October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Morning ladies, I'll catch up in a bit. I'm so confused right now, my temp did skyrocket this morning up to 98.54, but still bfn! I'm now 14dpo and that heavy spotting was 2 days ago on Monday. Body, what the heck are you doing?! Ugh!

Turtle - if if was IB there may not be enough HcG in urine until 3-5 days after! FX'd for you xx

Here! Here! I concur
Elaire, Bing and MnG, those are funny cat stories! Love it! :haha:

That's very true about the 3-5 days to build up if it was IB! I wish I could fast forward to tomorrow's temp to see if it's still up or if it drops back down. I'm too impatient!

The board is really quiet today! I hope everyone is doing well! :)
As long as we're talking about cat poop.... which that was pretty funny, by the by..

When we first brought our puppy, Dexter, home..the cats werent very fond of him...and I only knew this because they made it blatantly obvious. One of them pooped the puppys food dish the very next day:haha:

Omg that is hilarious!:haha:
Turtle I hope your temp stays up tomorrow and you get your bfp to get us back on the right track. Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

Afm, 5 dpo and not much to report. Sense of smell seems stronger, but it could be just because I am finally getting over my cold so I can breathe through it again. Oh well, here's hoping.
Hi ladies, can I join? I haven't Oed just yet but I know it's getting close as my CM is beginning to be watery and I've had a migraine all day. TTC for a little over three years.:dohh:
Lizlove, welcome! :hi: Happy to have you with us! Once you know your testing date let me know and I'll get you added to the front page! :) Good luck, I really hope this is your lucky month!!!

Haha, that probably is why it's so quiet around here lately! Everybody is bd'ing! :haha:

Eclaire, thank you! I think I'm going to test again this afternoon, just because I'm a glutton for punishment. :haha: I'm glad that you're starting to feel better! I have my FX that you're sense of smell is heightened due to a bfp, and not just getting over your cold! :)
My birthday is also this month, on the 21st. It would be awesome to have a birthday suprise BFP! :)
Yes, for sure!!! I really hope you get it, what an awesome birthday present to yourself! :)
Hi ladies I've been a little lost this week...

Turtle I really hope is IB!!! :)

I went to a new RE on monday, and I loved him. A huge difference between my last one and him!!! I never felt confortable with the old one.

He told me that he is not sure I need IVF just yet and He had me do the HSG again today, he showed me I had both my tubes open and a normally shaped uterus. After that I feel like going out and celebrate!!!
I was so upset because my coworker anounced today she was pregnant! so to see the xrays made my day.
He also told me to start trying as soon as tomorrow (CD6)!! since that test also help you clear the path for the spermies!! :)

I have good feeling about october....
Leti- your new RE sounds promising!! I'm excited for you!!

Liz- Welcome! :wave: FX'd for you!!! :dust:
Treeroot - nice to hear from you! Have you told anyone about your little bean yet?

Afm - I just booked our next holiday, so I'm super excited right now! We have booked to go to Cuba in March 2015 for 2 weeks :)

Thanks :) I spilled the beans to a co-actor yesterday. She was suggesting that I audition for this play, but the performance is in March and possibly again in May. It just didn't seem realistic for me. But I didn't want to lie because I really want to be in another play! So I just told her! Now I'll have someone watching my back if a get queezy during performance nights :winkwink:.
I tell the fam this weekend.

Cuba, exciting!

Morning ladies, I'll catch up in a bit. I'm so confused right now, my temp did skyrocket this morning up to 98.54, but still bfn! I'm now 14dpo and that heavy spotting was 2 days ago on Monday. Body, what the heck are you doing?! Ugh!

Ohhh, I really hope that temp stays up!

Wow this thread that started out so lucky and upbeat has taken a wrong turn. So I have decided to take it upon myself to inject some levity.

I was washing my daughter's laundry yesterday. When I opened the washer to take the clothes out I found something odd in the rubber seal area near the front. (Front load washer) I had to stare at this gross looking object for a while before I determined it was in fact poop. I tried to figure out the source while cleaning it up. I was pretty sure it wasn't from her diapers. The only explanation I could come up with is one of my cats must have done their business in there, since the door is often open. On a positive note all of the clothes were miraculously clean.

Lol, hilarious!:laugh2:

I want to see some more BFPs from this thread!:test:
Bug~You and your angel have been in my thoughts this week. I hope you having a nice week and you did something nice for yourself.:hugs:

thank-you so much for thinking of me :hugs: in all honesty im not doing great but trying hard to stay positive and look towards the future. DH and I had a long conversation about whether or not to continue trying.. we decided to keep going for now... we will see in a few months how we

When are you going to test??? I have everything crossed for you!!!

Bug~I'm sorry you are not having a good week. Happy to hear that you will continue to try for another little one. Your little boy is too cute not to try and replicate that magic.

I am trying to hold out testing until the 12th...I probably will not be that strong.
Yoga - how exciting. What symptoms other than a cold have you had? when are you testing? I hope it doesn't go too slowly for you!

Hi Bing! Hope you had a good day. There is a nipple situation going on that I have never experienced before. They are red, sensitive, and erect. I wore 2 shirts and a blazer today to make sure they did not make an appearance. I researched the injections that I took and it's not a side effect. Hoping it's not my mind playing tricks on me. Everything else could be the cold. Trying to hold out testing until the 12th. Fingers tapping...come on time pass already.
Hi Bing! Hope you had a good day. There is a nipple situation going on that I have never experienced before. They are red, sensitive, and erect. I wore 2 shirts and a blazer today to make sure they did not make an appearance. I researched the injections that I took and it's not a side effect. Hoping it's not my mind playing tricks on me. Everything else could be the cold. Trying to hold out testing until the 12th. Fingers tapping...come on time pass already.

Your nip situation sounds promising!!
Just swimming along over here, about to start eod dtd. Really hoping this cycle is it. We've discussed it, think we're just going to do OPKs this cycle, then NTNP until Feb. If no luck by Feb, I'll go back on the pill.
Just swimming along over here, about to start eod dtd. Really hoping this cycle is it. We've discussed it, think we're just going to do OPKs this cycle, then NTNP until Feb. If no luck by Feb, I'll go back on the pill.

a couple days ahead of me:thumbup:
though probably my husband won't wait until CD10 if he knows AF has left the building:haha:

if you don't mind me asking, why would you go back on the pill?:shrug:
couldn't you just continue to NTNP, or is timing not good...?
Nothing much to report from me...just waiting for the time to pass during this lovely tww. Hopefully i start showing good signs after sunday and pray implantation happens. I think things have been quite as most are either waiting to O or are in the tww and not showing bfps yet. Wishing time woukd go faster so we can all get to celebrating.
I work seasonally and if I had to take off during a program because of when my due date fell (I'm also very concerned about recovery if I have to have a c-section), it would be unpaid and if during the winter program, they would have to hire someone else to replace me so I don't think my job would be there when I was ready to come back. The winter program is Dec-April usually and summer is June-July, so I'm hoping to keep a due date April-Oct, November there's some wiggle room. My boss was going to work with me on my Dec 5th due date, but it was going to cut it close and if I had gone to full term I would have only gotten 4 weeks before starting work, at the most.

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