October Pumpkins 2017

I'm on maternity leave now.. it's boring with no baby!!:baby:

37 weeks today. I have a midwife appointment today for BP as it's creeping up. Have been to hospital twice this week, once for BP and once for unexplained episode of bleeding. All good though!

Soon be baby time for us all
My OB found baby's heartbeat on doppler a little higher than usual on my belly 2 appointments in a row (this past Monday and 2 weeks prior) and figured that meant baby had turned breech. 2 weeks ago I thought nothing of it because I was desperate to pee by the time she got to me, but when she found it higher on my belly again on Monday I admit I was quite freaked out, imagining baby being in the worst possible sort of breech position since I get movements both up under my ribs and down in my pelvis. Got in for an ultrasound to check on Tuesday (why can't I get any other appointment that fast?!) and baby is indeed still head-down, leaning to her left when she's at rest so all her limbs are in the right side of my belly, just as I've been telling OB she does :p What a relief!

Today I'm off to see my regular doctor to see what we do next with my stupid work absence situation, as my appeal was denied. Get this, the caseworker told me over the phone that I'm denied because there's "no immediate risk to the pregnancy" but when the personnel office worker read out my employer's letter from these guys it said nothing of the sort and just said not supported. They don't even have documentation that my appeal is denied for a reason that doesn't match up with the reasons my doctor gave for pulling me! AND work has lost my updated off status note from July, so as far as they're concerned my doctor hasn't maintained my off status either.

I drafted up a long letter to management where I gave a timeline from February to present with every absence explained, every appointment date and how they handled it, every significant meeting or discussion I had with managers and personnel, every step of the appeal BS, etc., said in the letter that it was written Sept 7th after talking to personnel but would not be sent until I have an appointment with my doctor to get new documentation (I've totally edited since, but I'm pretending I haven't), and after I meet with my doctor today and get a new note I'm gonna snail mail this stuff because f*** them, not delivering this in person.
Mrsreed I've been on May leave since 29 weeks but nor finding it boring although I do want baby to be here now because of all the pain I'm in.

Orglethorp your employer sounds like complete arseholes. Must be horrible knowing that there not supportive.

We had a scan last week and the baby has finally turned head down after being breech the whole pregnancy. So I can still hope for my Vbac.
Hi ladies! Glad to see we are all still hanging in there...with all the aches and pains it can bring! My biggest struggle has been swelling of my feet, ankles, and lower legs. I never had this with my daughter. My blood pressure has been great and no protein in my urine and the swelling goes away at night so it is literally just water weight. I gain about 10 pounds through out the day (I'm still on my feet all day as a teacher) and then pee it all out through out the night and my feet go back to normal and the 10 pounds disappear by morning. It's the most bizarre thing in the world.

I had my last prenatal appointment on Tuesday! My csection is only 5 days away and I'm turning into a nervous wreck. I'm getting things wrapped up at work so that is taking a weight off my shoulders. Monday is my last day at work and my csection is Tuesday at noon lol.

Any other ladies with inductions or csections coming up in the next few weeks?
No inductions or planned c-sections here. Doctors are trying for a VBAC for me and I'm a little nervous. We don't use pain meds here:dohh:.

What they said though is they would not induce me (ever. something to do with the potential rupturing of the scar if labour is "forced") nor would they let me go too far beyond my due date (also a potential risk of ruptured scar if baby gets too big supposedly). So if I don't go into labour naturally within a reasonable time frame of my due date then c-section.

I have one more week of work and then I'm home for six months. 14 weeks maternity followed by 60 days vacation.
All you lucky ladies being off on maternity leave already i'm super jealous, i have another 2 weeks left at work :( we are fairly busy so i'm hoping this passes really quickly.

In the process of getting the house in order for the new arrival getting new flooring put down this weekend and then the house shall be complete :)

When do you guys plan on having the Moses basket and cots etc out and waiting? I don't want to put mine out too early as i know my daughter shall just want to play with them with her dolls haha
Does anyone have any experience with severe itching? I know theres a condition called obstetric cholestasis that causes itching. I was beginning to think that i had developed a sensitivity to certain kinds of fabrics but now im wondering if i have OC and the fabrics are just irritating my already itchy skin. Just looking for anyone who might be experiencing something similar.
I have my first sweep on Wed.. is it wrong to be excited about this?:haha:

Officially have 16 days left until my due date.. and I'm so ready to do the newborn thing now. I have loved being pregnant, but I'm mentally ready now.

Glovities - I haven't experienced this myself but a simple blood test can determine if it isn't indeed your liver. I would def get some medical advice, better safe than sorry :hugs:

Amanda - I have the Moses ready by my bed, and the cot isn't in the babies room set up and ready. I'm impatient so as soon as hubby gave the green light we set them up. I don't think there's a right time. Nice to look at :thumbup:

Jumik - I too am having a VBAC. I'm totally nervous but excited at the same time. I had false labour a few weeks ago so got to experience contractions. Which were horrendous but bearable with my hypno breathing techniques. I'm hoping to be med free, but we'll see.:haha:

Hope the rest of you are all comfortable and getting through this last little bit. The light is visible!
Does anyone have any experience with severe itching? I know theres a condition called obstetric cholestasis that causes itching. I was beginning to think that i had developed a sensitivity to certain kinds of fabrics but now im wondering if i have OC and the fabrics are just irritating my already itchy skin. Just looking for anyone who might be experiencing something similar.

I had this with my daughter, it was like a sever dose and chicken pox, in the uk we have calmine lotion which is used for chicken pix i went through bottles of the stuff but i found having really cool shower or wetting a cloth and having that resting on the really itchy parts a big help, as soon as baby is born it just disappears!
Mrs Reed- whats a sweep?

It's a stretch and sweep? Where the midwife moves the membranes of the cervix away from the amniotic sack. It's suppose to encourage labour but will only work if i am dilated. Which hopefully I am!
Amanda we have the cot and the next to me bed up already. The next to me bed is in the baby's room but we will move it into our room as soon as baby is here.

Mrsreed I wish I could say the same about enjoying this pregnancy. I've mostly hated it. I would also be excited for the stretch and sweep. I'm hoping my midwife will do one on Friday.
I'm also hoping for a Vbac, what happens if you go over? Will they induce you. My hospital will only induce me by breaking my waters but no pessarys etc because of the risk of rupture.
Amanda we have the cot and the next to me bed up already. The next to me bed is in the baby's room but we will move it into our room as soon as baby is here.

Mrsreed I wish I could say the same about enjoying this pregnancy. I've mostly hated it. I would also be excited for the stretch and sweep. I'm hoping my midwife will do one on Friday.
I'm also hoping for a Vbac, what happens if you go over? Will they induce you. My hospital will only induce me by breaking my waters but no pessarys etc because of the risk of rupture.

My consultant went through the VBAC info with me and said the risks of induction are relatively severe, albeit low percentage. Such as risk of scar tearing or transfusion being needed. Really hoping it won't even get to that point.. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, this is dragging now :haha: I imagine if I need to be induced it would be the same way as you. I really don't want to end up with another section :nope:
Same here CrazyBird. The only method of induction they would use for me is by breaking waters.
Good luck with the sweep tomorrow MrsR! How's everyone getting on? Sorry I've not been very chatty on here but I do keep checking in to see how everyone's getting on! Reality is slowly sinking in for me now and anxiety is creeping up. I must get my hospital bag done this week... I've been told off by a few people for not having it ready yet!
Sweep done! I'm 1cm dilated at mo.

The sweep wasn't too bad, just felt like a period cramp feeling. Just waiting now, bouncing on my ball, massaging with my Clary Sage oil and hoping my husband will oblige later on :blush:

My midwife said that she can never know what will happen, so here's hoping!
Mrs reed that is so exciting! Your baby will be in your arms any day now!

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