October Pumpkins 2017

I had my growth scan today and she is measuring perfect, 2lbs 1oz. I'm very happy and so are the team and I have the go ahead to go on my trip on Saturday with the promise that I will call if I have any concerns with my blood sugars.

She was so cute on the scan, we saw her blink her eye and stick out her tongue. It's so nice seeing her as she gets bigger and I get to see her again 5 weeks today. This is my first posterior placenta and I had a feeling I knew exactly how she was positioned and it was so nice to see I was right - with my boys I had no clue!

She's also head down. Honestly after weeks of stress getting my sugars to stabalise it's so nice seeing the proof that I'm doing a good job!
I had my regular doc appointment on Tuesday evening. My doc gave me the clean bill of health!! :happydance: She said my numbers looked good all mid range. So looks like the 1st glucose test was a one off, but it was scary enough for me to make improvements to my diet.

Baby girl is measuring on the dot at 27.5 weeks!

Hope you ladies are all doing well !! 😊
Glad everyone is getting good news.. and babies are well!

I too had my growth scan on Monday and they estimated that baby is already 3lb... I have another one on Aug 10th so will see if much changes. No concerns though!

Off to Vegas two weeks today.. not sure how I will be coping with the heat!
Tuesday was 1 week since my glucose test and I still haven't been called in to the office, so I'm going to go ahead and assume my numbers were fine. Yay!

On a less positive note, work's third party absence people have denied my short term absense due to "insufficient information" on the forms they had my doctor fill out. My doctor said the forms were vague, didn't really apply to pregnancy, and that none of it was any of their business, so I know she answered vaguely. Now I'm waiting on the appeal info letter so I can have her send more detailed information. *sigh*

My EI claim is already approved and active, and work wrote me the correct ROE (record of employment) for this type of claim (sick leave leading into maternity), so it's just this third party not cooperating. They're basically there to make sure work isn't paying out insurance money needlessly, so I get it, but I have nothing banked to be paid out by work's insurance. If I did, my EI claim wouldn't have started yet.
Been quiet here a couple days. I hope everyone is doing well!

AFM I've come back from my midwife appointment with startling news. Apparently I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead by fundal height so she wants me to come in for a scan next week to make sure everything is ok. She is concerned about excessive fluid or a big baby.
Sorry I've been quiet for a while, but I am still here! 27 weeks today :) Got a bit of a cough and sore throat, but I'm sure I'll live. Jealous of all the growth scans... we don't get any more scans now, I don't think. Certainly they haven't told me about any. Have to get a few injections though... whooping cough and the rhesus negative one. Yay... I loooovvveeeee injections. :/

Sorry to hear the third party co are giving you a hard time, Orglethorp. Hopefully they'll accept the appeal and you can stop worrying about them.

Good luck, lilmiss. I hope everything's normal next week. I think the fundal height measurement isn't the most accurate in the world, and a big bump doesn't always mean big baby... just as small bump doesn't always mean small baby. Got my fingers crossed for you.

Hope everyone's doing well.
Been quiet here a couple days. I hope everyone is doing well!

AFM I've come back from my midwife appointment with startling news. Apparently I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead by fundal height so she wants me to come in for a scan next week to make sure everything is ok. She is concerned about excessive fluid or a big baby.

I measured 4 weeks ahead with my son as well, had to see a consultant about it and have a growth scan, the consultant said you could have 3 different people measure you and get 3 different results. My midwife measured me 4/5 weeks ahead then he measured me 2 weeks ahead, my son was under 7lbs when he was born lol :haha:
I'm also jealous of the growth scans, our last scan was 20w anatomy scan and they only do 2 scans here unless otherwise necessary. I am thinking about booking a 3d/4d scan but still really unsure on it.

lilmiss I've seen a lot of threads about people measuring ahead and most times it just varies I think but good luck at your next appointment.

Orglethorp hope the 3rd party starts cooperating and it all gets sorted out!

How is everyone else? I just purchased all the nursery furniture so we'll be setting up the nursery soon. Anyone else got nursery stuff started or ready?
Our nursery stuff is here, we already had a crib from the past two babies, so we will just be using that one. I did get a rock n play sleeper & a swing for baby this last Friday, so that will be coming this week. We are slowly starting to set up the nursery...as my Mother in Law is coming this upcoming Thursday for my son's birthday party, than after that we are good to go for the nursery getting set up.

I had my appointment last week, everything looks good. I don't have gestational diabetes so that's a good thing, I didn't have it with either of the kids. I am measuring about two weeks ahead, but they aren't really too concerned about fluid or a big baby since my other two were little. I have a 3D/4D scan set up for this upcoming Wednesday, so excited! :)
Thanks for the positivity, ladies. I'm probably freaking out for nothing. I've been consistently measuring 2-3 weeks ahead my entire second trimester, and now 4 weeks ahead that I'm in my third trimester. I will update after my appointment to let you all know how it went. I do have the tendency to make big babies though. My first measured 2 weeks ahead and was 9 lbs. when she was born 2 days before my due date. My second measured 2-3 weeks ahead and was born at 37 weeks weighing 8 lbs. but had he come on his due date at the rate he was growing they told me he would have been between 9.5-10 lbs! So it won't really shock me if I'm carrying another big one. I just hope if that's the case that he comes a bit early too :haha:

Great to hear most everyone's growth scans are coming back fine!
I finally get to meet my OB today! (Only the GP follows pregnant women in 1st & 2nd trimester in my area). I'm 27+3 so I'm in range now to discuss vaccinations. I know Tdap will be recommended, but I'm hesitant to get it. I had an adverse reaction to the pertussis vacine as an infant and wasn't allowed to get any boosters for it during childhood. I know tdap is given to high school (grade 9 / age 14-15) students in the province I grew up in, and I honestly can't remember if I got it then, or if I just got the other vaccine being offered that day.

Edit after visit: Vaccinations during 3rd trimester are province-by-province in Canada, depending on what's needed in your area at the time. Nothing required for me here in Newfoundland, since I'm healthy and had all the right boxes ticked from my first prenatal blood screening.
Well I had my ultrasound today to determine why I'm measuring so big. The good news is that baby is healthy, everything looks good, but as I suspected he is measuring on the larger side at 4lbs 3oz (96th percentile). However I have been diagnosed with polyhydramnios (high fluid) and will need to have regular ultrasounds the rest of my pregnancy. If they feel that the fluid is getting to be too much or if I start getting too uncomfortable, they will take the baby immediately. If all seems ok, I will be allowed to go up to 39 weeks. After that, if I do not go into labor on my own, they will induce me. Being diagnosed with polyhydramnios has unfortunately put me on the "high risk" category because, if my waters break, I will need to deliver the baby immediately whether I'm having contractions or not.
Hi everyone, it’s been ages since I posted in this thread, I don’t even think I popped in to announce when we found out the sex (girl!). I’ve been reading along with the majority of posts to keep up to date though, and I hope things are going smoothly for people.

Lilmiss, sorry you’ve been moved to the high risk category, but it’s always good to know they’re monitoring things. And if he is looking like a big baby then at least you know you won’t be going overdue with him.

As for me, I was just wondering what other people’s movement patterns are like?
I’ve found that my baby goes in a bit of a cycle, and there’ll be a couple of quiet movement days, followed by a few more active days, and then another quiet day or two. I manage to talk myself out of worrying on the quieter days because it almost feels like she’s gone off exploring elsewhere, maybe kicking at the placenta at the back, and I just feel the lighter reverberations of that, and the wiggly feeling of her moving around. I’m less likely to feel both of these than when she kicks at the front, but do feel eventually if I sit down and concentrate on it for a while. On more active days I get plenty of more forceful kicks like she’s trying to break out of my stomach!

Do other people have these high and low movement days? My main concern isn’t that they happen, but just that I’m used to them now, so although I worry a bit on the quieter days, I don’t worry to the point of phoning the hospital and getting it checked out. But what if something is wrong on one of those quieter days and I miss the opportunity to get it checked? What would prompt you to make that phone call?

I know there’s no magic answer to this, I'm just curious about other people’s experiences/opinions. And as for right now, I’ve just been given a cupcake by someone at work so we’re on a bit of a sugar high so no worries about lack of activity this morning!
ilex88 congrats on being team pink!!

I am the exact same with the pattern of movements, i downloaded a kick chart and i tick when i get a kick and i can see a pattern of less movement days than others.

i remember when i was pregnant with my daughter and i thought i was having a quieter than normal kick day so i had an ice cold drink and still didn't get a reaction, i tried a sugar rush and again nothing i tried ice cream and nothing by then i called the hospital and as soon as she put me on the tracer she started to kick like mad hahaha
Oh yes! I have those cycle days as well and I have the same questions and reactions as you. With my first it was constant and consistent activity so this cycle of movement is all new for me.
I had a horrible day yesterday. It was my birthday, of all days, and my body just decided to take the day off. I woke up in excruciating pain from sciatica (baby must have been laying on a nerve) and couldn't even walk. Thankfully hubby was home so he kept me fed lol. It was nice to relax but I missed being with the kids while stuck in the bedroom from being unable to get out of bed. I had hubby help me limp to the tub to take a bath and the pain went away after about an hour of soaking. Today it was gone completely.
I got married on Friday! My house guests all left on Sunday so I spent yesterday mostly just relaxing.

My sister really wanted to feel the baby move while she was here, but the only times the baby moved while she and I were in the same room was when there were also at least a half dozen other people in the room, and I didn't want that many hands on me, so I didn't speak up. The few times she moved when it was a smaller group, she stopped moving as soon as Jess tried to feel it. I felt bad about that.
Congratulations on your wedding orglethorp, how exciting. OH proposed whilst we were on holiday in April but we will wait a year or so till after the baby is here to get married. I would of loved to get married whilst pregnant but I would just feel so uncomfortable with a big belly lol.

ilex88 it sounds like your baby just likes to have chill out days. You should feel some movement every day though. If I hadn't felt movement all day then I would ring the hospital. My baby doesn't seem to stop moving and kicking.
Thanks for the responses. I do always feel movement of some kind, it just surprises me how much stronger it seems to be some days than others.

Congratulations on your marriage Orglethorpe! It is difficult when you only see people every now and again and the baby isn't moving at a convenient time. I had a similar thing when my Mum visited a couple of weeks ago. She had been sat there with her hand on my bump so many times over the weekend, but of course that was the immediate cue for nap time. Then eventually she got one massive kick which pretty much threw her hand off my stomach. ...Don't think baby was a fan of Grandma :haha:

ilex88 congrats on being team pink!!

I am the exact same with the pattern of movements, i downloaded a kick chart and i tick when i get a kick and i can see a pattern of less movement days than others.

i remember when i was pregnant with my daughter and i thought i was having a quieter than normal kick day so i had an ice cold drink and still didn't get a reaction, i tried a sugar rush and again nothing i tried ice cream and nothing by then i called the hospital and as soon as she put me on the tracer she started to kick like mad hahaha

Haha, typical! Even on quiet days I do get a reaction from trying those things, so I guess if they ever don't work then that's when I'll call. I use a kick counting app, but I only reliably update it when I'm at work because I'm just sat in the same place with my phone in front of me. I'm useless with it at home, so I've stopped even trying to use it there because I don't think comparing across those days would give anything meaningful at all.
Has anyone thought about packing their hospital bag yet? I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and so far this i the first thought I've given to it, i cant even remember what i packed to go in have my daughter?

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