day long. Must be such a hard job to do.

Yay, congrats on being pink!!!!
Sorry for the rant everyone :) I feel a bit better this morning... still v. angry with her words and actions, and concerned how she might impact on my EDS care going forward, but my anxiety is down and I'm calmer. I'll speak to the midwife later, and might try to get in touch with my consultant to mention my concerns to her. I just don't think two consultant trying to separately treat a patient at the same time is a good idea... there are going to be crossed wires. Thanks, ME :) Lawsuits aren't so much a thing over here, so there isn't really that threat making them think before they speak! Not that I'm keen on the lawsuit culture, but it does have a few benefits at times. I can certainly refuse treatment, but then getting that treatment in future, if required, would likely be impossible. So I need to be careful before I kick up a fuss.

Sorry, I've missed quite a few posts on here... I'll try to catch up, but sorry if I miss anyone.

Med, yay for good results! So pleased for you!

KRobbo, Lol, I think it might be a bit late I'm afraid ;) My gma always used to tell the story that when my dad was born, as soon as they announced he was a boy (she already had a boy), she told the nurses to push him back in. Lol! She really wanted a girl.

ME, yay for popping! I woke up at 5am needing to tinkle, and for the first time, I felt a hard, slightly rounded stomach as I lay down. Went away after peeing, so I guess it was pushed up, but I'm hoping it might mean my belly will pop in the next week or so! I suspect the amount of movement we might feel at this stage will not only be based on how baby is lying, but also on where the uterus is. I suspect as it moves up, it might place itself somewhere that isn't as sensitive to movement. Just a guess though.

Well, I'd best join in on this guessing game! My gut feeling since the beginning has been girl, but my head does kinda lean towards boy. However, seeing as we're so blue here, I'm going with my gut and guessing girl!

Never feel silly! I think any person would be rightfully upset. I personally have met far too many doctors with such high opinions of themselves that it irks me. Working in the medical system gives me a whole new perspective on the matter. I've met and worked with people with mild ED and severe ED. It's rare but not unheard of and not overly diagnosed like children with ADD can be over diagnosed. I HATE the lawsuit happy culture that is part of the states. I have come across patients whose sole purpose is to find SOMETHING wrong with the care they're given just so they can sue and get money. That's why so many practitioners are careful how they speak and act here. It's a broken system but overall the medical care is good. I'll give it that...

You ladies with your early gender scans are so lucky! I still have 2 more weeks until I find out! It feels so far away!
Thanks, ME. Thankfully I'm very mild EDS but it's still important to have that diagnosis! My midwife was super lovely about it, validated the concerns I had, and has got my consultant giving me a call back about it.

Good luck with the flight Orglethorp!

Heard the baby's heartbeat today... 150bpm. Got my early gender scan on Sat so many soon know the gender!! Hope everyone's doing ok!
Mrs B: I'm sorry you were treated that way, there is no excuse for any doctor to treat a patient that way and especially no excuse for a doctor to question another doctor's diagnosis when it isn't even their field. The nerve of some people!

KRobbo: OMG yay so glad to see your having a girl! Congrats!

Hope everyone is doing ok. Doing fine here, been dealing with a cold for a while which is really annoying since there isn't much I can take but nothing I can't handle. Been spending way too much money on baby clothes lately though :haha:
KRobbo, congrats on the girl!!! That is so nice after two boys I'm sure! I added you to our list.

Mrs.B sorry to hear you've been having Dr Troubles. Hopefully between the midwife and consultant you can get some answers. I'll add your guess as well.

Orglethorp, hope your flight is good. Sorry, you may have mentioned it but is it for work or pleasure? Travel now while you can LOL. Travelling with kids is not so easy :)

Two nights ago, while battling insomnia, I had what felt like a ball moving around in my lower abdomen. When I would feel my stomach it was hard on one side and softer on the other, then it would move again and be hard on the other side. Otherwise, I haven't really felt much. I feel large bubbles but just associate it with gas as that seems to come right after lol. I am 16+1 today! Can't wait until I feel definitive movements. With my son it was 20 weeks so I expect it will be any time now with this one.
On another note, my Dr emailed me an attachment with little babes gender :) It's so tempting to take a peek. It's right at my fingertips. I'm going to be good (trying my best) and wait until Friday night when we have the 'surprise were pregnant and revealing the gender party'. I have to bring the email printout to the bakers next week and get them to make a cake for the party . I went to the library and asked the librarian to go into the attachment and print it so I wouldn't see anything. She was quite excited about doing it LOL. I didn't want anyone I knew finding out before me and possibly spilling the beans.
Angelgirl, Are you just buying gender neutral clothes? I didn't think you found out gender yet.

Mrs.B good luck on the scan tomorrow! Hope baby co-operates and you know what little bean is :)

So I added myself to the list. I know it sounds silly as the gender is already determined but I'm scared to say my guess out loud. I'm leaning more girl but part of my thinks it's myself swaying my mind hehehe. I'll find out in one week and then I have anatomy scan the week after.
My spotting's back again :( Did a bit of walking today, but tried to walk slowly and gently to stop it from happening. Apparently it didn't help, assuming it was the walking that set off the bleeding. Just hoping it's not dangerous to the baby. Luckily I have a private gender scan booked for tomorrow morning already so I'll be able to check on baby. Spotting is worse than the last two times but still brown. Little concerned (sorry, tmi) that there was some stringy tissue there too, not just normal CM. :(
Yay, baby's doing good! They couldn't see anything concerning apart from my placenta is 'reaching' the cervix, which might explain the bleeding. Got to keep taking it as easy as possible but baby doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Aaaaaand... I was wrong! I'm tipping the October colour back to blue!! We've most definitely got a (not so shy) boy in there :p
Yay Mrs B! So glad baby is okay and congrats on a probable boy!
Med: No I buy both boys and girls clothing because the dolls I make wear them too so whatever we won't be using for baby goes towards business expenses so just more excuse to buy clothes :haha:

Mrs B: Congrats on the baby boy! So glad all is ok, definitely best to take it easy :hugs:

I went shopping with my mom on Fri. for maternity jeans mainly since my other jeans no longer fit. It seems I'm starting to finally get a proper bump, will have to get a photo when I'm able. Still haven't felt definite movement though, FX I get to soon!
Mrs.B congrats on the baby boy!!! I will update the list :)

Angel, that's great that you can start buying gender specific clothes now. I've seen those dolls and they look soooo real! It's amazing how you can make them like that.

I'm down to 5 days until our 'surprise I'm pregnant and gender reveal party.' Woohoo!!!
Can someone remind me who I need to friend on FB to come join the group? Sorry, I can't find the post about it! Told the bosses last week so I'm not so worried about it accidentally getting on social media now. Thank you :)
Ps, we are quite a blue month, aren't we! Anyone got their names picked out yet? Our shortlist for a boy is worryingly short...
And I thought I'd post a couple of the scan photos from yesterday's 16 w gender scan :cloud9:

One's a very obvious potty shot. When you see it, you can't unsee it :haha:


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