October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Its too bad this isn't a local forum, I'd invite all you girls over for snacks, chats and of course wine :hugs:
Mommas- can you schedule an appt to confirm pregnancy?
I would think at 18dpo BW would confirm a little bean.
AF came early this month. :(
Try again, maybe third time is the charm. Will keep you all posted. Good luck ladies!
I'm sorry some of you ladies are feeling so down today but I completely understand where you are coming from. I have noticed since we have been trying for so many years and with so many losses that when a friend announces their pregnancy I tend to not be able to be around them as much. I just don't understand why it happens so easy for some people. My best friend told me in January of last year that they had to decided to try to have another baby and in February she found out she was pregnant. I was so upset but didn't let her know because it isn't her fault we can't seem to have another child. I am just thankful that God blessed me with two wonderful little boys before all of my problems started happening.

Anyways AFM I am almost at 18 dpo and still NO af... I don't understand what is going on I clearly ovulated on CD 15 and my temps are still high. I didn't test this morning because I can't stand to see another bfn so I'm just going to wait it out a few more days. Also today (tmi) I have been having loads of milky watery cm to the point where it has soaked my undies a few times. I'm not sure what that is about I normally get a little clear watery discharge before af but never like that. Maybe she is on her way who knows I wished she would hurry up or I would get a bfp one or the other. I'm ready to start our next cycle or if I am pregnant get to the doctor to start my shots so I don't have another mc hopefully. Ugh so frustrating :(

Fx'd for everyone waiting to test!

Wow still no AF and those temps are up. Don't want to get your hopes up but I'm still hopeful of good news from you! Will be waiting with you Hun.

I can not imagine how it feels inside to watch others get pregnant and to feel so discouraged. But many women are in that boat. I'm sure the frustration is very upsetting, not sure any words can help. But keep your head up and plug along. Sometimes miracles happen when you least expect it.

Just wanted to note that people who get pregnant right away also have no control over that, in the same way that people who have some challenges and difficulties also have no control over that. I can understand not wanting to be around and hear about it all as much, but maybe try not to hold it against them. I'm sure they didn't do it to hurt you.

Anyhow, baby dust to everyone. There were lots of positive tests flying around and I hope many more to come. Rooting for you all!
Tested a day early on Friday. Checked my cervix while waiting for the results and had brown tinged CM so I knew the :witch: was starting. Just like clockwork, :af: started up Friday night and was in full effect Saturday :growlmad: So obviously, the test was a :bfn:

I've learned I have 25-26 day cycles so I'm just gonna calculate my upcoming :af: from here on out to be aware of when to expect it so I'm prepared and not surprised somewhere without "supplies". I deleted the FF and MyDaysX apps from my phone and am just gonna go on with my life. I have gotten + OPKs the past couple months and O cramping right on time... so if there is something else going on with me I can discuss my concerns at my next OB/GYN appointment (which isn't until early next year) and go from there. Until then, I'm done with being super hopeful that this is "my month" only to be disappointed. GL to everyone and tons of :dust:

IF something amazing happens in the meantime, I will be back to share! :hugs:
Sorry to hear AF came MamaBunny2 and kj87

Its too bad this isn't a local forum, I'd invite all you girls over for snacks, chats and of course wine :hugs:

I would come! Well, minus the wine...I guess. :wine:
I bet men used to use the absence of pregnancy understanding to get laid constantly. Like, you could be 2 months pregnant but not know it, still rolling in the hay every night lol! "Let's make a baby wench!"...

:rofl: Bahhhhhhaaaaa! You are so funny!
Emski~Sorry to hear about your dad! Maybe consider telling him about the sticky bean, so he has something to look forward too?

Leti~Darn that witch!

Juscause & Leti~GL at your RE appointments! I hope that it speeds up the process and you get to your double rainbow faster. I have been going to a RE since January, so if there is anything that I can do to support you ladies – I am here. :winkwink:

Eclaire! Booo to not getting any action on your birthday….that is just cruel and unusual punishment. There is always next weekend when I am sure you are feeling better. I hope you two can celebrate sooner rather than later.

Canada~Sending you a hug. :hugs:The 6 month mark with TTC was a big milestone with me personally, so I completely understand where you are coming from. I remember that day exactly. I was traveling for work and I had hit a brick wall with TTC, because AF had just come. I texted hubby that we needed to try something different so he found an ovulation kit online. We tried that for another few months. Once we started to hit the year mark, was when I hit another brick wall and decided to go see a RE. I kept thinking both sides of our families have gotten pregnant so easy. There is something amiss and we need to figure this out. The 6 month milestone is a big one and it’s why you are feeling what you are feeling. It is normal. Yeah to that awesome hubby of yours!

Bug~I didn’t realize you were coming up your baby angel’s due date. My heart goes out to you! Consider doing something nice for yourself this week. You deserve it. It’s a lot to go through. Sending you a hug!

Turtle~Fx you get your positive and we can celebrate YOU! :happydance:

MnG~I am so in! I am bringing the ice cream!:icecream:
AFM, it has been a relaxing weekend. I have only left the house to get food.

My friend who had the same procedure I just had (injections, trigger shot, & IUI) just gave birth to twins a few days ago. Seeing her baby’s chunky legs made it very real to me that this might actually work.

I am starting to get symptoms, but I am not getting too excited. My under carriage feels like it is expanding, but there isn’t a lot of room for things to adjust because I am a petite woman. So I am pretty uncomfortable and I can’t stop using the bathroom.

Thank you all of for the support this thread has provided. It has been the main thing that has kept me stable through this journey. Whenever I have a low moment, I read your posts and it so encouraging….and I can’t stop laughing.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Baby dust to all! :dust:
MnG- I am going to call my dr in the morning and see if she can fit me in for blood work or to at least see if see can give some advice of what is going on.

Jules- Thank you hun I am still doubtful and have given up any hope that I had left. I guess by some miracle I could be but at this late and still bfn it makes me worry that something would be wrong given my history.

Mama- Sorry af got you fx'd you catch that egg this month!
MnG- I am going to call my dr in the morning and see if she can fit me in for blood work or to at least see if see can give some advice of what is going on.

Jules- Thank you hun I am still doubtful and have given up any hope that I had left. I guess by some miracle I could be but at this late and still bfn it makes me worry that something would be wrong given my history.

Mama- Sorry af got you fx'd you catch that egg this month!

Well best wishes!

Is that crossville Alabama? I went to grad school at auburn :)
Thanks yoga! Xxx when will you test??? I have everything crossed for you! I really hope this is it!
MnG- I am going to call my dr in the morning and see if she can fit me in for blood work or to at least see if see can give some advice of what is going on.

Jules- Thank you hun I am still doubtful and have given up any hope that I had left. I guess by some miracle I could be but at this late and still bfn it makes me worry that something would be wrong given my history.

Mama- Sorry af got you fx'd you catch that egg this month!

Well best wishes!

Is that crossville Alabama? I went to grad school at auburn :)

Yes it sure is! What a small world that you actually know where that is lol oh and War Eagle! Definitely loved that win over LSU yesterday :happydance:
Yep and an Alabama loss! Hehe. My good girlfriend was working at Alabama when I was at Auburn, I get sick of all the roll tide crap from her ;) Are you closer to Tuscaloosa?

I sure don't miss those summers! I worked in sports medicine and two a day football practices in august in Alabama were no joke!
Haha yes I was one happy woman yesterday when they lost especially since most of my family are Alabama fans and I always have to hear their smack talk lol. :)
Ha! So if your fam are Bama fans, you are an auburn fan? How did that happen, lol?

Anyhow, it is a small world sometimes huh!
I was never big into football when I was younger but I liked picking on them when Auburn beat them and it just stuck lol.
Haha well bless your heart and war eagle! Yes great win, should be moving up in the rankings!

Ok sorry everyone! We can all resume our regularly scheduled programming now!
Emski, I'm glad to hear that things could be really looking up for your dad! I hope he decides to take the advice of his doctors and stop drinking. For your family's sake, for his sake, and for the sake of your little bean. I do wonder if telling him might help give him some motivation to stick to it so he can get well for his grandchild! :hugs:

Ms.Bsky, welcome! :hi: I've got you added, and good luck! Your symptoms are sure sounding promising!

Eclaire, sorry you've been feeling so crappy and that it made you guys have a bad birthday. :( I hope you're feeling better today and can enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Emilie, I'm so sorry. :hug: to you! Have you tried testing again, are they still testing negative? Maybe try using one of the same brands that you got a positive one earlier this week and see if it's still coming up as a positive? :(

Atlanta, sorry your still up in the air! :( How many dpo are you now? Can you go in for bloodwork?

To all the ladies feeling so down lately, big :hug: to you! I'm so sorry, and I really hope you ladies start feeling better soon. I agree that I wish this was a local thread, so we could all just get together to vent and drink :wine: and have fun! I really hope that it happens SOON for each and every one of you, I'm pulling for you!!! I agree with Canada, I LOVE seeing all the bfp's on here! It makes me really happy for you and hopeful for me, so keep 'em coming!

LilRu, of course it's ok for you to post still! We're happy to have you with us! :)

Mommas, I agree on getting some blood work done if you can. I am really hopeful for you, especially with your temps being so high still! I've heard of some women who never get a + on a hpt, and it can only be confirmed via blood work. I hope that's the case with you!

I'm sorry to those that the :witch: got! :( Hang in there, your time will be coming soon! :dust:

Yoga, I'm so glad that you've had such a relaxing weekend, and that your feeling so good about your chances this month!!! I have everything crossed for you! I can't wait until you're able to test!!! :D

Jules and Mommas, we might have a problem here...DH is from Alabama originally and is a big Alabama fan. So even though I've never cared one way or another for them before, I am now by default an Alabama fan for him (but not in a way that I REALLY care, just rooting for the hubby's team). Their loss yesterday sucked! I think we'll just have to agree to not talk college ball for teams in Alabama, deal? ;) Now if it was KU that you were talking about though, I might actually be really upset! That's my true team there! :haha:

Afm, temps still up, tested again and another bfn. I'm still only 11dpo so I'm trying not to get discouraged but I'm starting to lose hope. :( I think I'm going to try to skip testing tomorrow and test again on Tuesday. I still have my FX!

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice, relaxing Sunday!
Hi - can you add me to the end of the October thread again. I am suspecting my cycle to end 30 October though this is a guess at the moment - will have to see when I ovulate.

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