October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

My follicle scan is on Thursday morning... Do you guys think its ok to DTD the night before? The RE didn't say otherwise, I just don't want to miss a good opportunity in case... Thoughts??

I did the night before my last one. I was told I could do all normal activities until the day of but some doctor are different before my first one they said no BD 72 hours before but I was seeing a different doctor and thAt was his preference. My doctor also told me that since I may be ovulating I could bring preseed for them to use or ask them to use water since the lube they use can kill sperm. But not all places will use anything but their lube. I know that wasn't much help.
Yoga, I'm sorry to hear that DH had to have surgery! I'm glad to hear he's on the mend, and I hope he heals quickly. I'm sorry that it means you can't give it a go this month, but I'm glad at the same time that you can give your body a rest from the meds. I really, really hope this rest is just what your body means and that your next go at it results in your little bean!

Shey, I think that line is getting darker! I think you're looking good! :happydance: Would you like me to change it on the front page or wait a few more days?

Atlanta, that's great news!!! I'm so glad to hear your body is finally doing SOMETHING! Now FX that you catch that eggie this next cycle! :) And your post cracked me up, as did your follow-up "I'm not Yoda" :haha:

Crystl, sorry that your having such confusing symptoms! :( I know some people have had a few days delay before getting their temp spike after O, so FX that's what's happening for you and that you did indeed O when you thought!

Cookie, :hugs: I'm really sorry that you're feeling so down about your friend and that she was so insensitive in the way that she chose to tell you. :( We're here for you to vent and cry to whenever you need to!

Zub, sorry that AF got you! :(

Starry, sorry that you think you're out too! :( Did AF end up arriving today? FX that she's stayed away!

Bing, sounds like you had a fun time at the birthday party! That's so funny about the bridesmaid dresses, I got a good kick out of that! And that's so great about the night in London and catching a show that you and DH are planning. Sounds like a fun, romantic night!

Bighouse, welcome back! Sounds like your chances are great this month! Good luck!

MnG, thank you!!! I really appreciate you saying that. I honestly don't really feel like I'm up to doing the November thread, but I will if nobody else wants to. I just kind of need a break from the moderating I think! I love doing it, just need a break I think. :) I really, really hope the new meds work for you this month and that you can give DH his birthday bfp!!! Everything crossed for you! :hugs:

Lou, both DH and I have birthdays at the end of June, so both of us were one of the youngest in our class. I will say it was never an issue for either one of us, and neither of us ever struggled academically. In fact, we both had pretty good grades throughout. I also had friends that were even later in the class, and they did just fine as well. I'm sure you've seen it all ways being a teacher, but I just wanted to give you insight from someone who experienced it! :)

TTC, I *think* I see a very faint line there! I'm not good at the squinters though so I'm not sure. Good luck, I really hope this is it for you! Keep us updated!

Emilie, I'm so sorry. :hugs: That's a simply terrible thing to say to someone, and I honestly don't blame you for being so upset with her and not wanting to be around you. :( I really hope you get your sticky bean SOON!!!

Hi, thanks for asking how I am... temp was up a bit again this morning and still have a bit of spotting, but it all just feels like pre-AF - due on Wednesday. I just assume a BFN (no trace of a line on a basic urine test strip) yesterday at 12DPO means I am out. Plus, my boobs still don't really hurt. They are just a bit tender on the sides, puffy, and tingly on and off - pre-AF. I stocked the wine rack for later this week. I am SO tired and think I might take a month of two off from all the temping and testing and just enjoy the holidays. My body doesn't seem ready or willing to have a baby. Sorry - frustrated.
Sorry about your mom Canada. Wish you a lot of strength to go through this. Hope you have better luck next cycle.
I feel the pain of all of you ladies who had received nasty comments. People can be just mean. Sometimes I think they are just ignorants and some time just plain mean.
Afm, 4dpo I think, and I don't feel pregnant at all :(
Ran out of opks and had to order some more online. I felt like I was jinxing it for this month, but didn't want to be unprepared....
Hugs to all of you and sorry so many of you have experienced negative comments etc.. :hugs: sending extra :dust: your way.

Afm: AF turned up today while I was with my mom at the hospital. Not sure if I posted it here, but she iis dying of metastic colon cancer.. In the final stages now. Really having a hard day today. But on to next month... Maybe I can manage to DTD more than twice this cycle.

So sorry about your mom, thoughts and prayers going out to you. Really putting things in perspective, I'm really grouchy that I bumped a ladies car, left a note and now she is telling me it's over $600 for minuscule damage... Guess I will shut up and hug my mom extra hard the next time I see her!
Also, a nice friend story for a change, my friend came over to tell me she is pregnant (she has been ttc for a few years now) and I ended up telling her about my mc. I guess she didn't really know what to say but the next day I got a sweet email from her apologizing for not knowing what to say and telling me she loves me and is praying for me. It was just really sweet. People don't know what to say about ttc and miscarriages, but it's nice when they just try.
Also, a nice friend story for a change, my friend came over to tell me she is pregnant (she has been ttc for a few years now) and I ended up telling her about my mc. I guess she didn't really know what to say but the next day I got a sweet email from her apologizing for not knowing what to say and telling me she loves me and is praying for me. It was just really sweet. People don't know what to say about ttc and miscarriages, but it's nice when they just try.

My best friend started trying for baby #2 in August and got pregnant right away. She got pregnant with her first right too. But with this pregnancy she told me right after her husband. She was so upset that she got pregnant before me and I thought I would be mad at her but she told me in the sweetest way. I wasn't mad but she did care enough to make sure I was okay.
Canada. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you are holding up okay. :hug:

Turtle - I hope your doing okay too. I can do the November thread if you want? But I'll probably not be as organised as you, so as long as everyone promises to be patient with me, then I don't mind doing it. :)

MnG - if they didn't say not to bd then I would have thought it would be okay.

Afm - I had a busy day yesterday. Hubby had to work so I spent the day in the kitchen making lots of chutney and chilli jam. Nothing much to report on the TTC front. I'm 6dpo today. We are going to start BDing eod from 8dpo.

Canada - Truly sorry to hear about your Mum, I unfortunately know how hard it is as I lost my Mum to Ovarian Cancer...next month will be 5 years since we lost her. I know it probably doesn't seem like it, but you will get through this. xxx

Leti - At 4 dpo its probably too early to feel pregnant so I wouldn't assume anything yet.

1Atlanta - that's nice that your friend sent you some comforting words, I think it makes a huge difference when you are shown that they care.

Bing - how come you are going to bd from 8 dpo? Do you mean you are cd 6 and not 6 dpo?

YogaGirl - glad to hear your hubby is getting better.

Well I'm still feeling pretty rubbish to be honest!!! Hubby is trying to be positive for us both while I'm being all down in the dumps. I'll snap out of it I'm sure.

I keep getting really sore boobs from 1 dpo, its not every cycle but happening more and more...worry that I have high estrogen although wasn't that long ago that I had blood tests and everything came back normal. I'm 5 dpo today and temp dipped, I've had the odd temp dip at 7 dpo (probably twice in the whole time I've been ttc) but never at 5 dpo. Would be nice if it was implantation, but highly unlikely. Oh and on top of feeling down and having stupidly sore boobs I have a cold (been almost a week but seems to have got worse) so I just want to curl up in a ball and not see anyone for a while.

Bing - how come you are going to bd from 8 dpo? Do you mean you are cd 6 and not 6 dpo?


Bing- I was thinking the same. We were only off by 2 days this time around... Don't leave me cycle buddy! Lol
Canada- so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you're able to find support during this time. Were here for you :hugs:
Cookie - yes I meant I'm cd6 and we're going to bd from cd8! Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night! :haha: :tired:

I'm sorry your still feeling down. I had a dreadful week a couple of weeks ago when a uni friend announced an 'oopsie' after being with her bf for 9 months! I felt awful and cried for days. It took a while but i did snap out if it eventually, so I'm sure you will too. It just takes time and we need that time to cry and be upset. But in the meantime, remember we are all here to listen to you if you need to winge, rant, moan, cry etc. :hugs:

Thank you Bing. I've been abit of a emotional wreck but I think I'm starting to snap out of it, I text my friend and we've cleared a few things up. She said she felt like crying when she told me, she told me infront of others because she was so worried about it, and it was her being a coward. Least I know she cares, it helps a lot...we've been friends since we were little and our boys were born 10 days apart. I still feel tearful, think I'm just abit on the emotional side right now, maybe its hormones. Its also coming up to the anniversary of my mums death, will be 5 years and this morning there was the news of Linda Bellinghams death and I just sobbed watching it. Feel like crying now...see I'm an emotional wreck!!! xxx
I think I'm out! Little confused.

Tmi sorry

Just went to the toilet and before I thought I hadn't checked my cervix and cm today, so did before.
My cervix is still high, and it was very wet tmi sorry. When I checked on my finger was lots and lots of creamy cm with pink streaks in :( never had this before!
Looks like af is sneaking in slowly. I could cry :, (
Just played catch up from the entire weekend...and there is so much to respond to!
So just going to hit on a few this morning...

Canada ~ so sorry about your mom...I knew she was battling cancer from another thread...we are here for you. :hugs:

Emilie ~ that's harsh about your "friend". You will be a mommy and you will be a great one considering how hard this ttc path has been for you. You already appreciate a lot more than she does (and your sister for that matter). Your turn will be soon. Hugs to you...:hugs:

Cookie ~ I am so sorrry that you have been going through this...glad you and her talked though. It does help a little. You would hate to see a good friendship end. I don't have a friend but I do have a co-worker that this happened with. She has only been working here with us since beginning of June. My mc was end of June. The last few months all she has done is complain about how her husband does nothing to help her and how "bad" her 2 1/2 year old is. Well, she announced she is pregnant 2 weeks ago. We were shocked. And it left me hurt. I am still struggling with it. But its been getting easier...:hugs:

Not sure if its hormones for me too, but the last week has been a roller coaster of emotion. Mainly just horrible sadness. :cry:
Wow - this thread moves so fast I cant keep up with everyone. So sorry if I dont respond to everyone's events.

Canada - I'm so sorry about your mom. I hope you are doing ok.

TTC - I think I see a line on that test. Have you tested again with FMU?

Emilie and Cookie - hope you are staying positive even with the friendship concerns you are both experiencing. I also have had unwanted comments and it is so hurtful.

AFM - I'm now in the 2ww; believe I O'd yesterday. DH and I have had more sex already this month than any previous months than I can remember! Haha he is a sex machine this month apparently. Even with that said, I'm slightly concerned about this month's chances because we did not dtd on Saturday at all. I got the "almost positive" opk on Sat night, then another "almost positive" on Sunday morning. We dtd on Fri night, Sun afternoon, and again Sun night. So hopefully its enough!

:dust::dust:to everyone!
Kozmik- your chances sound great and I think you're pretty covered!
Really trying to cross my fingers that that ugly witch stays away. Getting slight spotting this morning and she is due to arrive tomorrow :( bfn again this morning, but my cervix hasnt returned to af position. Im really hating it as slowly im loosing all hope of things working out this month. Im trying really hard to stay positive as im not out yet. But the one thing that keeps me chearful, is hubby keeps jokingly going "your pregnant" every time i go to the bathroom lol. He wants this to work out just as bad as i do.

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