October Pumpkins 2017

Med - Oddly enough I've started getting cramps in my feet and legs too. It is really weird because that's never happened to me before. We've had an awful heat wave this past week though with temps in the 90s. My midwife thinks I might be slightly dehydrated (which is highly possible with three other kids to care for) and told me to drink more Gatorade. Trying it but I'm still getting the cramps every once in a while.

Amanda - My heartburn is horrible this time. I feel like I'll throw up because I'm constantly belching up acid. I've been eating several Tums a day to help combat it since natural methods haven't been helping. On a side note, heartburn for me did mean hairy babies for me so maybe you'll get a babe will a full head of hair?

MEPride - Glad to hear that everything seems to be going well (minus the weight gain... ugh!) but I feel you on the glucose test. I have to take mine in 2 weeks and am totally dreading it!

Congrats on the boys, Crazybird and Eziana! It finally looks like the genders are evening out a bit.
lilmisscaviar - a few people have said to me about heartburn being a sign of a hairy baby, it seems to of calmed down a bit now hopefully it doesn't flare up like that again was horrible
I had to come on here earlier to check my ticker to see how pregnant I am! Totally missed V day which was yesterday. Joys of a third pregnancy I have no time to actually think about this LO! Lol!!
Hey all! I'm so glad to jump on and see that everyone is doing pretty well! I watched my seniors walk across the stage on May 26th and haven't logged back onto a computer since then lol

I only noticed a few gender updates since I've been gone. Please let me know if I don't have yours marked on the original list.

Afm, I'm doing pretty good! I had my followup anatomy scan and they were able to see the spine just fine and all looks well. My appointment schedule has been thrown off a bit due to being on vacation last week at Myrtle so what should have been my 24th week appointment is falling nearly at 26 weeks on Friday. I'm not sure if she will go ahead and do the normal 28 week things then (glucose, strep swab, lab work) or if she will have me come back at 28 weeks. So far my blood pressure has stayed great so I'm not considered high risk even with my last loss. I think after 28 weeks, I will start seeing my doctor biweekly as that's her normal schedule. It will be bumped up if my blood pressure takes a jump, though.

My cervical length scans are now finished because I have reached a point where IC isn't such a risk because the baby is big enough that he has moved up some and is being supported by more than just the cervix now. I feel like I can breath a sigh of relief now. Now I just need to get my butt in gear! I've done nothing in the nursery and haven't cleaned any of my baby stuff in storage. I don't feel the big push I felt before but hopefully it kicks in soon LOL
Amanda I hope you don't have another serious flare up either. Heartburn sucks.

Happy V-day Krobbo! :happydance: I can totally relate to not remembering these milestones with other kids to look after. I feel like my brain is so scattered this time...

Great to hear such good news, Lindsay! Glad everything went well. I'm also way behind on the nursery, far more than I care to admit. I think it is only recently that I've realized there is less than 100 days now until we meet baby #4 :wacko:
Do you ladies mind if I pop over here? I've been in the November group because my original due date was November 2 by my calculations but I haven't been active at all. And my due date ended up being October 27th :)
The pregnancy hormones have well and truly kicked in today, driving to work and just burst into tears for no reason at all, just feel really sad and low today and keep welling up every so often not too sure why, any one else had this? I dont remember it with my first x
Thanks for updating my gender Lindsay, can you change my due date to the 8th if ok xx.

So I've got another urine infection, had one a few weeks ago. It's so uncomfortable with so much pressure down below. I'm up every hour and half in the night for a wee and it feels like baby keeps kicking my bladder which makes it worse.
Doesn't sound fun, Crazybird :( I had a UTI around 23 weeks. I think it went away, as I was on antibiotics for 7 days and I'm able to pee more, but I'm still having a lot of pressure. I can't tell if it is just baby bearing down on my bladder or if the antibiotics didn't work. My next appointment is next Friday so I think I'm going to ask my midwife for a repeat urine analysis to make sure all the bacteria is indeed gone.
how is everyone feeling? I have been feeling really big kicks and movements now, i forgot how amazing it feels to feel your baby move around in your belly.

My heartburn is back on the scene again just seems to be at its worse at night ive tried using a million pillows etc but nothing seems to work :(
I've been feeling the effects of the upcoming third trimester lol. I'm having lots of SPD, BH, cervix bumps, rib kicks, heartburn and all the works. Even got my first stretch marks for this pregnancy this past week. Honestly I'm not sure how much more I can stretch! I've had several people already tell me that I look ready to pop.
I'm getting kicked lots! This baby's cheeky, though. I tell OH she's kicking, he puts his hand on my belly, and 9 times out of 10 she stops :lol: No kicks for you!
this may sound a bit weird but i really feel like my pelvis is starting to open, like if i sit with my legs close together its really uncomfy, i said to my OH last night i really feel like things are opening up down there that's the only way i can describe it but surely its too early for that??
Yesterday I told OH it felt like "when they put me together," they were missing a few bolts and just said "oh well!" :p My sacrum is refusing to stay snuggly aligned, and I can no longer sit normally on flat, hard chairs because the points of my pelvis seem to have shifted and I'm now sitting directly on points that weren't as upright before. It's making my butt fall alseep.
How is everyone doing? Been a bit quiet around here lately.

I had my midwife appointment today. Baby is doing good but was being a little stinker by kicking the doppler wand every time she tried to catch his heart beat lol. He is still measuring 2 weeks ahead and is in my ribs most of the day now. What made me mad was that they scheduled my appointment for late in the day and then told me that they couldn't do my glucose testing, which was due today, because the lab would be closed. So now I have to go to the main hospital lab tomorrow first thing in the morning to do it there because my midwife's office is closed on the weekends. Now I have to watch what I eat for another day :(
I've found you again ladies! Thread moved and I couldn't work out where it was!

Glad to see everyone is sailing through this. Our V-day has been and gone now, and I'm looking forward to my growth scan on the 10th July. Baby is kicking and moving hard all the time, and loves keeping mummy awake at night!!:haha:

14weeks or so left til we meet our baby and finally see what gender we have! Lots of guesses from family.. I'm swaying towards girl :shrug: who knows!
Hi all!
Not long until third tri now or is anyone in it already?

I'm doing much better from a diabetes point of view but now have a dental abscess, a child with scarlet fever and another child who declared he was vegetarian yesterday! The last one is not an illness or problem but still requires research and patience.

I have my first growth scan soon too in less than 2 weeks, it should give me an indication of whether I'm likely to be induced early or allowed to go to my due date. Fingers crossed she is growing perfectly and has the right amount of fluid.

We go on our camping trip two weeks today - 4 weeks Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France. We decided to cut it one week short so it fits nicely in between my 28 and 32 week growth scans. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing but hopefully DH will look after me!
I'm getting kicked lots! This baby's cheeky, though. I tell OH she's kicking, he puts his hand on my belly, and 9 times out of 10 she stops :lol: No kicks for you!

This happens with us too. Baby kicks loads so i tell DF to put his hand on my belly and then baby stops kicking.

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