October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Hi Ladies - I'm overwhelmed with the number of comments here so I havent had a chance to read everyone's stories and get caught up.
Will you have me? I had a chemical/mc last month so I'm back. I dont think I'll be using opk's or anything this month. We havent really decided if we are going to ttc or ntnp for a month. I wont be testing until about Oct 30 since I'm counting yesterday as cd1.
Sorry to hear that loobs get better soon. And sorry af got you again jumpingo...best of luck next cycle.
Good morning, ladies! Thanks for all the kind words. My grandma is in surgery now and we're waiting for word from my mom once it's all finished. It should be any time now. She'll be 95 in a month so of course any surgery at this age is a big risk. Then we'll have the recovery time to worry about and hope she makes it through that. Time will tell I guess!

Bing, you have a great memory! Yes, my last lp was 12 days. I did have some spotting last month too though, in fact I have every month so far. It has stopped and was barely anything yet, to the point where I had to really be looking for it in order to see it, so I'm not counting it as such in FF yet. But it's still discouraging! Aww, I love that you're going to use your Nan's name as a middle name! I'm sure that will mean a lot to her. :) Funny, Edith was DH's grandma's name too! And his mom's name, although she goes by Edie.

MnG, yay for dtd again!!! :happydance: I have a great feeling for you this cycle! :)

Treeroot, that's fantastic, congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I love your idea for how you're telling him too! Can I change it on the front page yet? :D

Mommasboys, your temps are still looking great! I can't wait for you to test again tomorrow!!!

Atlanta, :hugs:! Keep the faith, and keep testing! We're a bad influence here, huh? :haha: I really, really hope this is your month and that the line comes back darker next time!

Rach, I love that idea on how to tell the grandparents when your time comes! Super cute!

MamaBunny, it's still early! Don't give up hope yet! :)

Jump, sorry the :witch: got you. :( Do you want me to change your testing date to a day later in October?

Kozmik, I'm so sorry about your chemical and that you had to join us here. :hugs: We're happy to have you back with us though if that's what had to happen! FX that you'll get your sticky bean this month! I'll get you added for the 30th.

You ladies are all the best, I really love all of the caring and support I get from this site and from this thread in particular! You guys keep me feeling optimistic and sane, or at least don't judge me when I'm insane, and for that I thank all of you! :hugs:
Leti, any updates on your end? Have you tested again? FX for you!!!
Turtle, i hope soon there's good news when she's out of surgery and recovering. How amazing that she is 95!!!

Glad your spotting stopped :)
Tree - I am so so happy for you! You have given me so much hope! I love your way to tell ur hubby and can't believe you've not told him already!

Turtle - I hope your grandmas surgery goes well! FX'd the spotting was IB!

MnG - wow that's a big baby! Glad baby and mum are well! Congrats on managing to DTD again this cycle! This is going to be your cycle, I feel it!

Loobs - sorry your ill. FX'd you get better soon and can get back to :sex:

Kosmik - sorry to hear about your mc. :hugs:

Mommasboys - your temps look great! TEST TEST TEST!

Sorry to anyway who got AF and good luck to anyone testing soon!

Thank you! I just got word that she made it through surgery, yay! She ended up with a plate and 5 screws in her arm (it was a really bad break that she was having surgery for), so far so good! Now we'll just have to wait and see how recovery goes over the next few days. She has a lot of things working against her in addition to her age, she's immobile, non-verbal, has lymphoma, and is in kidney failure. We'll see what time brings for her recovery wise, but I do think that whatever happens will be what's best for her. <3

Sorry for that rant, thanks for letting me babble about that! :) And thanks on the spotting! That doesn't mean too much to me right now, as it usually comes and goes over a few days, but I'm not giving up hope yet! :)
Leti, any updates on your end? Have you tested again? FX for you!!!

Hi Turtle, thanks for asking,

I tested this morning and got a bfn, the evap showed again after the test dried, so I guess I'm out. I'm 12 dpo so if it was a BFP it should have showed up by now.

Sorry to hear about your GM hope she gets better.
No loobs! That is awful! Get better soon!!

You ladies have helped me so much, I was so sad after my mc and coming in here I saw ladies with angel babies still at it, staying positive through it all. My friends try to be supportive but they just don't understand like you all do!b

So I tested again this morning but switched from dollar tree to a test strip since they came in the mail yesterday, and it looks pretty negative, maybe I can squint and imagine a shadow but not really. But I think the strips need a higher hcg count than dollar tree, so I'm hoping it will just take a few days to show. I'm a teensy bit freaking out inside though.... Keep calm.... Breathe....

1Atalanta I guess you and me were in deed the same yesterday, and it was on the negative side....:nope:

Well I have until saturday to keep obsessing with these non sense evaps..

Baby dust and hope for the best
Thank you, Leti! And don't count yourself out yet...plenty of ladies don't get their bfp until well after 12dpo! :hugs:
Good morning, ladies! Thanks for all the kind words. My grandma is in surgery now and we're waiting for word from my mom once it's all finished. It should be any time now. She'll be 95 in a month so of course any surgery at this age is a big risk. Then we'll have the recovery time to worry about and hope she makes it through that. Time will tell I guess!

Treeroot, that's fantastic, congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I love your idea for how you're telling him too! Can I change it on the front page yet? :D

Surgery at 95? That's pretty intense, I'm glad she made it through ok. I think my gran is 97 now. She has severe Alzheimers though, so she doesn't know her age.

Go ahead and change the front page :laugh2:, I won't be able to see anyone until 8 weeks in, so my BFP is the best confirmation we're getting.

aaahh, so cute!!! can't wait to hear how it went!
but most importantly, enjoy your day together<3

Sorry to hear about AF jump :hugs:

As for this morning...

I gave DH the article and he chuckled and said "aw nice".
I chuckled back "You don't have to read the article"
He responded "No, I'm interested"

But then that was it. I was absolutely expecting more, even from my rather subdued and laid back DH.

So the entire breakfast I'm getting sad/mad/frustrated/confused.
He clears off the table and then heads downstairs to change.
When he comes back upstairs he sits on the couch and looks at something on the computer.

I confront him "Do you need more time to process the information?"
Confused he asks" Information about what?"
"Umm.....my pregnancy..."
"Lol, that's what that was all about? Aw Sweety!"

Gets up and there are lots of hugs and kisses.
I was pretty much in tears because I had been getting anxious and worried.

Lol, he thought I was just playing around, reminding him about the deal we had made and showing him the article I found. The whole "you've got 9 months" thing went over his head!

So ladies....maybe try a more direct route then I did!
Good morning, ladies! Thanks for all the kind words. My grandma is in surgery now and we're waiting for word from my mom once it's all finished. It should be any time now. She'll be 95 in a month so of course any surgery at this age is a big risk. Then we'll have the recovery time to worry about and hope she makes it through that. Time will tell I guess!

Treeroot, that's fantastic, congrats!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I love your idea for how you're telling him too! Can I change it on the front page yet? :D

Surgery at 95? That's pretty intense, I'm glad she made it through ok. I think my gran is 97 now. She has severe Alzheimers though, so she doesn't know her age.

Go ahead and change the front page :laugh2:, I won't be able to see anyone until 8 weeks in, so my BFP is the best confirmation we're getting.

aaahh, so cute!!! can't wait to hear how it went!
but most importantly, enjoy your day together<3

Sorry to hear about AF jump :hugs:

As for this morning...

I gave DH the article and he chuckled and said "aw nice".
I chuckled back "You don't have to read the article"
He responded "No, I'm interested"

But then that was it. I was absolutely expecting more, even from my rather subdued and laid back DH.

So the entire breakfast I'm getting sad/mad/frustrated/confused.
He clears off the table and then heads downstairs to change.
When he comes back upstairs he sits on the couch and looks at something on the computer.

I confront him "Do you need more time to process the information?"
Confused he asks" Information about what?"
"Umm.....my pregnancy..."
"Lol, that's what that was all about? Aw Sweety!"

Gets up and there are lots of hugs and kisses.
I was pretty much in tears because I had been getting anxious and worried.

Lol, he thought I was just playing around, reminding him about the deal we had made and showing him the article I found. The whole "you've got 9 months" thing went over his head!

So ladies....maybe try a more direct route then I did!

Yeah, intense for sure. They weren't going to do the surgery at first simply because of that risk, but then they decided there was no other choice. The break was way too bad and the pain was unmanageable without the surgery, so they had to take the chance. Sorry about your grandma's Alzheimer's! :( That can't be easy.

I got it changed on the front page, yay! Man, only 2 days into the month and we already have at least 2 bfp's! This is off to a great start!

Oh my goodness, that's too funny about his reaction! :haha: Well I'm glad that it was because it went over his head and not just because he wasn't excited or something. Whew! I would have been feeling the same as you...although I wouldn't have been able to sit through finishing eating, the dishes, etc before confronting him about it! I would have burst out with hurt feelings right away!
Congrats tree! That is so exciting. Sorry your husband didn't react as you had hoped. Went through a similar situation when I was pregnant with dd.

It is amazing what you miss when you miss a couple of days. Sounds like a loot of good timing and lots of hope this month.

Afm, dd is sick with her first cold and it has been awful. Fevered, clingy and sneezing song everywhere. My opk was almost positive last night so I am expecting a positive one this afternoon. Hubby gets back from a work trip tomorrow evening so we might have a chance to catch that egg. Since our birthdays are this weekend we should have a good excuse for some action.
Okay I took a test but can't upload because I am on mobile but it came back bfp 9doo so I am having a hard time getting to excited because it early
Turtle I m so glad your grandma pulled through, seriously wish her all the best, it's a tough age to recover from everything but she sounds a strong woman!

Tree congratulatioooooooonnnssss!! I won't be seeing anyone until week 7 so we can be anxious together???

Emilie get that pic up girl, yyyaaaayyy in congrats! Third in a raw! I gig my faint bfp at 9 dpo!
Well it looks like O may be late this month....cd11 now and nothing yet. Last cycle 0 happened on cd 12 and af came right on time. The cycle before that it happened on cd17 and af was 5 days late. Soooo we shall see when it happens. Btw im using the opk that detects the 4 most fertile days, so thats why i say it may be late. Keeping my fx :)
Turtle I m so glad your grandma pulled through, seriously wish her all the best, it's a tough age to recover from everything but she sounds a strong woman!

Tree congratulatioooooooonnnssss!! I won't be seeing anyone until week 7 so we can be anxious together???

Emilie get that pic up girl, yyyaaaayyy in congrats! Third in a raw! I gig my faint bfp at 9 dpo!

As soon as I can I will but I can't from my kindle.
Wow so much to catch up on! Congrats to those that got their BFP!

I'm feeling out this month. I am 9 dpo (if I even o'd) and was cramping earlier today with some spotting just now. I usually have a short lp and it took a long time to get a temp rise this month, so af may show up early. On the plus side, if it does show up early, I'll have two shots at it in November!

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