October Pumpkins 2017

Hi ladies hope everyone's doing well! I've been so busy I haven't caught up for ages, I'm gonna try and read through this evening lol.
Has anyone else got their belly button pierced? My top piercing has got all infected again from pregnancy! :( it did the same with my son as well and as soon as he was out it was fine again, I'm gonna be bathing it with salt water to try and help it heal but it's really sore!
I'm getting kicked lots! This baby's cheeky, though. I tell OH she's kicking, he puts his hand on my belly, and 9 times out of 10 she stops :lol: No kicks for you!

This happens with us too. Baby kicks loads so i tell DF to put his hand on my belly and then baby stops kicking.

Haha! You girls must have some shy babies. My first was like that. As soon as someone would touch my belly, she'd stop moving. This baby doesn't care who touches him. In fact, my midwife was having a grand old time playing with him while trying to get his heartbeat at my last appointment. He kept kicking the wand away and she was laughing the whole time. She said we have a busy guy in there LOL. Funny how different babies are.
I'm getting kicked lots! This baby's cheeky, though. I tell OH she's kicking, he puts his hand on my belly, and 9 times out of 10 she stops :lol: No kicks for you!

The same happens with us! I feel kicks the whole day, but as soon as DH puts his hand on my tummy she goes all quiet :haha: but I have to add, DH is very impatient - he keeps his hand on my tummy for 5 minutes and then just walk away all grumpy because she didnt kick him :haha:
Today is third trimester for me! (According to my apps!):happydance::happydance::cloud9:

So happy to be here after my ectopic and MMC last year! Baby is so happy, moving, wriggling and kicking.. I feel so blessed. Countdown will soon begin.. 13 weeks until due date/91 days..! Still wondering what gender is in here mind!

I have a growth scan on Monday just to track the progress due to pre-eclampsia with my son. But all is going well and my BP is textbook this time!

Also in 3 weeks time we fly to Vegas for a week, slightly apprehensive especially for the heat the but also very excited! We love America and Vegas will be new for us, we are veteran Florida travellers.

Hope everyone is doing well x
25+5 here today. Just 9 days away from 3rd trimester now. I had my first sugar test yesterday, and I was told I'd hear next week if there's anything abnormal. Crossing my fingers that my doctor's office doesn't call me next week!

My doc is normally really good at doing blood work, but yesterday she bruised the vein on my left elbow with the pre-sugar-drink draw so I had to get stuck on the other side for the second draw. Now I've got a bruise on the inside of my left elbow and a bright pink adhesive reaction from the bandage on my right. :haha: Don't ask me why I didn't react on the left. I don't know. Same ordinary plastic-type bandage.
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been checking in as regularly lately but caught up now :)

Glad to hear everyone is doing well, except for other kids being sick and some pregnancy symptoms.

I'll be 26 weeks tomorrow and quite a bit larger than I was with my son at this time. Looking at his pics I'm a month ahead! I'm more uncomfortable with sore butt and back from sitting all day, lots of Braxton hicks where my stomach gets so hard it's a little painful, and hemmroids. Argh! I'm debating on going off work at this months Drs appt or next months. Work is not being accommodating in my restrictions and telling me I can't take any vacation because of a shortage right now but I've only taken one week so legally I have to take a second. I worked up until the day before I gave birth with my son so I'm not doing that again!

My little peanut also stops kicking as soon as my hubby puts his hand on my stomach. I think it's funny.
Glad everyone seems to be doing well for the most part xx

We are in the last half of pregnancy which is imo the most uncomfortable. For me, heartburn has been horrible :( I can't seem to get relief. I tried Tums at first but then my doctor prescribed me Zantac twice a day. Even that doesn't give me full relief. Ugh! This baby better be as hairy as a monkey at this rate :haha:
I'm at the lab right now doing my glucose testing. The drink wasn't bad at all but this hour wait is painful! I can't leave to shop next door cause walking burns sugar and there's no wifi! This little girl is moving like crazy!
Hi ladies! Glad to hear all is well with you all for the most part!

I failed my 1 hr glucose test :nope: Took it yesterday and got the results today. Scored a 9.0 so it's "possible GD". <7.8 is normal and >11.0 is GD for sure. Planning to take the 3 hr test on Friday.

So frustrated since most foods have starch or sugar. Any healthy suggestions ladies??

Baby girl is super active. My colleagues tell me I have a big belly for 26 weeks. Baby girl responds back when I poke at her! So fun! She responds to hubby when he talks to her. He's so smitten by her already!

Can't wait for the next 14 weeks to by quick!! &#128513;
Haven't posted in a while but been reading up to see how everyone is doing from time to time, seems everyone is doing well for the most part which is great!

DH has yet to feel baby girl kick because she refuses to kick for him too :haha: she seems to be really active for me but absolutely nobody else.

Med: I had my glucose tolerance test yesterday and totally agree, the drink wasn't bad at all but the wait was so so boring. I ended up just playing candy crush on my phone the entire time. All that sugar sure made my little girl kick like crazy too :haha: Hope your results come back clear!

PSamuel: Sorry to hear you failed the test, hope the 3 hour test goes better for you!

MrsReed: Congrat on 3rd Tri!

I'll be in 3rd tri on Sunday :happydance: All is going well here so far, can't wait for the next few weeks to fly by so I can finally meet my LO.
PS :
Take a look at this link, it honestly has the best advice on how to eat. There is a Facebook group as well but I'm not sure if they only accept UK ladies. Hopefully you won't need it but if you do no need to google and scare yourself as this website is very sensible and honest. Plus if you fancy joining they have excellent recipes for cakes and brownies.

Best rule to follow until you get your results is never eat a naked carb, protein and fat slow down the release of sugar.
I passed my glucose test.. was a two hour wait. I had to fast from the evening before. I ate normally ( which consists of biscuits...:blush:) I think that what will be will be, just try and think positive!

The drink made me want to throw up, sweet water the nurse described it as. I would say more flat weak orange squash. Yuk! Waiting in the surgery for two hours was painful but thank god for 4G.
Hey everyone. Glad to see all the babies and and most mummies are doing great. I hope things turn around or at least remain under control for those with GD and other adverse symptoms.

AFM, my right foot and ankle are easily swollen and slightly painful on a daily basis now. My blood pressure is normal and no swelling or other symptoms elsewhere so I'm thinking the extra weight is really affecting me at this point. Anyone else suffering from swollen feet?

Baby is fine, active and brutal to my bladder. She's already 2 lbs by my last ultrasound estimates.
PS :
Take a look at this link, it honestly has the best advice on how to eat. There is a Facebook group as well but I'm not sure if they only accept UK ladies. Hopefully you won't need it but if you do no need to google and scare yourself as this website is very sensible and honest. Plus if you fancy joining they have excellent recipes for cakes and brownies.

Best rule to follow until you get your results is never eat a naked carb, protein and fat slow down the release of sugar.

Thank you so much KRobbo!! This is a really great resource, especially the food pairings.

Fingers crossed tomorrow's 3hr test turns out normal! &#128513;
Hi Ladies,

How is everyone? My heartburn has come back and seems to be 10 times worse just cant seem to get a break from it no matter what i try.

I'm 26 week and 2 days today i really cant believe how fast this pregnancy has went, the end is in sight girls :)

i don't recall getting a glucose test with my daughter and its not been mentioned this pregnancy either have other UK ladies had this? What does it involve?

Thanks xx
In the U.K. They only test if you have a risk factor e.g. Parent or sibling with diabetes (as in my case), high bmi, previous baby over 10lbs or I think if you are of Jamaican or Asian descent. In the US I believe they test anyone.

Also I am so with you on the heart burn! This baby must have a full mop of hair!
thanks KRobbo that's why i've never been tested then :)

i had it really bad with my daughter and she did have hair but not loads as i was expecting a full head of thick hair the amount of heartburn i had haha
I barely had it with my boys and this is a girl ..... hmmmm
Sorry so many of you are dealing with heartburn :hugs: I get it every now and then but nothing major so far.

How is everyone doing otherwise? I had another OB checkup today and all is great here, passed my tolerance test with flying colors and all my blood work came back normal so I'm done with blood draws and stuff now :happydance:

Also my OB considers 27 weeks the start of 3rd trimester so I'm going with it, officially 3rd tri here and 13 weeks to go!
Yeah, I think the glucose test policies are different from country to country. I'm in Canada, and they test every pregnant woman in or after the 24th week. It's a relatively new policy change, I believe. Both my mother and mother in law were surprised by it.

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