verily: Sorry you haven't been feeling so well
Glad to hear your baby is looking good!
Orglethorp: Yay for a bump! Glad to hear your wedding dress will fit as expected.
MEPride: Glad to hear your mom is doing better, hope she gets to go home soon. Lovely bump! I bet you are super excited about the scan, good luck!
KRobbo: Sorry you have to deal with GD
Nita: Welcome!
Med: Hopefully you will get good results from the scan and they can see what they need to but if not hopefully they'll rebook it ASAP!
Lovely bumps ladies, so nice to see everyone starting to pop now! Here is where I'm at at 18w4d (sorry it's a little blurry).
Anatomy scan in exactly 2 weeks and my 3rd appointment is on Monday. I'll be 20w4d for my scan, so excited! Hoping by 20w or so I'll be able to feel baby kick from the outside so I can share the experience with hubby but until then I'm so grateful to be feeling kicks every day now