October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

We finally got home and I tested on a 3.5 hr hold...bfn. :cry: :hissy:
Rats & bats, MnG!! You're only 11dpo and it wasn't fmu, so I'm still hopeful! It isn't over until the witch shows anyhow. Don't be too discouraged. :hugs:
To those living in canada Happy Thanksgiving :) Im enjoying a lovely dinner with my mom and siblings along with dh. Its nice to be able to take my mind off of ttc.
It's still early MnG! FX'd you get that BFP soon. Xx
16 dpo now, no AF but also only BFN's until now. last one yesterday morning.

it really takes you down to see this one stupid line, especially since i got my hopes up, since im late and all.

symptoms today on CD 29 and 16 DPO:
big full breasts, with no real tenderness, hungry, backache, dull twinges in uterus, and a constant feeling that af is coming. and still very warm. and a runny nose.

and did i say hungry? i made my self a huge omelette and ate with 4 big slices of bread around midnight yesterday!. (veeery unusual)

maybe its symptoms, maybe its just normal i really dont know at this point.

But on the bright side, my temps are still up and growing by 0.1 (celcius) every day now.
So sorry MnG :hugs: I hope your RE appointment on Wednesday gives you some hope.

I've just had mine and feeling a little disheartened. She said that the only test left to do is a HSG to check my tubes and if that comes back normal then we have to keep trying until we've been TTC for 3 years and then we'll qualify for IVF. Another 22 months seems a lifetime away! :(

Good morning ladies! Sorry mng...it is still early though, so will keep fx's for you!.
orionfox- sounds like positive signs so far:thumbup:

I am currently 3dpo and nothing to report as expected. We leave for vacation Friday and I won't have internet where we are going so I will keep my fx for everyone testing next week. Af should be due for me 22 or 23rd....trying to hold out on testing until25th depending on how I am feeling. Hopefully I will have good news to report when I return from vacation:happydance:
So sorry MnG :hugs: I hope your RE appointment on Wednesday gives you some hope.

I've just had mine and feeling a little disheartened. She said that the only test left to do is a HSG to check my tubes and if that comes back normal then we have to keep trying until we've been TTC for 3 years and then we'll qualify for IVF. Another 22 months seems a lifetime away! :(


:saywhat: that's absurd!!!!! No way! Can you get a 2nd opinion?? I don't know how things work where you are but here its typically a year wait of natural TTC.
I'm so sorry Bing! I just couldn't wait that long.
In the UK we have the NHS which is a free health service. So it's a year of TTC before they start doing tests, and then if all results are normal, which they have been so far for me, it's just keep trying until 3 years are up and then you qualify for free IVF.

Alternatively you can pay to go privately which we discussed on the way home and said we would probably do as no way are we waiting for another 22 months. I think it costs around £5,000 a go though to pay privately so it would take us a while to save up to pay for it, probably 10-12 months. So I think with us it's just a case of waiting until we have enough money to pay for treatment. :(

There is a fertility expedition in London at the beginning of November which I guess all the fertility clinics will have a stand at, so we are going to go to get more information on if we paid to go private. Sometimes at expeditions they do good offers too!

On the plus side at least nothing is physically wrong with either of us so FX'd sperm meets egg while we're busy saving in the meantime! :spermy: :sex: :spermy:

Let me know how your RE appointment goes.

3 yrs is forever away! I don't blame you for wanting to go the private route.
Its nice that you receive free IVF but that wait is just too long.

Thanks, I will. :) I'm not accepting anything less than walking out with a plan. IUI and everything past that is out of the question for us financially so I'm hoping there's something else I don't know about.
:hugs: MnG!!

AFM: still no crosshairs prob due to missing temps.. And feeling horribly crampy bloaty and hungry..but really feeling out.
Bing I am happy they didn't find any problems, but wish they had a faster turn around time for free treatment. At least you have a plan on how best to move forward.

Mng sorry your out but at least your re appointment is just a couple of days away so hopefully you will get some answers and a plan.

Canada looking at your chart I would expect crosshairs tomorrow. Stay positive.

Afm, 10 dpo and temps still high. Had some af type cramps this am. Tested and got an evap. Never had one before so trying to stay positive. If temps are still up tomorrow, I will test again in the morning. Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Bing sorry there wasnt many answers...hope you finally get a bfp very soon so you dont have to wait that long.
MnG hopefully your appoinment goes well.

Afm so far no signs or symptoms except off an on my left boob bothers me but that could just be in my head. Although my cervix this morning was super high where i almost couldnt reach it and its soft and closed. Praying this is a good sign. Ive been checking each morning and night. But i do know from reading up its not always dependable.
Oh and i did cave and test for the heck of it this morning, but as to be expected it was bfn. Im only 9dpo.
I'm here MnG! :wave:
Just about to go to sleep though as it's 10:40pm in UK.

Night. Speak to you all tomorrow.

FX'd for you tomorrow EClaire! I hope you get that BFP.

GL for when you next test Orion!

Ms Bksy - have you tried using different brands of HPT? As some are more sensitive than others.

Nori - FX'd that you caught the eggy this cycle!

Thanks Bing :) I will probably test again in a couple more days.
Hi Ladies! Happy Monday!:winkwink:

Bing~Wow! 3 year wait for IVF? That is a long time. Is there anything in between like IUI or meds? I'm glad that they have not found anything that looks off though! So congrats for that! Hopefully, you will get your BFP while you are saving and all will be well.

MnG~GL at your apt on Wednesday! I hope you come out with a plan. I know that having a plan always makes me feel better too.

Nori~Have a great vacation!

Eclaire~FX for you!

AFM, hubby and I went to the Dr today. I have decided to take a cycle off and then the following cycle we both are traveling for work. Any suggestions on what herbals I can take in the meantime? I have heard you guys talk about Vitex to lengthen the LP. Any other suggestions?

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