October Pumpkins 2017

I want to be positive but I have to agree I'm ready for this to be done! I couldn't walk yesterday and if that happens again I think I'll be at the docs being diagnosed with SPD. I couldn't put any weight on my left leg. I'm trying to take it easy but I'll be back on the school run next week.
Just found out I won about US$220 worth of vouchers at a store here which is like the equivalent to the US CVS. I can get so many baby care products (pampers, wipes, bath stuff, formula, etc) :happydance: It was just the pick me up I needed.
Hello ladies!! I am officially back to work (so now I have computer access) so I just got caught up on all the recent updates! It seems like we have all been busy but that most of us are still doing pretty well and we wind down these pregnancies! Unless I missed something, we haven't had any babies yet, right??

As for me, I am 34w1 and my csection will be scheduled for 37w3d or 38w3d! That means I have 3-4 weeks max before meeting this baby! I'm hoping and praying that my doctor will allow me to go to the 38w3d mark because I am terrified of having him any earlier than that. I know that 37+ weeks is usually a fine gestation to deliver, but I really want to keep him baking as long as possible. I tried to push for 39 weeks but my doctor absolutely refused after speaking with my TAC surgeon due to risk of uterine rupture. They want to ensure that they are delivering him as a scheduled csection before labor has a chance to start. If we risk going too long and labor starts on its own, it turns into an emergency csetion situation because the bands I have around my cervix are permanent and won't allow any dilation to occur which means all that pressure ends up rupturing the uterus if the baby isn't delivered fairly quickly. As much as I want to give him as much time as possible, I also want to make sure that my doctor is the one who delivers him. If I go into labor on my own, it would just be luck of draw on who would be on call to perform my csetion. My exdoctor that delivered my daughter and mishandled my loss still works at the hospital and I would be devastated if he ended up delivering my son!

Hang in there ladies! We are almost there! It is still painfully hot here so that's no fun but it's getting so close I can taste it!
DH is blowing my ball up as I type, I just cannot find a comfortable position to sit in. My own fault today as I took the boys to the farm so walked far too much. Tomorrow I have 4 hours in a spa booked with a back massage so I'm really looking forward to that - and dare I say the first few hours I'll have away from my children since the holidays started.

Lindsay - sounds stressful but also sounds like you have a good plan. Will you be having steroids?
Hi Ladies how is everyone?

I am really starting to struggle now, today im 33 weeks and 2 days and my maternity leave isnt meant to start until the end of Sept by then i shall be 36 weeks, the pain in my pelvis is really sore finding myself limping when i walk and the muscles under my boobs is killing me (had this with my first) just feels like my insides are being ripped apart with a horrible burning pain

Just want to cry!!! had hardly any sleep last night now sitting at my desk in pain and knackered

Sorry for the rant
Hi Ladies how is everyone?

I am really starting to struggle now, today im 33 weeks and 2 days and my maternity leave isnt meant to start until the end of Sept by then i shall be 36 weeks, the pain in my pelvis is really sore finding myself limping when i walk and the muscles under my boobs is killing me (had this with my first) just feels like my insides are being ripped apart with a horrible burning pain

Just want to cry!!! had hardly any sleep last night now sitting at my desk in pain and knackered

Sorry for the rant

I know how you feel. Going to request a crutch from midwife as my pelvic pain is unbearable. Luckily I have two days next week then it's maternity leave for me. I will still have the school run to do with my son though.:dohh::dohh:

Lots of warm baths, and rest :hugs:
I wanted to update that I had my baby boy on August 24th. I went to the hospital at 9 am after having contractions every 3-4 minutes and period pains. He was born at 10:47 am. Thankfully despite the polyhydramnios I had a super fast labor and delivery, but man when they popped my waters (which surprisingly hadn't broken yet) it was like the flood gates opened! It turns out I had placental abruption from the polyhydramnios which is why I went into spontaneous labor so early. He was having trouble latching and was spitting up half of his feeds but thankfully now he is doing better about not spitting everything up. Still having some latching issues that we're working on. Anyways I was 35w3d and he weighed 7lbs 10.5oz so the ultrasound I had the week before must have been close. His picture is now my avatar. Still can't believe he is here but I'm in love <3
Lilmiss Congratulations!!! So handsome! Hopefully his latching issues clear soon and wow phenomenal size for the gestation!

Miss Reed and Amanda I'm sorry about the pain ladies! Fx upcoming maternity helps some.
Massive congrats lilmisscaviar he is just beautiful well done :)

MissReed2015 - i feel broken today i just could not sleep last night i got up at 1am sat on the sofa and had a wee breakdown to myself, driving to work i had a cry and my co worker asked if i was OK this morning and had another cry i just feel broken!!
Oh my goodness, congrats, lilmiss! He's gorgeous!

So sorry to hear some of you are struggling with pain :( Amanda, can you consider starting maternity a bit early? I'm due to start in mid-Sept, when we'll be just under 36 weeks, but I'd struggle to sit at work more than I do (and I'm grateful to be part time). *hugs*
Congratulations, lilmisscaviar! He's adorable <3 I'm glad he's doing well. And holy cow, over 7lbs and wasn't even 36 weeks. Immagine if he'd gone to 40 *wince*

Amanda, yeah, the pain sucks. At this point I've having days when my pelvic pain is so bad I lay down to rest and literally get stuck. Not cool. Hang in there! We can do this.

33+4 today and heading off to an OB appointment. Usually DH is at work with our only vehicle so MIL drives me into town for these, but she's not available today so DH is taking the morning off and taking me in. He's been to the ultrasounds but not the prental appointments, so that means today he'll hear the heartbeat for the first time!
Oh my goodness he's gorgeous! Glad to hear he is doing and well and so are you! Well done :hugs:

Oh Amanda.. it's rubbish isn't it. I'm hoping the pain is baby moving into my pelvis in prep for birth, that's my only comfort. My back ache and period aches are horrible also. I feel like my insides will drop out of me at any minute!! I swear my husband thinks I'm a hypochondriac! I'm always moaning.

Not sure what helps anymore. It's a vicious cycle. If I walk, I ache. If I rest, I ache. I have to get my husband to move my legs at times it's that bad!!

Not long.. I keep telling myself I'll soon be holding my team green baby, and this will be forgotten ha ha.

Stay strong!
Congrats lilmiss he is adorable! Must be so shocking to have him here already but he's such a little blessing nonetheless. Enjoy every moment :)

Sorry to hear so many of you are struggling, the last few weeks are the worst I've noticed. I've been feeling a lot of pain as well but nothing like some of you have described :hugs: Hopefully the last few weeks will fly by and we can all get some relief!
Congrats lilmisscaviar! What a cutie. So glad he is doing better with his feedings.

I officially have my csection date scheduled. I had a growth scan yesterday which put him at 7lbs11oz at 35 weeks so I'm not complaining about having a csection with this one! My scheduled date is 9/19 at noon. That puts me at 38w1d which I am thrilled with. I was so nervous she was going to push for 37 weeks but let me go into my 38th week. I officially have 20 days left and only 12 days of school! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!

The last few weeks of pregnancy are soooo hard. Hang in there ladies, we are all almost there!
Aww lilmiss he is gorgeous and what a great weigh. No wonder he was ready to come out.

Amanda could you not get the doctor to sign you off sick for a couple of weeks then take your maternity a little bit earlier.

I finished work at 29 weeks as I just couldn't do it anymore as in to much pain.
Roll on the next few weeks when we have our beautiful babies here.

Baby has been breech since 22 weeks and I'm really thinking about having a breech birth. Am I mad, would anyone else have a breech birth or would you go for elective c section?
Thanks for all your kind words ladies, the pain is still there but i seem to getting a bit of a better sleep (still waken with heartburn or the need to pee) but i haven't had any more melt down (so far)

I have the midwife tomorrow so i will mention my pain and discomfort to her and see what she say, not sure if a midwife can sign you off work or not

Hope everyone else is feeling better :)
34+4 and I'm a hormonal mix of ready to be done and also wanting more time to get random things done before baby comes! :haha: I've been convinced this whole pregnancy that this baby will be a premie just like my sister and I were, but she's already baked 2+4 longer than I did, so now I'm getting hopeful she'll go full term. My hospital tour is at 37+1, so she can come any time starting at 37+2 and I'll be over the moon.
Had my 34wk midwife app yesterday and she gave me a support band but im not that keen on wearing it i feel it its crushing all my insides.

she did have a feel around and said baby was head down and she was sitting really low so thats obv why im having so much pain in my pelvis

Hope everyone else is feeling better xx
I've been MIA for a while but caught up with all the posts.

Firstly Lilmiss, congrats on the beautiful baby boy!!!! You were the first ! Did he have to stay in the hospital at all at 35 weeks?

A lot of us seem to be having pain and discomfort now. I got my Dr to write me off work 2 weeks ago and I feel much better! Sitting all day was killer! My OB is off on Mat leave now so I meet her replacement tomorrow. I'm 35 weeks today. Not long now. My son was a week early so maybe this baby will be early too?!

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