October Pumpkins 2017

Orglethorp congratulations! I am glad your doctor gave you the time off! Enjoy it hun.

My youngest DD turns 8months next week and it is really hitting home that we will have two snugglers in just a few months. Normally by now we would at least start present shopping to have it out of the way but I am so unmotivated I haven't even finished shopping for DS yet or for DDs school. Anyone else finding themselves 'pushing' things off? :haha:
Allergy med update: Because meds aren't tested on pregnant women, safety of these meds are based on the testing of pregnant animals (I'm just the messenger) so they are deemed as safe as hypothesized based on the information from the animal studies but don't translate perfectly to humans. My husband is against me taking any meds, based on the unknowns. I would rather not take the risk myself. I know we get the crappy end of things with allergies and colds as well. My hubby medicates himself with the first tickle he gets and I can't take a cough drop! Grrrrr....
As far as allergies go I've had them pretty bad this year because pollen counts here have been way higher than normal. I refuse to take any sort of allergy medication though as for baby's sake I'd rather suffer through it however my doctor did tell me that cough drops or throat drops are fine. I'm sure there are allergy medications that are also fine but I'm way too paranoid to risk it. My hubby is the same as yours Med, he whines and takes medication for the slightest thing, men are such babies :haha:
Conundrum I too am finding it hard to get motivated this pregnancy. Since this is my fourth, everyone in my family is just kind of used to me being pregnant and is no longer excited, especially since I just had a baby almost 10 months ago, so I'm just kind of going through the motions ATM. I'm sure I'll hit the nesting stage and then I'll be out buying everything like a week before I go into labor :haha:
Lil I'm glad I'm not the only one lol, (both unmotivated and with another LO so close together). It is hard also getting the kids out so I can imagine with one more. I'm hoping for the same, nesting stage, preferably before September :haha:

Med thanks for the info
Hi all I've been absent lately as I've been trying to get my head around this diabetes diagnosis. They prescribed a new medicine since my last two pregnancies and unfortunately it has not suited me and I've been really ill for the past three weeks. I'm now on insulin and hoping I'll start to feel better as the others meds work their way out of my body. I've got my first growth scan booked for early July to see how she is doing in there.

I hope everyone is ok, glad you are off now Orglethorpe and I hope others allergies are passing now.
Congrats on v-day, lilmiss!

Yay, Orglethorp! So pleased you're able to take a step back from work!

:( I hope you're feeling better soon, krobbo
Picked up my record of employment from work and my medical certificate from the doctor's office today. Now to find a ride to town on Monday so I can turn it all in to the employment insurance so they can process my claim and start my benefits in 2 weeks :)
We found out that we are having another boy and our due date has changed to the 8th. Can't believe I'm going to have another boy. But very excited to be doing it all over again.

Thanks for the info on allergies med as I was wondering if I could take anything because I am suffering. TBH I've take one antihistamine when it was so bad as I read that we can take loraradine in pregnancy. Apparently nose sprays are ok as well.

Anyone getting bad cramps in their calfs? I get them bad at night sometimes when I'm asleep and I have to jump out of bed as it only feels better once I stand up. Ouch so painful.
Well, I've been an emotional mess the last few days, thanks in no small part to one of my cats. She bolted out the front door Wednesday night and has been having herself a jolly old time in the little bit of woods between this string of houses and the next street. She comes to our shed for food every night, and she's been spotted by neighbours, but we haven't been able to catch her and though the local humane services office is willing to put a trap on our property each day, they take the darn thing away by 9pm! She doesn't come around until at least 10, probably later. We've been baiting the shed at 9:30. Last night we got home from a late movie just before 1am and she'd already been by to eat it all and gone again. This morning there was evidence that she came back and napped before dawn, so she's coming around twice a night. The first morning I checked I think she was still in there, because when I got to the back of the shed and turned back to the door, the empty food dish was knocked over, and I'm pretty darn sure it wasn't me.
Crazy bird, congrats on the boy!! What do you have already?
I've had a couple of Charlie horses at night now. I stretch my legs during sleeep and get an awful cramp. It only goes away with forcing my heel to the floor. I had them a lot with my son and have t had any since I had him until now again.
hi ladies sorry haven't been around much just got back from Disneyland Paris on Friday and haven't stopped all weekend :(

I am struggling today had the worst sleep last night with really sever heartburn i actually thought i was going to throw up because of it, does any one else get this? I had if with my daughter and i lived on mints and milk to help soothe it but doesn't seem to be helping as much this time :(
I can't identify with the heartburn bit but i can identify with the rough nights occasionally. I seem to have some restless nights which comes with the weirdest dreams.

On another note. I think my weight gain is starting to affect my right knee and ankle. They pain quite a bit but are only slightly swollen by the end of the day. Mind you I lost about 28lbs during first tri and have since gained back 30 (net gain 2lbs). I'm also not overweight. I just have bad knees on the whole which previously was a critical factor for me keeping my weight in check. Being pregnant now I don't know how much I could control the weight gain. With my last pregnancy I lost 24lbs in first tri and gained back about 40lbs after (net gain is approx 16lbs). I just seem to pack it on so quickly.
Yeah, the pounds do seem to pack on quickly in this latter half. I'm currently only up 2lbs overall, but that's a pound for each week between my last 2 appointments, which is almost twice as fast as someone with my BMI is supposed to gain during pregnancy. Hopefully that was just a surge for the true belly pop and it'll slow down now? *fingers crossed*
Thanks Med, we already have a boy.

Omg I can't believe how quick the weight is going on in the second trimester. I've gained 19lbs so far. My bump seems so big and uncomfortable. Baby is breech so maybe that is why i feel so uncomfortable.
Hi ladies! Haven't been on recently as time just seems to be slipping away!!!

Crazybird- congrats on the boy!!

Orglethorp- so happy you were able to get the sick leave before maternity. How's the process coming? Did you put in your notice at work?

Mediterranean- no cramps here yet, thank goodness. When I stretch at night in my sleep I can feel them start to come on in my calves but have been able to stave off the Charlie horses thank goodness. Oddly enough, calf cramping was one of my first signs of pregnancy for a few days after conception, but it went away after a week or so.

Amandasb84- isn't there a wives tale that says heartburn is a sign of a full head of hair for your LO? Probably why I don't have any heartburn as of yet. Everyone in my family is so fair haired that we were all born practically bald. 😆 I don't expect anything different from my little girl!!

I hope I didn't miss anyone!
AFM- been super busy between work and getting the nursery together. DH and I have gone above an beyond for the nursery. So far we have: built a built-in daybed (actually, I did first trimester as he's hopeless with power tools), removed old carpeting, removed and replaced floor moulding, and painted (ceiling, trim and doors, walls). We have someone coming Monday to measure the room for new carpeting Monday so hopefully that'll arrive in a few weeks. We got our crib in the mail and ordered a glider which should be ready for pick up in 2-4 weeks. Very excited about the glider.

Also been planning my baby shower. Mom was supposed to do it but since she got really sick it's become a collaborative effort between my mom, MIL, sister, and I. Invitations are out thankfully. But so far it seems like very few people will be able to come. A bummer but oh well... it's the best time to do it since we are trying to do it before my mom's next surgery in the beginning of August. It's a co-ed backyard BaByQ so should be fun regardless. I've had only 2 couples reply that they'll be there and 7 other couples decline. *sigh*

I am SHOCKED at the quick weight gain. I had gained only 1 pound in my first trimester. And since being in 2nd tri I gained 11 more for a total of 12. Seems like my belly is just rapidly expanding but no stretch marks yet thankfully.

July and August are going to be super busy! Prenatal yoga on Sundays, birthing class on Mondays, a breastfeeding class and lactation consultant appointments on Tuesdays.... and of course all the other midwife appointments thrown in there every 1-2 weeks!!! Holy crow!

I get to do my glucose tolerance test on the 30th of this month. Not looking forward to that!!

Phew! What an update! How is everyone else?
So far work is being surprisingly quiet and helpful with this. I've only had to talk to the ladies in personnel, which is nice. They're not always the most informed about minor policies and whatnot when I've gone to them before, but they're very sweet. I do have to go back and let them photocopy an updated doctor's note in July, though. My doctor and I weren't sure if it was too early to file for EI when I saw her on the 7th, so we decided to start a 4-week leave to be reviewed on July 4th, tentative return date July 5th, so that I could have just started EI in July if I had to.

I put my ROE (record of employment) and official medical certificate in to Services Canada on Tuesday, so that's all they need to process the claim I put in online last Thursday. That should mean that I'll start receiving benefits in about 2 weeks and that'll continue right on to the end of my parental leave period (15 weeks sick leave, 17 weeks maternity, 35 weeks parental).

Now, the third party absence/leave people work uses. That's a different story. My newly assigned case worker (who's in NY. Why the heck is a case worker handling a Canadian in NY?) called on Monday and needed SO. MANY. DETAILS. about my medical and mental health history before she agreed to send the papers for my doctor. This random woman in NY now knows more than my in-laws do about my IBS and mental health history. And apparently, even though they can't share any of those details with my employer, they can share it with a public health nurse if they decide to challenge my claim. So now I have to make sure my doc puts down everything on those papers in July. Bah!
Amandasb84: I've had bad acid that seems to be exacerbated by drinking coffee (caff and decaf), so I'm begrudgingly cutting back. You might want to look at what you've been eating to see if any of it might be contributing--fatty foods, acidic foods, and spicy foods are the usual culprits.

I had problems with reflux before I ever got pregnant, so getting it now wasn't surprising. A single tums sometimes helps at night. I might have to go back on ranitidine (Zantac), which I hate starting because there's always a rebound effect for a few days when I stop it. If yours keeps up, you might want to see what your doctor thinks is safe to take.

Orglethorp: I'll keep my fingers crossed that your leave claim gets processed smoothly. Definitely make sure your doctor is on the ball with the paperwork. That's the only reason I've ever seen my direct reports get denied for leave and the leave admins usually approve it after the paperwork gets straightened out.

I plan on calling my leave administrator next Monday when I officially hit viability. That'll put me about 3 months away from when I hope to start my leave (36 weeks). I feel only slightly guilty for leaving work just days before our busy period starts, but I know I will not want the stress.

I feel so behind on classes and whatnot as I haven't done any yet, except for a new mom benefits class at work. I haven't even taken a tour of the hospital facilities yet! My husband has bet me that I won't show up to my first prenatal yoga class this Sat, so I absolutely have to go now. I even bought some maternity yoga pants last night. :)
This is the first time I've posted in this thread since I got my BFP in February. Oops! I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow with a due date of October 20th. I can't believe I'm already a little over halfway through this pregnancy. We found out several days ago we are having a boy!:blue: I had morning sickness until around 20 weeks. It could've been a lot worse in intensity, but of course it lasted way past the first trimester. I've just started getting my energy back in the last couple weeks, finally! I've actually started to show in the last few weeks (to the point where people can actually tell that I'm pregnant). I've also been feeling movement on and off since around 20 weeks. Needless to say, it's been an eventful couple of weeks! Anyway, I hope all of your pregnancies are going well! :)
I haven't posted in here forever.

Things are going really well with this pregnancy, I have only gained about 5 total pounds so far. I am definitely all baby...at night he curls up in to a little ball and he does that every single night...so my belly is lopsided, when I lay down!

He weighs around 1 lb in a half, so he's right on track with growth. He is also measuring a few days ahead, but not too much. I had my appointment the other day, and I am also measuring just a few days ahead. I take the horrible glucose test next time so not really looking forward to that, but having done it twice before, it's really not as bad as first time mom's think.

Since it's summer vacation I've been busy with the two younger ones, I ended up quitting my job so I could be around the family more, so that was a plus for us, also daycare was the same as what I made so we really didn't lose any income.

Other than that, my little one turns 5 next month so I'm busy planning his birthday party. And getting everything ready for baby, since we will be gone for vacation for a week in July. I am pretty much done buying the baby stuff except for the "bigger" items I need to get...I still have to get a playpen and swing; that's pretty much it, so I'm really on top of things. I would like to be done buying everything by August, since August is a crazy month as well, since it's my daughters 3rd birthday party as well.

On top of everything, I start college courses in August for Medical Assistant, the college is really good about only giving me about 3 classes to take since I have the two little ones plus pregnant! I'm pretty excited, we also are training the puppy to be a therapy dog and she's doing really well with that as well.

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