October Pumpkins 2017

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. Everything looked good except for, ironically, they weren't able to get a good view of the spine because of the position the baby was laying in. She had me jump up and down, walk around, roll on one side, roll on the other, eat some chocolate but he just wouldn't cooperate. She assured me, and my doctor later assured me, that they do not suspect something is wrong...they just weren't able to see what they wanted to see. They have me scheduled for another ultrasound in 2 weeks to recheck. I'm trying to relax and take their word for it but of course it has me a little worried. Good news is I will get to peak at my baby again! Now that my cervical length scans are done, and my cervix is holding strong YAY, I wasn't sure if/when I would get another ultrasound. So far, my blood pressure has been perfect. Although, 22 weeks was when I went on BP meds with my daughter which then put me in the high risk group and I was got NST and an ultrasound every week for the last several weeks of my pregnancy. Hopefully my BP stays under control this time and I don't have to worry about it.

Everything else went well. Baby is still a boy lol. All measurements were slightly ahead. Head circumference was in the 60% which shocked me because my daughter always had the biggest noggin. LOL!

Try not to worry too much. Chances are everything is fine. Techs just have a time limit to get the scan done, and if baby is uncooperative, they just have you come back. DS1 was the same way. I still have his anatomy scan pics showing him face-planted in my placenta :shock: He just wouldn't sit still! This LO was also giving the tech a hard time seeing his genitals so maybe it is a boy thing? I suppose they don't call them "bouncing baby boys" for nothing lol. Anyways they had me come back with DS1 and everything was fine.
19 weeks today! And as far as I know, still haven't gained weight. Just redistributing it :p Anyone else?
I certainly don't want to be huge before my wedding in 9 weeks, but I'm really starting to wonder when the baby weight happens, and if it's going to sneak up on me.
I've put only a couple of pounds on and I'm still a whole stone (14lbs) lighter than this time last year.

I've been a bit quiet lately as I'm focusing on my diet and blood sugar levels. I've now on meds at night for my levels.

I hope everything is going well for everyone and congratulations on all the pink bundles. I have my anatomy scan on Wednesday next week.
19 weeks today! And as far as I know, still haven't gained weight. Just redistributing it :p Anyone else?
I certainly don't want to be huge before my wedding in 9 weeks, but I'm really starting to wonder when the baby weight happens, and if it's going to sneak up on me.

My weight snuck up on me right around week 18. That's also around when I really popped. And now it's been a steady 1 lb per week.
Is anyone feeling hiccups yet? I've been feeling them for about 2 weeks and now they're daily, multiple times a day.
Is anyone feeling hiccups yet? I've been feeling them for about 2 weeks and now they're daily, multiple times a day.

How do hiccups feel?

I can feel my girl wiggle around now and then, but don't think its hiccups yet. This morning DH felt LO move for the very first time. He's on cloud 9! :cloud9: :D
I felt hiccups only once, after I ate an extremely large amount of popcorn, LOL! 😂

Popcorn doesn't generally agree with my system so I eat it rarely as a special treat. When I do I tend to binge. A lot. It does t surprise me she got hiccups!!! I'm not 100% certain it was hiccups as I've never felt them before but this was a different movement. Past movement have been kind of random punches and kicks. But this time it was rhythmic and lasted about a minute, but otherwise felt similar to other punches and kicks.

Ladies, I need your advice. I'm putting together my baby registry. I've registered at BabyList and Target. And I am overwhelmed by the utter cost of things. Nothing I've registered for has a really high cost with the exception of a few items (stroller, bassinet, etc) but the cost all together is unbelieveable. My shower will be relatively small so I am concerned about this cost.

Any suggestions on how to make this cost less without compromising quality or safety? Any secrets for coupons or suggestions for certain times to buy or specific places to buy from??
Most diaper/formula companies offers coupons, samples and other freebies to expecting mothers. Do a google search for all the companies you can think of and see if their websites have a place to register for an account. Most of the ones that do offer these perks will ask about your due date, or have an additional sign-up after basic registration. Most of the ones I signed up for specifically stated that they send stuff close to the baby's due date, but I've already got a coupon from Similac and sample diapers from Natty.

Other than that, keep an eye out in classifieds for second hand baby stuff. Some stuff you probably do want new, like a car seat, but things like the crib, mattress & blankets can all easily be washed and used again with a new baby. Same for high chairs, play pens, etc. Just make sure what you're buying isn't broken, and Google search the serial numbers to ensure nothing was recalled.

Last night I did something I always do without thinking too much about it - nudged the drawer under the oven shut with my foot. It was only sticking out an inch, not even completely open, but because of the way our kitchen is arranged, that prevents the dish washer door from opening flat. So I nudged it, like I always do. Something in the vacinity of my sacrum (triangular bone made of fused vertebra forming the centre back of your pelvis) popped and I instantly felt a LOT of pain in my groin area. It eased off pretty quickly, but walking has hurt a lot ever since, and something was clunking in an out of place in my lower back every time I moved in bed last night. I usually experience looseness in the pelvic area during AF, so I'm not too alarmed, but dang this makes walking hurt a lot now that I'm 19 weeks! Worried that I'm going to have to skip out on work tomorrow. Working today sucked. I was uncomfortable all day, and I was trying to do so little in terms of lifting & climbing ladders that I felt downright useless.
Most diaper/formula companies offers coupons, samples and other freebies to expecting mothers. Do a google search for all the companies you can think of and see if their websites have a place to register for an account. Most of the ones that do offer these perks will ask about your due date, or have an additional sign-up after basic registration. Most of the ones I signed up for specifically stated that they send stuff close to the baby's due date, but I've already got a coupon from Similac and sample diapers from Natty.

Other than that, keep an eye out in classifieds for second hand baby stuff. Some stuff you probably do want new, like a car seat, but things like the crib, mattress & blankets can all easily be washed and used again with a new baby. Same for high chairs, play pens, etc. Just make sure what you're buying isn't broken, and Google search the serial numbers to ensure nothing was recalled.

Last night I did something I always do without thinking too much about it - nudged the drawer under the oven shut with my foot. It was only sticking out an inch, not even completely open, but because of the way our kitchen is arranged, that prevents the dish washer door from opening flat. So I nudged it, like I always do. Something in the vacinity of my sacrum (triangular bone made of fused vertebra forming the centre back of your pelvis) popped and I instantly felt a LOT of pain in my groin area. It eased off pretty quickly, but walking has hurt a lot ever since, and something was clunking in an out of place in my lower back every time I moved in bed last night. I usually experience looseness in the pelvic area during AF, so I'm not too alarmed, but dang this makes walking hurt a lot now that I'm 19 weeks! Worried that I'm going to have to skip out on work tomorrow. Working today sucked. I was uncomfortable all day, and I was trying to do so little in terms of lifting & climbing ladders that I felt downright useless.

Sit on the edge of a bed, or better yet recline back with your knees bent to relax your muscles. Take a soft ball or fold a pillow in half and squeeze it, hard, between your knees. In most instances, this will 'reset' your pelvis safely. You may feel a pop or even discomfort as you do this but you should feel better almost immediately after (if it is successful). This move can also be used to strengthen your hip musculature to help stabilize your pelvis a little better. Make sure you breathe OUT when squeezing. I hope you feel better.

Thanks for the advice Orglethorp.
MEP, check with your area about when they do change overs in inventory. When they start getting ready to change products out, you can get huge discounts. With our first I paid for the floor models for the crib, highchair, bathtub and bouncy seat and saved roughly 60% off of the cost with items already put together. Loved it.
Managed to get my sacrum clicked back into place last night. Relived, but also disappointed that I now have to work again today :p Gonna be just as overly careful and feeling useless, because it feels like it could go again with any wrong movement.

I managed to actually take my prenatal while I was still up in the bedroom this morning instead of putting it in my pocket for later like I always do. Popped something containing a lot of iron on an empty, growling stomach. Hurried down to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar to get something in there with it ASAP. This may be fun...
Managed to get my sacrum clicked back into place last night. Relived, but also disappointed that I now have to work again today :p Gonna be just as overly careful and feeling useless, because it feels like it could go again with any wrong movement.

I managed to actually take my prenatal while I was still up in the bedroom this morning instead of putting it in my pocket for later like I always do. Popped something containing a lot of iron on an empty, growling stomach. Hurried down to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar to get something in there with it ASAP. This may be fun...

Hahaha, good luck!
A couple tricks to help keep your pelvis in place. Squeeze the pillow x3 for 10 seconds each; do this twice a day. Don't stand on one leg. Don't step down really hard (like from the bottom step of your staircase). If you stretch do so on both sides of your body equally. Don't shift your weight while standing to one side. Don't cross your legs. These tips should help minimize chances of another pelvic misalignment.
Hi guys. Had a 3D scan in Maryland yesterday and I'm team pink :pink:. Husband and daughter are happy so I'm happy. Bring on the shopping.
Orglethorp FX everything stays put and you can continue to enjoy some relief. Im sorry about work though.

Jumik congratulations!
Congrats on your little girl Jumik!!!!

I had my anatomy u/s and everything went well but I got a call to redo it as the radiologist couldn't be sure that my placenta was at least 2 cm away from the cervical opening due to a contraction. The contraction part was unnerving by upon speaking to my Dr, she assured me that Braxton Hicks is normal at this point.
I won a 3D ultrasound so I'm booked in for that on Tuesday!!!! It's over $200 to pay for the package. Can't wait!!!
Mediterranean I'm glad your scan went well and super congratulations on winning another! Worst case with the placenta though is minor previa, which would mean another scan at around 28 weeks. FX it is nothing and you just got the jackpot on additional scans.
Thanks Conundrum. I had a close laid placenta with my son so the fear was that I would have placenta previa but on a later scan, it was fine as it had moved upward as my uterus grew. Fingers crossed the measurement isn't even outside the limit this time. I don't mind the ultrasounds but this will be 3 in 3 weeks. I'd rather them be spread out more :)
MePride - Target clearances out old patterns of baby stuff in January and July so if you have a Target close, it's worth popping in frequently during July. I used to get all kinds of big baby items for 75% when I had a baby store on Ebay years ago.

As far as the necessities...I was so overwhelmed with what to get with my daughter. I ended up with just about every baby item imaginable and was completely surprised in how little you actually need. I breastfed my first, but went back to work at 8 weeks so a pump (which insurance covered) and bottles were a necessity for me. All of the other breastfeeding stuff was really unnecessary for me. I had several tubes of nipple cream and gel pads that I never even touched. I had boxes of breast pads that I didn't use and even had nipple shields, again that I didn't need. That is one area I definitely feel like I overspent. As far as bottles, buying the medela bottles only saved a lot rather than their breastfeeding sets because so much of the stuff was not needed. I had a few different types of feeding bottles but never bought any expensive sets of bottles because you never know what bottle is going to work best for your little one. I would suggest having several different kinds of bottles and then buying more of whichever bottle your baby prefers. My daughter did fine switching between different types, but I learned some seemed to leak more than others.

Big baby things...I had it all. My little one hated the bassinet and ended up sleeping by my bed in a rock and play for the first 8 weeks and then continued to nap in the rock and play until she was 8 months old. It was an absolute life saver for us. Due your research, some are very against using it as a night time sleep space because it technically doesn't adhere to SIDS guidelines because it has the baby sleeping at an angle rather than flat on a hard surface. Again, we loved ours so I would highly recommend looking into one for at least naps, etc.

We had a swing, pack and play, bouncer, bumbo seat. My little one didn't particularly like any of them and wouldn't stay in them for more than a few minutes. I highly recommend tummy time type play mats. They seemed to entertain my kiddo the best. I had the kick piano one and then one of them that has the dangly things that hang down in an arch.

As far as baby furniture, we were so blessed because my parents offered to buy a whole nursery set for our first baby. We are switching rooms now and my daughter will move into our guest bedroom and the new baby will use the baby furniture again. We got a convertible crib, changing table dresser with hutch, and chest of drawers. Many people find the changing table a waste of money but I loved having it. It has shelves above to hold all our supplies and the height was just perfect to not hurt my back. At night, I just changed little one on our bed when she was in our room and would always put a change mat down "just in case." I'm not going to lie, I slept in a wet spot more than once in those early days LOL.

Wipe warmers are a total waste. Babies are fine with room temp wipes. You can even rub it between your hands to warm it a little but the wipe warmer dries out wipes like crazy and then what happens when your little one is used to warm wipes and you have cold ones? lol

Diaper genies...many people say they were a waste but we did like ours. I do feel like they are unnecessary but I liked having a designated space for stinky diapers and it did keep the smell down. Some of the pails you can use just regular trash bags. The diaper genies have generic refills at walmart too.

One thing to really do your research on are car seats. Some infant carries don't fit newborns well even though they supposedly fit the smaller weights. It's all about the straps coming from below the top of the shoulders. If your little one is going to be toted around in several different vehicles, I would suggest an infant carrier with multiple bases. We had a graco snug ride and had four different bases so that it was easier to move her from car to car.

Clothes...I ended up with SO many clothes. I went crazy buying clothes. My mom went crazy buying clothes. Then I got a ton at my baby showers and received hand me downs from others. So many of the cute little outfits (dresses, dressier looking tops, etc) are adorable put so impractical with tinies. I am only buying outfits with onesies because regular tops (as in a tshirt or long sleeve shirt that doesn't snap in the crotch) does nothing but ride up and not stay down when they are tiny. Invest in plenty of sleepers and onesies/pants and you'll be good! Watch Carters right now...they have been running some awesome deals on basics.

Diapers...I did not cloth diaper so I have zero advice with those. As far as disposables, I stocked up prior to my little one's birth with a variety of sizes/types. Many people recommend against stocking up because some babies are allergic or just don't fit well in different brands. I lucked out and my daughter did fine with all. I do like name brands (huggies or pampers) for the wee ones and then more okay with generics as the baby got bigger. One note, keep track of where the diapers came from. Different stores offer different size pack/boxes. While it is true you can exchange unopened boxes for different sizes, you do have to know where they came from because a mega box from walmart is a different count than a mega box from babiesrus, etc. I just used post its to write where the different boxes came from. Newborn diapers were only used on my average kiddo (7lbs14oz) for a few weeks before moving into size 1 diapers so I am not buying any boxes of newborns this time. I have several packs and will buy more if need be but I'm not stocking up on newborn sizes.

Pacifiers...my little one didn't take a paci when she was little. When she got a bit older and we got her tongue tie corrected, she started taking a paci and the NUK paci's were the only ones she wanted. If you are going to introduce pacis, I would buy a few packs of different kinds to see which one your little one is going to like and then go from there.

Some items, like a high chair, booster seat, feeding utensils, won't be used for several months so if you are short on cash from the upfront costs, I would just hold off on purchasing those items.

I used burp cloths and receiving blankets a lot so having a nice stash of those is great.

As far as nursery decor, there is no reason to splurge on the $200-$300 bedding sets that you can buy. So many of the pieces you literally cannot use, such as bumper pads, the comforter, etc. I made that mistake with my first and won't be doing that with my second. I picked a theme and am just purchasing individual items for it.

Since it is not recommended to use blankets due to SIDS guidelines, I LOVE sleep sacks. I felt so much more comfortable with my little one in a sleep sack because I knew she was warm but didn't have to worry about her getting tangled in a blanket. I have two in each size range so that I have a back up in case one gets wet/dirty.

Baby monitor...I thought for sure an audio monitor would be sufficient but I splurged on a video monitor since I had a ton of gift cards to use and I love it. I still have it set up in my 3 year old's room. It is so comforting to be able to peak in without disturbing them. You can set it to different setting as far as how sensitive it is to noise. I'll try to find a link to the monitor we have just to give an idea. It's not an expensive one and it has been used daily for over 3 years and still work great.

This is a link to the monitor we use. I think I paid around $90 when we got ours and it only has one camera. This deal is $70 and has two cameras! That's a steal. :)


That's all I can think of right now!

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