October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.
Afm i woke up feeling like im sick with a cold but it doesnt quite feel that way. Also my boobs have been slightly sore but not very. Tested yesterday morning but nothing yet. Today im 14dpo. Going to test again tomorrow morning. Af is suposed to come tuesday, but may come thursday. So if tomorrows test is still negative, then i will test again friday. Cp is still high, soft and closed which is unusual as its been lower before around this time. And still lots of cm. Trying hard not to think of these things much just in case af does show her ugly face.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. Her kids are 15 months apart I think they are only that far apart because her husband was at bootcamp. Her first was a honey moon baby. Now she has an iud because she doesn't want more and she didn't want the other two. They are at daycare or with a babysitter most of the time.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. Her kids are 15 months apart I think they are only that far apart because her husband was at bootcamp. Her first was a honey moon baby. Now she has an iud because she doesn't want more and she didn't want the other two. They are at daycare or with a babysitter most of the time.

Wow that is sad. Im a daycare worker and some of the kids are there the entire day every day and sometimes the parents arent working that day or are home early, but dont pick them up early. When i have a child i will utilise daycare but not unless needed. I dont want my kid spending more time with strangers than with their mom and dad.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. Her kids are 15 months apart I think they are only that far apart because her husband was at bootcamp. Her first was a honey moon baby. Now she has an iud because she doesn't want more and she didn't want the other two. They are at daycare or with a babysitter most of the time.

Wow that is sad. Im a daycare worker and some of the kids are there the entire day every day and sometimes the parents arent working that day or are home early, but dont pick them up early. When i have a child i will utilise daycare but not unless needed. I dont want my kid spending more time with strangers than with their mom and dad.

I worked at a daycare before becoming a nanny and we had kids there from open to close everyday with there mom's being stay at home moms. I would get told everyone's needs a break away from her kids everyday. It is one thing to send them there for a couple hours for a break but 12 hours is not a break.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. Her kids are 15 months apart I think they are only that far apart because her husband was at bootcamp. Her first was a honey moon baby. Now she has an iud because she doesn't want more and she didn't want the other two. They are at daycare or with a babysitter most of the time.

Wow that is sad. Im a daycare worker and some of the kids are there the entire day every day and sometimes the parents arent working that day or are home early, but dont pick them up early. When i have a child i will utilise daycare but not unless needed. I dont want my kid spending more time with strangers than with their mom and dad.

I worked at a daycare before becoming a nanny and we had kids there from open to close everyday with there mom's being stay at home moms. I would get told everyone's needs a break away from her kids everyday. It is one thing to send them there for a couple hours for a break but 12 hours is not a break.

Amen to that :) I feel so bad for some of those kids.
Sounds to me she never had any kids or issues ttc. If she actually looked it up chemical pregnancies and mc's are super super common and most can still achieve a healthy pregnancy. Good for you telling her off. Negative people arent good for this type of journey.

She has two kids.

She must have then been one of those who got pregnant very easily. I know for a fact she would get pissed if someone told her to stop trying to become a mom. What kind of a mother says something like that to someone else trying to be a mom.
She gets pregnant at the drop of a hat. Her kids are 15 months apart I think they are only that far apart because her husband was at bootcamp. Her first was a honey moon baby. Now she has an iud because she doesn't want more and she didn't want the other two. They are at daycare or with a babysitter most of the time.

Wow that is sad. Im a daycare worker and some of the kids are there the entire day every day and sometimes the parents arent working that day or are home early, but dont pick them up early. When i have a child i will utilise daycare but not unless needed. I dont want my kid spending more time with strangers than with their mom and dad.

I worked at a daycare before becoming a nanny and we had kids there from open to close everyday with there mom's being stay at home moms. I would get told everyone's needs a break away from her kids everyday. It is one thing to send them there for a couple hours for a break but 12 hours is not a break.

Amen to that :) I feel so bad for some of those kids.

Me too. I am happy to report I am back in commission from my mishap during bd last weekend and I didn't miss my chance this month. Which I am very happy about I should ovulate anytime from now until cd 21. I am CD 10 now. I am hoping November is my month so I am going to try and be every other day until af or bfp which ever comes first. I have been trying for so long that I don't know if it will happen but I hope it does.
Dear, you CAN get pregnant, as you saw last cycle. It was just a really unfortunate happening with the chemical, but it happens to more women than you know. For some reason it wasnt meant to be last cycle, but maybe this will be the one! It CERTAINLY doesn't mean it is never going to happen, and that you're not meant to be a mom. That is just complete BS and I'm glad you told her off and that you are positive approaching this cycle.

I always read and follow this thread, rooting for all of you, and I don't comment much anymore really, BUT reading that a " friend" would say this has me pissed.

Gosh you're in My prayers to get your sticky bfp this month so you can tell your friend to shove it
Dear, you CAN get pregnant, as you saw last cycle. It was just a really unfortunate happening with the chemical, but it happens to more women than you know. For some reason it wasnt meant to be last cycle, but maybe this will be the one! It CERTAINLY doesn't mean it is never going to happen, and that you're not meant to be a mom. That is just complete BS and I'm glad you told her off and that you are positive approaching this cycle.

I always read and follow this thread, rooting for all of you, and I don't comment much anymore really, BUT reading that a " friend" would say this has me pissed.

Gosh you're in My prayers to get your sticky bfp this month so you can tell your friend to shove it

I would love to tell her to shove it. I know I can get pregnant it does take time for to get pregnant both times have ended in a chemical pregnancy but we know the cause for both and they are not an issue this cycle. I hope I get my sticky bfp soon. I won't be testing early anymore and this cycle my test date I have my annual doctor appointment so they will test then. So I may not even need to test at home.
Yoga, I'm sorry to hear that DH had to have surgery! I'm glad to hear he's on the mend, and I hope he heals quickly. I'm sorry that it means you can't give it a go this month, but I'm glad at the same time that you can give your body a rest from the meds. I really, really hope this rest is just what your body means and that your next go at it results in your little bean!

Shey, I think that line is getting darker! I think you're looking good! :happydance: Would you like me to change it on the front page or wait a few more days?

Atlanta, that's great news!!! I'm so glad to hear your body is finally doing SOMETHING! Now FX that you catch that eggie this next cycle! :) And your post cracked me up, as did your follow-up "I'm not Yoda" :haha:

Crystl, sorry that your having such confusing symptoms! :( I know some people have had a few days delay before getting their temp spike after O, so FX that's what's happening for you and that you did indeed O when you thought!

Cookie, :hugs: I'm really sorry that you're feeling so down about your friend and that she was so insensitive in the way that she chose to tell you. :( We're here for you to vent and cry to whenever you need to!

Zub, sorry that AF got you! :(

Starry, sorry that you think you're out too! :( Did AF end up arriving today? FX that she's stayed away!

Bing, sounds like you had a fun time at the birthday party! That's so funny about the bridesmaid dresses, I got a good kick out of that! And that's so great about the night in London and catching a show that you and DH are planning. Sounds like a fun, romantic night!

Bighouse, welcome back! Sounds like your chances are great this month! Good luck!

MnG, thank you!!! I really appreciate you saying that. I honestly don't really feel like I'm up to doing the November thread, but I will if nobody else wants to. I just kind of need a break from the moderating I think! I love doing it, just need a break I think. :) I really, really hope the new meds work for you this month and that you can give DH his birthday bfp!!! Everything crossed for you! :hugs:

Lou, both DH and I have birthdays at the end of June, so both of us were one of the youngest in our class. I will say it was never an issue for either one of us, and neither of us ever struggled academically. In fact, we both had pretty good grades throughout. I also had friends that were even later in the class, and they did just fine as well. I'm sure you've seen it all ways being a teacher, but I just wanted to give you insight from someone who experienced it! :)

TTC, I *think* I see a very faint line there! I'm not good at the squinters though so I'm not sure. Good luck, I really hope this is it for you! Keep us updated!

Emilie, I'm so sorry. :hugs: That's a simply terrible thing to say to someone, and I honestly don't blame you for being so upset with her and not wanting to be around you. :( I really hope you get your sticky bean SOON!!!
TTC74 I think I can see a line too!!

I was convinced af arrived today but nope. I don't think I did ovulate when the chart said so :-/ I had ttc it confuses the hell out of me.

I am trying to cave in doing a test! Might have to get my hubby to take the tests to work to hide them because I get so upset when I see the white space
Bing, Crys, & Turtle~Thank you for the sweet and supportive posts. You ladies always make me feel better.

Emilie~Sending you a big hug! Your “friend” should have kept those thoughts to herself. No one should ever say such a terrible thing out loud. You will get pregnant again and you will be the best mommy! :thumbup:

Crsy~I hope you catch the eggie this cycle! Everything crossed this is your cycle. I understand being impatient….right there with you.

Cookie~I am so sorry you are feeling so down this weekend. The heart wants what it wants and it’s normal to feel upset. Please know that we are here for you. Sending you a big hug. :hugs:

Turtle~You continue to be in my thoughts. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for managing the last couple of threads. You have been awesome!

Bing~The London trip sounds like so much fun! Enjoy the time away. I hope you find some great info at the expo. GL! :happydance:

AFM, I continue to play nurse to hubby and he is getting better. (Yeah!) I feel a huge sense of accomplishment that the lawn is mowed, the dishes are done, the last load of laundry is clean, and dinner is cooked for the next couple days before going into the work week. I’m pooped, but there is a sense of accomplishment.

I’m cheering all of you ladies on this month! GL catching the eggie! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Bing, Crys, & Turtle~Thank you for the sweet and supportive posts. You ladies always make me feel better.

Emilie~Sending you a big hug! Your “friend” should have kept those thoughts to herself. No one should ever say such a terrible thing out loud. You will get pregnant again and you will be the best mommy! :thumbup:

Crsy~I hope you catch the eggie this cycle! Everything crossed this is your cycle. I understand being impatient….right there with you.

Cookie~I am so sorry you are feeling so down this weekend. The heart wants what it wants and it’s normal to feel upset. Please know that we are here for you. Sending you a big hug. :hugs:

Turtle~You continue to be in my thoughts. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for managing the last couple of threads. You have been awesome!

Bing~The London trip sounds like so much fun! Enjoy the time away. I hope you find some great info at the expo. GL! :happydance:

AFM, I continue to play nurse to hubby and he is getting better. (Yeah!) I feel a huge sense of accomplishment that the lawn is mowed, the dishes are done, the last load of laundry is clean, and dinner is cooked for the next couple days before going into the work week. I’m pooped, but there is a sense of accomplishment.

I’m cheering all of you ladies on this month! GL catching the eggie! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
That is so sweet
I hate how people can be so insensitive!! Sorry you had to go through that Emilie! A friend of mine recently told me she suspected pregnancy and if she was, she would "take care if the situation".

I can't remember who posted the pic of the test, but I can see the line!

Turtle, I'll hold off on the front page for now. Af is due tomorrow and I am feeling crampy today. I know it's normal in pregnancy but I have concerns. I'm hoping I can see the doctor this week and confirm everything!
I hate how people can be so insensitive!! Sorry you had to go through that Emilie! A friend of mine recently told me she suspected pregnancy and if she was, she would "take care if the situation".

I can't remember who posted the pic of the test, but I can see the line!

Turtle, I'll hold off on the front page for now. Af is due tomorrow and I am feeling crampy today. I know it's normal in pregnancy but I have concerns. I'm hoping I can see the doctor this week and confirm everything!

My sister is one who gets pregnant and doesn't take care of herself she while pregnant. She has only had one live birth. One was still born. Two were miscarriages one the miscarriages being in the 22nd week. She only goes to the doctor when she felt like it, smoked, didn't watched what she ate when she had gestational diabetes. I have taken care of my nephew since he was born and he is 9 now. She actually told him that she hated him. But I have always wanted to be a mom but it hasn't happened yet. Honestly it isn't fair.
Hugs to all of you and sorry so many of you have experienced negative comments etc.. :hugs: sending extra :dust: your way.

Afm: AF turned up today while I was with my mom at the hospital. Not sure if I posted it here, but she iis dying of metastic colon cancer.. In the final stages now. Really having a hard day today. But on to next month... Maybe I can manage to DTD more than twice this cycle.
My follicle scan is on Thursday morning... Do you guys think its ok to DTD the night before? The RE didn't say otherwise, I just don't want to miss a good opportunity in case... Thoughts??

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