October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

This was their post: Hello everyone,I dont know if I'm just overly emotional (7dpo) or what but I cried two hours straight. Why?!? I was sitting at my desk at work and one of coworkers that has been off for the past two weeks came over and asked about my three year old.. She then goes on to say "The reason I was off is because I had to get another one cut out".*Me being so naive about that subject asked what she was talking about. SHe says " I had ANOTHER abortion. My husband says we're not ready and he actually hates that I get pregnant so easily".That pissed me off. Here i am struggling to get pregnant (thanks pcos) and she gets rid of them as fast as they come. I just dont understand it.
This makes me mad how the people who don't want kids can blink and get pregnant and people like us who want a baby can't get pregnant. My sister gets pregnant at a drop of a hat and doesn't take care of herself. She will smoke or do drugs and be really reckless and lost the baby. She has one son and she wishes she didn't so I take care of him. But I want a baby of my own. But I try and try and nothing.

Exactly...if you dont want kids then you should be on bc. And what pisss me off the most, is that it seems it was just another walk in the park to go and abort another baby. Abortion isnt that easy on the emotions, yet it didnt seem to bother them. Babies are not an item you can just throw away if you dont want it. But some people seriously dont believe they are babies until they are born. Yet this woman seems she would be the type to toss the baby in a bag and leave them somewhere outside if she wasnt to abort. Its a very sad thing. You get soooo many people who really want kids who struggle so much.
Also what gets me is when people plan babies that they can't afford. My cousin's wife is due 5 days after I was and that's their situation. As horrible as it makes me, I can't help but think, "Why my baby?" it doesn't help she's been jealous of me since I announced our pregnancy because people were happy for us and really weren't for them. Since I MCed she just rubs it in, tagging all my family members that her husband and their baby aren't even related to in her ultrasound photos (I'm not even FB friends with this girl). I'm hoping none of my family loses their mind temporarily and invites me to her baby shower. She's due Dec 10th, so she's about 31 weeks, we're getting close to that time...
MnG - I'm excited with you about your RE appointment as I have mine on Monday, just two days before yours! :dance: :dance:


Same here for you!!! Please keep us posted on what they say!

Will do! Will be nice to compare notes!

Blueberry wine!! Yummy. Is it homemade or bought?!?

I tried to find somewhere that sells rumchata in the UK but I couldn't! I will have to look in duty free when I next go abroad in December.


Bing- we will definitely compare. Did you already do the months of Clomid?? I can't remember if you've mentioned it before..
The wine is from a semi local winery. They make the best wines and also have mango wine. The newest one is cotton candy wine!! Yum!!! They also ship if you're interested :winkwink:

No I have not been put on clomid as my cd21 bloods came back at around 51 so my GP said she as I ovulate there was not much point as I believe clomid is to help bring on ovulation, or to give a stronger ovulation.

Im really going to have to try this blueberry wine but might try and find a recipe and make some myself. :thumbup:
MnG - I'm excited with you about your RE appointment as I have mine on Monday, just two days before yours! :dance: :dance:


Same here for you!!! Please keep us posted on what they say!

Will do! Will be nice to compare notes!

Blueberry wine!! Yummy. Is it homemade or bought?!?

I tried to find somewhere that sells rumchata in the UK but I couldn't! I will have to look in duty free when I next go abroad in December.


I recently made my own, and it was super easy. I found a recipe online for horchata and then just added my own rum. I added the rum to each glass like a mixed drink instead of to the whole pitcher, in case I wanted to drink some as just horchata. I went the easy route on making it, I found a recipe that called for store bought rice milk instead of making it myself, it was a piece of cake. :)

Thanks Turtle! - I'll look online for a recipe! :wine:
Mamabee - sorry about the bleeding. Do you usually have a short LP?


I'm not sure. I just began using OPKs last month and then temping this month. I've kept track of my cycles on a calendar for a long time and have an average of a 31 day cycle. I am not sure I understand why my period is starting earlier and earlier each month.

I'm so upset over it and it has just been the worst day on top of it. One of those very bad, no good, horrible days where I even got a run in my sock (how does that even happen) and so I walked around with a rogue toe sticking out all uncomfortable in my shoe. I.cannot.wait.to.fall.asleep.tonight.and.start.over.tomorrow!

(Insert TMI warning here)
I just went to the bathroom hoping it would've stopped or slowed to a spot and while it was barely on my pad, it was the biggest glob of dark brownish red blood ever once I wiped. Very odd looking for what would be a first day of period for me. Usually I start spotting brown for a couple of days and ease into a flow. I'm not exactly convinced of what it is. Last month I had a very sudden, very heavy, but only two day flow. Shortest ever (as I normally go for 6-8 days). Somethings up with my body and I kind of hate it right now.

I'm so sorry this hasn't been your month! :hugs: in the 14 months we have been trying my periods have been different each month. At first I thought something was wrong and was googling symptoms etc but realistically I just think each cycle is different and when we are not TTC we don't notice it, but as soon as we start tracking our cycles etc we notice every little symptom. So try not to worry ad I'm sure it's nothing to worry about and if you recently came off BC it's probably your body just regulating. Chin up and as MnG said tomorrow is a new day and a new pair if socks! :hug:
Treeroot - nice to hear from you! Have you told anyone about your little bean yet?

Yoga - how exciting. What symptoms other than a cold have you had? when are you testing? I hope it doesn't go too slowly for you!

Turtle - I couldn't have said that better myself! We love you too! :hugs:

Orion - that's an awful thing for someone to say! I think people who haven't been through the pain of TTC just don't understand what a painful, stressful, heartbreaking journey it is and don't think before they speak about how what they say may affect someone unbeknown to them who may be struggling to conceive. I've done it before when I was younger. I kept saying X was going to be the next girl in the office to have kids and kept asking her when she was going to have them. To my horror 2 years later she was pregnant and told me she had IVF twice and got pregnant the second time. I felt awful. From that day, and even more so since struggling to conceive myself, I have never and never will ask someone such a personal question again.

Emilie - sorry to hear about your cyst. I hope your feeling better soon :hugs:

Nica - sorry your feeling down. :hugs:
Hi :) I am new here but wanting to get in on this, hope its okay :) I am not entirely sure on the day I am going to test but if AF doesn't show up on October 11, I am probably going to test October 14 (at the latest). Probably gonna be a bfn but good timing and then I had a teeny bit of spotting yesterday at 11 dpo so my fingers are super crossed as we have been trying for almost a year. No other symptoms but I am sick and have a toddler so I could be overlooking something!
Thank you Bing, I'll get over it, just having a moment :D
Morning ladies, I'll catch up in a bit. I'm so confused right now, my temp did skyrocket this morning up to 98.54, but still bfn! I'm now 14dpo and that heavy spotting was 2 days ago on Monday. Body, what the heck are you doing?! Ugh!
Turtle, that sounds promising. Sometimes women don't get their bfps until a week after missed period. Hang in there until that stupid witch comes around or you get that bfp (which is what my FX for!)
Orionfox- Im really sad about the whole abortion thing. That just goes straight through me.
if you KNOW you get pregnant easily, then why are you bothering to have sex at all. At least use a condom. GRrr! sorry, Im just infuriated now.
If a friend of mine that told to me, going through my troubles with TTC, Id have lost it!!

Emilie- my heart goes out to you :hugs2: I hope you know that you can still conceive with the one...wasnt it Turtle that mentioned it the other day??

Dreaming- Welcome!! :wave: I hope you stay with the group and get your BFP soon!! :)
Dreaming, welcome! :hi: Glad to have you with us! I'll get you added to the front page, and good luck!!!

Mint, love the girl name! I'll have to pop in over on your other thread to read the boys names. :)

MamaBee, so sorry that your day was so bad yesterday. :( I really hope it gets better today! I like what MnG said, it's a new day and a new pair of socks! :hugs: I'm still hopeful for you that it's not really AF. I know I'm grasping at straws, but since you said it's different than your normal then I'm hopeful! :)

Treeroot, we wish you could give us your Kool-Aid too! We would gladly drink it up! :haha:

Yoga, yay for symptoms! When are you testing again? I have everything crossed for you, I SO hope this is your month!!!

Emilie, I'm so sorry about the chemical AND the cyst. :hugs: Man, you really can't catch a break this week! Hang in there, get some rest, and I really hope you start feeling better soon! I really hope you get your STICKY bean next month! :hugs:

Bug, I'm so sorry that you're having such a rough week. :hugs: to you as well. We're here for you if you need to vent, or cry, or whatever!

Nica, I'm sorry that you're feeling down too! :( Just like I said to Bug, we're here for you as well! :hugs:

Orion, I stumbled across that thread too. It made me so sad! I will never understand people using abortion over and over as a form of birth control. It's completely abusing the system, and it's not ok. :(
Exactly MnG and Turtle...id have lost it to. I just dont get it.
Wow this thread that started out so lucky and upbeat has taken a wrong turn. So I have decided to take it upon myself to inject some levity.

I was washing my daughter's laundry yesterday. When I opened the washer to take the clothes out I found something odd in the rubber seal area near the front. (Front load washer) I had to stare at this gross looking object for a while before I determined it was in fact poop. I tried to figure out the source while cleaning it up. I was pretty sure it wasn't from her diapers. The only explanation I could come up with is one of my cats must have done their business in there, since the door is often open. On a positive note all of the clothes were miraculously clean.
Lol thats funny eclaire...yeah it seems so far we have only had bfps right at the beginning. Come on BFPs we need you to show :) we need some more celebrations.
As long as we're talking about cat poop.... which that was pretty funny, by the by..

When we first brought our puppy, Dexter, home..the cats werent very fond of him...and I only knew this because they made it blatantly obvious. One of them pooped the puppys food dish the very next day:haha:
Morning ladies, I'll catch up in a bit. I'm so confused right now, my temp did skyrocket this morning up to 98.54, but still bfn! I'm now 14dpo and that heavy spotting was 2 days ago on Monday. Body, what the heck are you doing?! Ugh!

Turtle - if if was IB there may not be enough HcG in urine until 3-5 days after! FX'd for you xx
Eclaire - that's funny! :haha: cats are so lazy at times! In the winter our cat use to poop in our flower pots in the house in stead of going outside, so in the end we had to get rid of the house plants and buy fake ones instead!

Afm - I just booked our next holiday, so I'm super excited right now! We have booked to go to Cuba in March 2015 for 2 weeks :)
Eclaire - that's funny! :haha: cats are so lazy at times! In the winter our cat use to poop in our flower pots in the house in stead of going outside, so in the end we had to get rid of the house plants and buy fake ones instead!

Afm - I just booked our next holiday, so I'm super excited right now! We have booked to go to Cuba in March 2015 for 2 weeks :)

Please have some extra fun for us!!!

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