My OB found baby's heartbeat on doppler a little higher than usual on my belly 2 appointments in a row (this past Monday and 2 weeks prior) and figured that meant baby had turned breech. 2 weeks ago I thought nothing of it because I was desperate to pee by the time she got to me, but when she found it higher on my belly again on Monday I admit I was quite freaked out, imagining baby being in the worst possible sort of breech position since I get movements both up under my ribs
and down in my pelvis. Got in for an ultrasound to check on Tuesday (why can't I get any other appointment that fast?!) and baby is indeed still head-down, leaning to her left when she's at rest so all her limbs are in the right side of my belly, just as I've been telling OB she does
What a relief!
Today I'm off to see my regular doctor to see what we do next with my stupid work absence situation, as my appeal was denied. Get this, the caseworker told me over the phone that I'm denied because there's "no immediate risk to the pregnancy" but when the personnel office worker read out my employer's letter from these guys it said nothing of the sort and just said not supported. They don't even have documentation that my appeal is denied for a reason that doesn't match up with the reasons my doctor gave for pulling me! AND work has lost my updated off status note from July, so as far as they're concerned my doctor hasn't maintained my off status either.
I drafted up a long letter to management where I gave a timeline from February to present with every absence explained, every appointment date and how they handled it, every significant meeting or discussion I had with managers and personnel, every step of the appeal BS, etc., said in the letter that it was written Sept 7th after talking to personnel but would not be sent until I have an appointment with my doctor to get new documentation (I've totally edited since, but I'm pretending I haven't), and after I meet with my doctor today and get a new note I'm gonna snail mail this stuff because f*** them, not delivering this in person.