October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Hi Ladies! I hope everyone had a good day!:headspin::headspin:

Tree & Leti~GL testing tomorrow. Everything crossed for you.:happydance::happydance:

Bing~Go catch that eggie!

Atalanta~Praying for a sticky bean!

MamaBee~Will you please pass the Kool Aid? I will have what the other ladies are having too. I hope your day gets better and your hubby is ok after the finder bender. Vent away…it’s why we are here. Remember tomorrow is new day.

MommasBoys~Thank you! I hope this is your month too and the Clomid isn’t tormenting you.

Bug~Sending you a hug! Chin up…you are not out yet. :hug:

Hi Jules! I hope you are feeling well and you didn’t have any nausea today.

MnG~It sounds like today is going to be such a fun day at work. Enjoy! My next steps are for my breasts to swell and I spend the next 2 weeks flashing hubby with the question of “Are my boobs getting bigger!??”

AFM, I am feeling better today. I left work early again and came home to take a nap. The soreness and grumpiness has subsided a little. I did not realize how much I laugh at work until I was sore.
Well I tested this morning with my last frer and I must say I'm not sure I like the super skinny lines on these. I would assume if I were actually pregnant that the line would be easy to see at 14 dpo. So I thought that I seen a VERY VERY faint line but now I am not so sure. I am pretty convinced that it is just wishful thinking and that I'm seeing things. :dohh: Here is my test from this morning do you ladies see anything or am I just seeing things as I suspect?

i saw something when i looked from my phone, but now on the computer, i'm not sure...isn't it usually the other way around?:wacko: fx it turns into a full blown positive!!

Thanks for all the support for us early Octoberers.

Just thought I'd post my test from this morning anyway. I assume it's an evap line because it's so faint and because of my temp drop this morning.

um, treeroot, if that showed within the time, i'd be :wohoo:ing all over!:haha: congrats!! can't wait to see the FRER!

This board turned around quick! I want some of the Kool aid you gals are drinking! Can I just go pee on a stick now?! So happy for all of you :happydance:

seriously! sign me up for whatever everyone else is having!:winkwink:

temp dropped a bit more this morning. no AF yet, but 99% sure she'll be here today. last 2 cycles were 28 days, and i'm CD29, so right on time. stupid :witch:


It was pink but it was such a faint line that I'm not calling it a bfp. I am due to start af tomorrow night or Thursday morning so if she still hasn't shown then I will test again. Not getting my hopes up just yet!

I hear ya, but I have to say, I love the look of that chart!

Well I tested this morning with my last frer and I must say I'm not sure I like the super skinny lines on these. I would assume if I were actually pregnant that the line would be easy to see at 14 dpo. So I thought that I seen a VERY VERY faint line but now I am not so sure. I am pretty convinced that it is just wishful thinking and that I'm seeing things. :dohh: Here is my test from this morning do you ladies see anything or am I just seeing things as I suspect?

i saw something when i looked from my phone, but now on the computer, i'm not sure...isn't it usually the other way around?:wacko: fx it turns into a full blown positive!!

jumoingo: Yes I guess I should have rotated the picture before I posted it that's just the way the picture was on my phone. :dohh:

sorry, i actually didn't even notice if the picture was flipped or anything.:blush: i meant that usually people say "i can't see anything, but i'm on my phone" or stuff that implies that looking from a computer is easier to see lines. i saw it better from my phone, which i thought was opposite of what i see people saying.:thumbup:

Oh ok I see what you are saying now lol :blush: I also noticed that I can see it on my phone better than on the computer so for now I'm chalking it up to an evap or indent and going to wait for the :witch: to arrive.
Hi yoga girl! I wish I wasn't nauseous today too... Praying I will feel better second tri someday ;)

I laughed about your flashing hubby comments! It seems the guys get all the perks with this stuff. I'm sure he loves it, and maybe just tells you " I don't think so" so that you keep doing it ;)
Fingers crossed for you!!! I'm stalking you all!!
How are you turtle? Feeling any good vibes? ( symptoms are overrated, just looking for the vibes!) rooting for ya!

Hey Jules! Thanks for asking! I honestly have been having good vibes from this cycle and been really feeling hopeful. Not sure if it's just the same as always, or a reason why but I've been feeling good about it. But then I had some VERY light spotting today so I'm guessing I was wrong and AF is on her way. :( I'm 7dpo and I know it could be ib but I spot every cycle off and on for about 3-5 days before AF so I'm not feeling as hopeful anymore.

We've had a stressful week with my grandma, and things feel pretty up in the air with her right now. So maybe the "good vibes" was just hopeful wishing on my part, so I could tell her before I no longer have a chance to. I'm planning on testing on Saturday and my sister and I are taking a day road trip on Saturday to visit her in the hospital, so I was hopeful! But I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. :shrug:

Hope things turn out okay with your grandma. :hugs:
This in between week of :witch: and O is so boring. :dohh: just waiting until the days that dtd might actually result in something.....like a babeh.
This in between week of :witch: and O is so boring. :dohh: just waiting until the days that dtd might actually result in something.....like a babeh.

Hehe, ditto! I say the wait to O is worse than the TWW!
This in between week of :witch: and O is so boring. :dohh: just waiting until the days that dtd might actually result in something.....like a babeh.

Hehe, ditto! I say the wait to O is worse than the TWW!

Soooo agree...although the tww is awful as well

i would say the entire month (yes, all of it) is horrible. TTC is kicking my butt this month. feel like i heard someone say cycle 4 was a hard pill to swallow for them, too...:shrug:

either you're heartbroken and getting over AF showing up again, pressured to have sex on schedule and worried about missing O, and then have to sit around wondering if everything you did was enough, going back and forth from getting all hopeful and daydreaming and then paralyzing hopelessness. (oh, wait, only me?:shy::sad1:)

still no AF, but cramps. i don't remember ever getting cramps before AF. she just hits sudden and heavy, so not sure. it's only noon though. still plenty of time for her to show:roll:
Hey everyone!! So much has happened since I was last online! Congrats on the BFPs!
afm, I am 13 dpo and BFN this morning so I'm expecting AF soon. I'm thinking of trying soy isoflavones next cycle. Not much new to report on my side but I will definitely be checking this thread tomorrow for any updates! FX :)
This in between week of :witch: and O is so boring. :dohh: just waiting until the days that dtd might actually result in something.....like a babeh.

Hehe, ditto! I say the wait to O is worse than the TWW!

Soooo agree...although the tww is awful as well

i would say the entire month (yes, all of it) is horrible. TTC is kicking my butt this month. feel like i heard someone say cycle 4 was a hard pill to swallow for them, too...:shrug:

either you're heartbroken and getting over AF showing up again, pressured to have sex on schedule and worried about missing O, and then have to sit around wondering if everything you did was enough, going back and forth from getting all hopeful and daydreaming and then paralyzing hopelessness. (oh, wait, only me?:shy::sad1:)

still no AF, but cramps. i don't remember ever getting cramps before AF. she just hits sudden and heavy, so not sure. it's only noon though. still plenty of time for her to show:roll:

Haha, indeed. It's all terrible. This past cycle would have been cycle 4 for me, too, if I wouldn't have had an 82 day cycle the first time TTC. I think because of that, the TWW seems glorious compared to the wait to O - now I know my LP is 14 days (hopefully it stays that way), but I never know when I'm going to O. Could be CD 15 or 16, could be CD 26, could be CD 68!! Ugh. But honestly, the TWW is torture sometimes too and I don't mean to downplay it at all. I think the more I have TWWs the more I will learn to hate them!
You ladies crack me up!

Bing, leaning your legs in the air! Reminds me of the friends episode where phoebe lays upside down hoping for implantation!

Momma bee sorry about your hard day! I was overwhelmed
With my one year old screaming a lot today, I hope my patience doubles when the next one comes along!

Haha yoga girl, I totally flash hubby and ask him to feel my boobs to see if they are getting bigger. He loves it lol. But I'm serious bout checking the
Size, he usually gets sidetracked...

A lot of positive sounding cycles ladies! Fxd for everyone!!
This in between week of :witch: and O is so boring. :dohh: just waiting until the days that dtd might actually result in something.....like a babeh.

Ikr?? This cycle will be our first cycle TTC #2 so I'm ready to get the show on the road already!
Lol yeah being its been a year for us, every part of the month just seems soooooo long. To us who have been trying for a while it can seem endless. And its hard to keep it interesting and not feel like a monthly ritual.
Yes it is, it took 3 1/2 years for us to conceive ds, and I'm prett sure it's gonna take just as long with baby #2! It got to where I couldn't tell dh when we were ovulating bc it turned him off lol. What a pansy!
Lol yeah being its been a year for us, every part of the month just seems soooooo long. To us who have been trying for a while it can seem endless. And its hard to keep it interesting and not feel like a monthly ritual.

Yes it is, it took 3 1/2 years for us to conceive ds, and I'm prett sure it's gonna take just as long with baby #2! It got to where I couldn't tell dh when we were ovulating bc it turned him off lol. What a pansy!

i feel like such a whiner...you all impress me. since joining BnB, i have so much respect for anyone who has kept at it month after month, year after year. not that it makes it any easier, but hearing that there are amazing women who are not giving up or throwing in the towel, like i so much want to do right now, helps those of us just getting started trying.:hugs::bodyb::coolio:
Lol yeah being its been a year for us, every part of the month just seems soooooo long. To us who have been trying for a while it can seem endless. And its hard to keep it interesting and not feel like a monthly ritual.

Yes it is, it took 3 1/2 years for us to conceive ds, and I'm prett sure it's gonna take just as long with baby #2! It got to where I couldn't tell dh when we were ovulating bc it turned him off lol. What a pansy!

i feel like such a whiner...you all impress me. since joining BnB, i have so much respect for anyone who has kept at it month after month, year after year. not that it makes it any easier, but hearing that there are amazing women who are not giving up or throwing in the towel, like i so much want to do right now, helps those of us just getting started trying.:hugs::bodyb::coolio:

Heck, i joined after it had been quite a few months of us trying when the frustration set in. I couldnt believe how many others were in my same situation. It gave me more hope to keep trying and to not give up. And no matter what it takes we will find a way.
Wow this thread moves fast!

I totally agree that this thread is a massive support whatever stage of TTC you are at! I don't know what I'd do without you guys listening to my hope, rants and tears! I love you all! :hugs:

Turtle - FX'd the spotting is implantation bleeding! Your LP was 12 days last cycle wasn't it? Did you have pre AF spotting last cycle too? Are you still spotting now or has it stopped? And I'm sorry to here about your grandma being in hospital and I hope she gets better soon. I know what you mean about telling her a little one is on the way before you run out of time. I want to use my Nans name, Edith, as a middle name for our little girl (if we have a girl), as my nan means a lot to me. So I'd love for her still to be around for her to find out we have done that, as she would love it.

MnG - did your friends delivery go okay?

Caringo, I feel your pain. My first ttc cycle was 74 days, and my longest cycle ever was 150 days. My LP is always 14 days though, so waiting for O takes forever... which is why I'm on clomid this cycle :)
MnG~It sounds like today is going to be such a fun day at work. Enjoy! My next steps are for my breasts to swell and I spend the next 2 weeks flashing hubby with the question of “Are my boobs getting bigger!??”

AFM, I am feeling better today. I left work early again and came home to take a nap. The soreness and grumpiness has subsided a little. I did not realize how much I laugh at work until I was sore.

Lol I love this :haha:

I hippie you're feeling better today!
You girls over seas move things right along here. I'll have to catch up with the 2 pages later today.

Bing- thank you for asking! :)
My friends delivery wasn't as planned. She was only 5cm for about 6 hours. They finally decided on a c/s around 8pm. He was a whopping 9lb 4oz! What a cutie already. Mom is doing great. Im sure she'll be in some pain for the next few days though.

Jumpingo- you're definitely not a whiner! Were all here for you girl! :hug:

Good luck to all those testing today.

Big news for me... well not baby big but big enough in my world hehe. We got to DTD last night. Wahooo! This makes it #4 this week. I'm feeling so good about this cycle already :happydance:

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