October Pumpkins 2017

Welcome to the group, squirrel :)

My next appointment on the 7th cannot come soon enough. I'm so @#$@#% done with my workplace. Wanna see if my doc will put me on sick leave for my remaining time until I'm eligible to start mat leave. We just had an employee of 17 years rage quit this weekend, in my department (stock handler in receiving, morning/day shift). He quit over management's decision on where to put him when the new system goes into effect July 29th. He applied for positions that were 5am, 5:30am, and 6am starts. They told him yesterday he gets 3-11pm. He told them he wouldn't be back, and sure enough he didn't show today. There's rumour that he'll be in tomorrow, but just to settle paperwork. He's old enough he can probably retire, but I don't know if they'll let him go that quietly.

The only other woman on the team is still being used for other things. (Hasn't actually done our job since Christmas.) The young guy who's been doing this job on weekends while he finishes up his degree is ready to start looking for his final work term, and once he gets that he's gone. There's literally just myself and the team lead left. I can't physically do this job anymore. I'm not mentally holding up to it either. I also haven't had a weekend off since the beginning of April, and none in sight for June so far, except for my mother's wedding back at the end of April. That hardly counts, though, as it was approved back in January, and had I not gone, it was actually supposed to be my weekend rotation. Apparently now the weekend rotations don't exist, but I seem to be the only full timer in the back room who isn't still getting scheduled on a rotation. And I've been scheduled to work the day of my next appointment, for the FIFTH time in a row, after having a lengthy conversation about this exact issue with my department manager just 2 weeks ago.
Squirrel welcome and congratulations again :hugs: I am so happy you have your little one ( a little miss, if i remember correctly) coming! Thank you and yes, this little man was a surprise for us as well, lol. We're doing well, I hope the same goes for you. I am really glad you're back on hun!

MEP that is some amazing luck. Are you going to do one of the 3D/4D ultrasounds? If so, hopefully she'll be more cooperative! I am glad your appointment went well.

Mediterranean I am completely jealous of the scans hun! Hopefully you you'll get some lovely pictures of your lady, and congratulations on the halfway mark!

Orglethorp that sounds horrid. Hopefully your OB fully backs you on the medical leave. I'll keep my FX for you. Congratulations, as well, on the half way point!
Welcome, Squirrel!

Sorry, Orglethorp. I hope they sign you off so you don't have to deal with that stress anymore. Sounds like they're taking the p***.

Hope everyone's doing well. Sorry I've not been very talkative... lots of work on and lots of appointments at the hospital coming up :( Got my 20 week scan tomorrow... got all the normal nerves hoping everything's okay, but I also get bad cramps after ultrasounds and worried as this one is a long one. Had 2 days worth of horrible discomfort after the 12 week scan and that only took 15 minutes or so. This one's going to be at least double so not looking forward to the discomfort and cramps after.
Why do people cramp after an ultrasound? I didn't realize that was a thing?
I didn't either until it happened. Not sure what the reason would be for my first one at 11+5, but last week at 19+5 my little one was rolling around to avoid the pressure so much that the tech had to readjust after every picture she took :lol:
Congrats Orglethorp, Nita and Angel on team :pink:

Congrats Conundrum and welcome to team :blue:

There are a lot of girlies due this month, almost double as many boys. Makes me hope that my lil bub doesn't decide to change just because of the pink jinx :haha: DH is really looking forward to another boy!

Welcome squirrel! This is a great group... I'm sure you will love it here!
Orglethorp, sorry you've had these cramps too. All the docs look at me weird when I say I get them after the ultrasound, but it seems there are a small number of women who do. MEP, I didn't either! I knew it was quite common after a transvaginal, but not abdominal. I've not had any with excessive pressure applied either, so I can only assume I'm sensitive to the waves that come off the probe? Who knows. My ultrasound tech was really nice today and she did everything as quickly as she could to limit my exposure. Slight discomfort so far but nowhere near what I had after the 12 week scan. Baby was mostly cooperative until right at the end! Confirmed he's a boy too :)
That's an interesting theory, being sensitive to the waves. It would certainly make sense! I can't stand being around really loud music, especially with sub-woofers, because I feel it in my organs and it doesn't feel healthy. Makes perfect sense, then, that I wouldn't feel great after exposure to other intense waves.
Hi guys. Hope all is well.

Anyone has any recommendations for allergies? Is Piriton ok?
Had my 20 week scan last night, we are 21 weeks tomorrow all looks normal :)


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Jumik it might be different for you but Claritin (loratadine) I was told was safe during pregnancy. My DD actually had to go on it as well as an infant. Always talk to your OB first but I'm not sure of Piriton. Hope you feel better soon

Amanda congratulations! Very nice picture of LO!
I was told by my doc and pharmacist that no allergy relief is considered 'safe' as not enough testing has been done on pregnant women and foetus's.

So I've just been struggling Day in day out. But def seek medical advice :thumbup:
Allergy sufferers- claritin, zyrtec, and benadryl are all ok in pregnancy after 1st tri. Just not the ones with the decongestants. Saline nasal spray is fine too. Don't torture yourselves! Just only take the recommended amount.

Afm- I've been MIA for awhile. We're moving to a different state and are going through the processes of buying and selling homes, which is quite stressful. Now I need to set up movers for July 5 and 6, and of course I work 13 hours on the 5th, and it's a holiday week so finding someone to trade may be impossible.

I worked Friday and one of the midwives was there. She did a quick ultrasound for me to peek at gender, and we still saw boy parts! Having my anatomy scan on Tuesday but all my blood work has come back normal.
Benadryl is great for allergies and colds. I take it sometimes, not for allergies but to help me sleep since I suffer for horrid insomnia. It was highly recommended by my midwife to be the safest to take.

Congrats on a healthy scan, Amanda!

AFM - I've hit V-day! :happydance:

I had my midwife appointment last week when I was 23 weeks and baby is already measuring 3 weeks ahead :shock: I had a hard time pushing out my first, who was born 9 lbs at 39w5d and she only measured 2 weeks ahead at each appointment, so I dread to see how big this baby is going to be if I go even remotely close to my due date...
Lilmiss, congrats on V-DAY! I am with you on the big baby fear. My first wast a chunk as well, and I'm measuring ahead and actually gaining this go which makes me shudder lol. FX for us both having reasonable los.

Dr, I hope the situation gets better and you find someone willing. FX you have an amazing scan today.
Well, today it was confirmed that I am not getting my choice team when Walmart's restucture goes live at my location (6-2:30 picks & pricing shift), and have instead been assigned to "Customer Experience" - assigned to departments that need a dedicated worker on a shift-by-shift basis (electronics, cosmetics, photo lab, etc.) and required to work 2 closing shifts per week, and no guaranteed weekends off. *sigh* The manager who will be in charge of the team I wanted doesn't like me, and hasn't been pleased with how my pregnancy has affected scheduling and my physical capabilities. I'm pretty convinced he's used this opportunity to drop me, and I can't complain because it's a restructure, so there's no law to protect me, and the position I've been given is "equal" in terms of status (full time) and pay rate.

Here's hoping that when I ask my doctor for sick leave tomorrow, she gives it to me. I SO want today to have been my last day. I'm so done with this place. If I can't get leave and just get restricted hours & duties, I know I'll have crap shifts that require staying out in town all day without a vehicle, so I'll inquire about unpaid leave on my next shift, and if that doesn't pan out, I'll have to give my notice. I'd really like to have my 6 week top up and have my vacation pay-out when I leave at the end of maternity, but if we have to go witout my paycheck entirely for a couple months, so be it. Maternity & parental benefits through E.I. are still paid out if I leave voluntarily, but it might take longer to get processed.
Good news! My doctor has agreed I should be off work now. To avoid any issues with my EI claim, since the allowed 15 weeks of "sick leave" prior to maternity doesn't quite take me to my EDD yet, we're calling the first 4 weeks temporary, "to be re-assessed" at my next appointment, when we'll call it "off until mat" and do open the claim then. This is also good 'cuz I'll get any sick day pay I have left and not need to worry about that messing up the EI claim either. *phew*

But now I have to let work know...
Glad you were able to get signed off work Orgle. It's unfortunate there are difficulties when you get pregnant and not treated fairly but it's the way it is in some workplaces.

With regard to the ladies wondering about allergy medication, my husband is a pharmacist so I'll ask him. I miraculously developed allergies for the first time in my life when I was pregnant with my son and although I still dont' know what I'm allergic to, it's only in the spring / early summer so I'm stuffy and itchy nose and mouth for a while. It's not pleasant but I haven't taken anything. My hubby said before that nothing is deemed safe as far as allergy medication goes so I'll ask him again.

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