October Pumpkins 2017

So my OB gave me a blood work & urine culture order when I saw her back on the 17th and I see her next on Monday afternoon (31st), so this morning I finally got out to the blood clinic to have it done. I hadn't looked at the order sheet before, so I didn't realize until this morning that all of the blood work is repeat stuff from what my GP already did for me back in February. I thought that was weird, but figured what do I know, and went anyway. Then I handed my form over to the nurse and she asks how far along I am. I say 29 weeks, and she says "and you haven't had this done yet?!" I said I thought it was weird too, because I definitely did. The only thing I understand doing now is the urine culture, since my GP has only been doing a dip test to screen for UTIs.

My OB ordered a complete blood count & blood type screening. My prenatal record that I bring with me everywhere already shows that these were done in February, that I'm O+, and that there were no concerns on the CBC. Anybody know why the OB wanted this re-done rather than just requesting the detailed results from my GP?
Yes. I've been thinking of it a while now. I packed a few things for my self but nothing for baby yet because I haven't washed them yet. I myself can't remember everything I should be packing.
i cant remember what i packed for my first time either, i think i'm going to pull out my bag at the weekend and start throwing things in that come into my mind.

How many outfits were you thinking of taking for the baby?
i cant remember what i packed for my first time either, i think i'm going to pull out my bag at the weekend and start throwing things in that come into my mind.

How many outfits were you thinking of taking for the baby?

I was thinking maybe three/four outfits for the most inclusive of vests and maybe two kazacks. I think I over packed for baby last time. If I need anything more I'll just ask my family to bring.

I had my daughter via c-section over four and a half years ago. Here the nurses only clothe the baby with a vest, kazack, socks, hat and blanket after delivery (no outfits). They also don't bathe or change baby, that is all on you and your family during visiting hours (which are two specific time periods in the morning and afternoon). In the four days I stayed I didn't need to change or clean her very much either because she only had one bowel movement (only wet diapers otherwise). Her first bath was actually the day after we got home.
I plan to pack a bag around 32 weeks probably. I have no idea what to put in it though since this is our first so I'll be looking up a list or something.

How is everyone doing? We're all getting so close now! Only a few more weeks and we should be sharing birth stories, how exciting :happydance:

Had my 30 week appointment today and everything is perfect and I'm measuring right on track.
This is my first baby and my baby shower is on the 10th. We're not shopping for baby stuff until after that when we know what we've been given and what we still need. I'll pack baby's stuff then. I bought myself 2 cheap night gowns for my bag. One's extremely ugly and will gladly be thrown in the trash after any delivery mess. The second is cute, so if it's salvageable after the first few days I'll keep it. Might actually swap it out for something older from my PJ drawer. I'm also trying to get into the habit of having my prenatal record sheet with me every time I leave the house, just in case. I'm 29+4 today so I shouldn't need to be that vigilant yet, but I'm hoping by the time I do need it, it'll be second nature to have it.
I just keep my maternity notes in my car all the time now, think i will look out my case for hospital this weekend and then i can just add to it as an when i have stuff and then come maybe 32 weeks i can arrange it and make sure i have everything.

I am going to take for baby:
1 going home outfit
3 first size baby grows ( up to 7.5lbs)
3 0-3m baby grows
2 hats
3 first size vests
3 0-3 vests
1 pack of nappies
2 blanket
1 snow suit for coming home in

For me all i'm taking is
bikini for water birth i'm praying this will happen this time
1 nursing nightdress
1 nursing set of jammies
1 dressing gown
flip flop (for having a shower)
Pack of large pants
2 nursing bras
coming home outfit (maternity top and trousers)
and then the basic toilet bag - shampoo hair brush toothbursh etc

think im just going to buy all new hair brush etc so im not having to scrabble around last minute
Has anyone thought about packing their hospital bag yet? I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and so far this i the first thought I've given to it, i cant even remember what i packed to go in have my daughter?

I probably won't pack till 36 weeks or so! This is baby number 2 for us. Our hospital supplies everything for baby, even diapers and wipes, so I will probably just bring one going home outfit and a special blanket.

For myself I'll pack a couple outfits of loose yoga pants and maternity tees, and some slide on shoes, hair ties and a hair brush. A phone charger ha!

That's probably it! I way overpacked for the first delivery, but I'm a little more sure of what I'll personally need this time.
I will probably start packing around 34 weeks! Since this is my third I know what I need and don't need. If all goes as planned, we usually stay in the hospital for two days and than they let us go...so I don't need too much stuff, plus my parents can always bring something from home, if need be! I just have a diaper bag that we will put both baby and I's stuff in. Both the kids usually stayed in their little swaddle blankets for the hospital, but I may bring some pajamas for him! Our hospital provides quite a bit for baby so we really don't need much. DH was really good the last two times, every night starting at 36 weeks we would put our phones, chargers, and a book for me in our little bag! :)

Things are going great here. Had my appointment the other day, and the midwife says everything sounds great! I just have a basketball for a belly, as it's all baby. She is only predicting him to be at the most 7 lbs. My son was only 6 lbs, 5 oz. so we will see what happens! Hard to believe that some 0-3 month clothes may not even fit him in the beginning.
Orglethorpe in the U.K. You get full blood work at the booking in appointment and then repeated at 28 weeks to look for changes. For me that's important as I have antibodies in my blood and they check to see if levels have risen.
Orglethorpe in the U.K. You get full blood work at the booking in appointment and then repeated at 28 weeks to look for changes. For me that's important as I have antibodies in my blood and they check to see if levels have risen.

I'm in Canada. I posted about the blood work order in another forum and actually got someone from my own province replying. The repeat of the complete blood count (cbc) is indeed standard past 26 weeks where I am. Everyone figures the blood type screening was just so my blood type is attached to that report that the OB will refer to, without having to cross-check.

My baby shower is on Thursday, so DH and I will know what we have and what we need then and will start our shopping on the weekend. I think I'll start packing then. I drafted a birth plan & postpartum-stay notes document that I was meaning to go over with DH tonight, but we went and viewed houses with his brother (brother in law & girlfriend are looking to buy a fixer-upper, and DH is a carpenter). Tomorrow, I guess! Still waiting on our date for our full day labour & delivery class + hospital tour to come in the mail. I only just mailed our registration last week, but I'm impatient:haha:
I think i might be having braxton hicks today (never had with first) my bump keeps going really tight (like baby curled up in a ball) and then loosens off but sometimes its taken my breath away with the pain and comfortableness of it

has anyone else had this feeling?
Amanda I get that every day. It is definitely BH. Sometimes they are more painful, feels almost like someone is squeezing me from the inside.
I've been getting definite BH contractions for a week or so now. They're more frequent (or maybe just more noticible?) on days when I've got a lot of back/pelvic pain going on. I also find if baby starts practicing karate in the lower portion of my uterus, she sets them off. Kinda like my uterus is trying to make her calm down :haha:

I have not been able to shake the worry that I'll go into labour early, all pregnancy. I'm 31+1 today, and I'm impatiently waiting on my prenatal class & tour day with my hospital. The registration form asked for my due date, and this all-day class & tour is only offered twice a month, so I'm worried I'll be slotted into the last possible date before my due date and then I'll go early having not had my tour and the chance to ask my questions. :/ I have no idea what's provided and what's not at my hospital, what the maternity ward looks like, which entrance to go to, etc.

I finally have a lot of baby stuff - my baby shower was Thursday evening and then DH and I went shopping last night - and I really want to go ahead and pack my hospital bag now. but I don't know what won't be needed, and I don't want to pack too much!
I think I've been having some of those as well and I also find myself being concerned about going into labour early. I just want to make it to 36 weeks at least. But hoping she comes on my due date (10/10) because it's my mother's birthday and I think she will love that.
I've been getting braxton hicks since 28 weeks.
I'm not having a great 3rd trimester, my bump was measuring big so midwife sent me for a scan, baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger so they sent me for the diabetes test but that came back negative. I'm also in so much pain at night and can't get comfortable and can't walk far in the day. This pregnancy is horrible compared to my first. Baby is breech which makes it more painful as he keeps kicking my cervix and it's so painful. Anyone else feeling sorry for themselves lol.
I've been getting braxton hicks since 28 weeks.
I'm not having a great 3rd trimester, my bump was measuring big so midwife sent me for a scan, baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger so they sent me for the diabetes test but that came back negative. I'm also in so much pain at night and can't get comfortable and can't walk far in the day. This pregnancy is horrible compared to my first. Baby is breech which makes it more painful as he keeps kicking my cervix and it's so painful. Anyone else feeling sorry for themselves lol.

Oh yes this pregnancy is horrible for me at this point compared to the first. So many aches and discomforts and the general feeling of being too heavy to move around comfortably. My baby is head down and puts so much pressure on my bladder at times I feel like I will have an accident some day.
Ugh, yes, the pressure on the bladder. I'll stand up from the toilet after peeing and need to pee again.

My pelvis, and sacrum in particular, have been in pain since Monday. Yesterday I wasn't feeling well (exhausted, stomach upset), so I kept laying down on the couch. Then I'd get stuck because the couch isn't perfectly flat and I'd have to push myself away from the back of the couch in order to pull my legs up where they needed to be to sit :p
I've been getting braxton hicks since 28 weeks.
I'm not having a great 3rd trimester, my bump was measuring big so midwife sent me for a scan, baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger so they sent me for the diabetes test but that came back negative. I'm also in so much pain at night and can't get comfortable and can't walk far in the day. This pregnancy is horrible compared to my first. Baby is breech which makes it more painful as he keeps kicking my cervix and it's so painful. Anyone else feeling sorry for themselves lol.

I feel you. I've been diagnosed with polyhydramnios and am carrying 2 liters of fluid. I also have a huge baby. At my ultrasound last week he was 7lbs. 1oz. I too am finding pregnancy miserable this time.

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