October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Thanks this Leti, I like the thought of skipping a cycle bc it puts an end in sight. I'll keep thinking about that until another 3 weeks go by!

How are you? Waiting to ovulate now?

Yup. Always on the waiting game....
Orion evening temps won't mean anything. What counts when tempting is your first morning temperature, before you get out of bed or even talk. Those would be indicative of a fallback rise. Hope this helps. The quick spotting though is a good sign. Fx for you.

Mommas sorry about your ovary, but at least they caught it and now hopefully everything will come together for you in the ttc.
Hi Lovely Ladies, I hope you are having a great weekend. :happydance:

MnG~I hope camping was a blast and it was the mini vacation you needed.

Mammas~Thank you for the update. We have all been pulling for you! So sorry you lost your ovary. I hope you recover quickly. :flower:

Leti~I am thrilled to hear how well your apt with your new Dr! Super excited that you got such good news and that you like him. I hope the good news continues to flow.

Atlanta~I hope AF comes soon.
Turtle & the ladies that AF came….sending you a big hug! I completely understand what you are going through. AF came for me today. Disappointed doesn’t even begin to express how I feel….I have been a teary mess all day. I woke hubby up today with my face on his chest sobbing.

As I take a step back and look at the last year and half, I never thought that this fertility journey would happen to me. My family and husband’s family trip and get pregnant. It’s confusing to me, but this IS my life even though there are moments lately that it feels like I am watching my life as movie.

On to the next cycle….Hubby and I talked and we are going to ask the Dr. what he wants to do. Whatever he wants to do, we will do. Even if he tells us to take a cycle off, I am ready to do that. At the end of day, it’s in God’s hands and I trust whatever the next chapter brings.

On a much more positive note, I got acupuncture yesterday and it knocked my cold out. Aside from the tears, I feel like a new person. I am looking forward to this work week, because I have a high level meeting that I have been working on for the last 2 months. It will be nice to take a breather afterwards and relax…and enjoy the job well done. Hubby has been amazing today. I have learned through this process how much he loves me. After seeing fertility challenges tear marriages apart, I am grateful that this has brought us closer together. He told me today that there is nothing more important than me. What girl doesn’t want to hear that?

To all of the ladies, we have flashing BFP to look forward to. Until then, we have each other and I could not be more grateful for you and your support. <3
Thanks eclaire :) Im not so much focusing on the temping as i havent been doing it throughout my cycle, but its good to know when the temps matter. So im just going to ignore those temps then as both were taken when i was out of bed. Yeah im hoping the spotting ends up being a good thing. Havent had any more since so fx.
So true yoga...my hubby is the exact same way. We always have eachothers backs no matter what.
Sorry Emilie, maybe ask for something stronger? I was all brave and said I was fine but then had continual horrible pain like contractions, I ended up taking leftover Vicodin from after my daughters birth. I really thought a chemical would be quick to bounce back from but I'm still waiting for normal. That's rough about the baby shower, just be kind to yourself! You are allowed to be sad for a bit!

They gave me Percocet 10mg. I called my doctor and he told me to take Aleve halfway in between doses and that helped me so much.
Well I am really emotional I am taking this chemical pregnancy harder than the last. I am glad I have you guys though. Maybe I need sleep lol
Yoga, sorry about af. :(.... I'm glad to hear you have support from hubby. It is a tough journey but we always have to pick each other up.
Emilie, I know what you going trough now. I was really angry with my second one. But here I am again, hopeful and trying. Don't give up.
Oh yoga - I am so so sorry AF got you. I hope the doctor can give you some good advice on the next step to take. Was this the first IUI session you had? Maybe they will suggest IVF? Try not to be too disheartened. It will happen for you and you WILL get that BFP! My sisters friend had unexplained infertility and after 2 years had IVF and got pregnant the first time. A friend of mine was the same and got pregnant the second time. So just remember it WILL happen. :hugs: I'm so happy your hubby is there for you. Like the saying goes - what doesn't tear you apart will only makes you stronger! You need to support each other through this difficult time so the fact you are is great! I couldn't have got through the last 14 months of TTC if it hadn't of been for my hubby and I too didn't think this TTC journey would happen to me either. So I know exactly how you feel in that respect. If you ever need someone to talk to then feel free to PM me! Xx
My friend just told me she is pregnant and she has been trying for a few years! I'm not even jealous, just happy for her. Chin up ladies, let's get some more BFPs on here !
No longer have a smiley face so the 2ww is officially on!!
Hi ladies!
Were on our way back home from our mini adventure. Fits a long trek back home..4hr drive...but it was all worth it.
We hopped around to 10 different wineries and was definitely feeling good by stop 3 :thumbup: :)

I haven't had a chance to catch up here bc service keeps dropping but I hope you all are having a great wkend!

I'm 11dpo today and have had major cramping on and off for days. I also have this odd pokey feeling in my low right side.. Almost like there's a brick there..bad explanation, sorry!! I also woke up in a pile of of sweat, swearing it was a million degrees in the camper.. Meanwhile hubby is under blankets freezing.
FX'd crossed for me please!
MnG - FX crossed!!! I can't wait to hear your testing results. You're doing it tomorrow, right?

Emilie - I'm so sorry, hon. Do take some time to grieve. It is healthy and justified. :hugs:

Lou - I hope you caught that eggie and that the 2ww flies by for you!

Turtle - You and your family are in my prayers. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma.

Yoga - How heartbreaking. What a fabulously supportive and loving husband you have. I hope that things begin moving forward quickly for you.

Afm - I had those two days of bleeding last week (10 & 11 dpo), then nothing, and now some brown spotting. I've had everything from dizziness, to heart palpitations, to pelvic pain so bad I had to walk like a cowboy! I wish AF would just stop playing games with me and I could move on. We had said we would stop if it didn't happen this month, but now I'm already getting those crazy eyes for next month. Not sure what to do....(plus the crazy hope that I could still be this time which isn't likely, but hey, why not add some crazy?!) I have had three pregnancy dreams this cycle and my most recent was getting a positive after having tested negative. In the dream, I had to dip the stick sixteen times. Tomorrow is 16dpo and even though I'm 99.9% sure it will be a bfn, I'm tempted to test just to see. <<<(see....that's my crazy hanging out :) )
Hi ladies. 9 dpo for me and my temp is still up! This looks like the longest my lp will be since starting ttc this time. Had some cramping last night and trying to stay positive. I am crediting mng for any successes this cycle since you turned me on to vitex. Thanks!
Hi ladies. 9 dpo for me and my temp is still up! This looks like the longest my lp will be since starting ttc this time. Had some cramping last night and trying to stay positive. I am crediting mng for any successes this cycle since you turned me on to vitex. Thanks!

Aww well thank you! :)
WOW.. feeling really exited for you ladies testing tomorrow!! :dust: and fx for great results... and remember even if :bfn: you're NOT out until the:witch: shows her ugly face.. :haha:

afm:.. starting to get more crampy and bloaty.. feeling almost 100% out already due to possibly missing best fertile period due to my own medical concerns. .. turns out NOTHING was wrong :growlmad: so annoyed with myself.
Not sure if we are going to give this a go next month ... but we will see.

Sending everyone extra :hugs: and :dust:
Hi everyone...thank you for all of the love and support. You are so sweet! This was our 3rd round IUI and I took it harder than I thought I would. I am feeling better today and ready to start the week to see what it brings.

Emilie~I am so sorry about your chemical and that you are taking it so hard. ((HUGS))

MnG~Your mini vacation sounds amazing. Glad you had such a good time. I went to Napa 2 years with a college friend. Fx your symptoms turn into a positive.

Baby dust to all! :dust:
Nothing much for me to update on at this point. 7dpo and ive been checking my cp and right now its been high/hard and closed.tmi but This morning there has been a lot of lotiony clear cm and its very wet in there. So im crossing my fingers that these are good signs. Also there was a tiny amount of blood when i checked. Im thinking i may just test in the morning to see if anything shows up yet even though its early. Havent really had any symptoms at this point that ive noticed.

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