October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Lots to catch up on today! Hugs to all of those have a difficult time lately and fingers crossed for those still in the tww.

Afm, my temp went back up this morning. Still confused about what's going on but just trying not to think about it and ride it out.
Hello, everyone! I've been following the thread for a while and everyone seems very supportive and knowledgeable.
I have a question. I'm currently 1 week into my TWW (o'd on the 11th or 13th and AF due on the 27th). BD yesterday and was very crampy after. I'm thinking my cervix may be pretty low. Is that a good sign?
Orion - Fx for you.

Lizlovelust - hey I have pcos too and have on occasions experienced spotting I read it is a symptom of pcos. How many dpo are you??

Crystlmcd - are your temps usually so erratic? Do you always take it at the same time? Hopefully ovulation will happen soon, it's so frustrating when you wait and wait and it doesn't happen, I've had some long cycles in the past. When do you usually o or does it vary?

aks517- sorry not sure about the cervix, I don't think it really changes until after most people get their bfp. I struggle with mine aS always feels open and is mid height.

I've ordered some cheap tests as I went stir crazy last cycle not being able to pee on a stick. They should arrive Thursday/Friday. Been so naughty with food this weekend and today, such an emotional eater need to get back on track and also start exercising...me and the hubby bought a cross trainer so want to start using it for 30 mins a day. Weightloss is the key for me as I have pcos and although I've lost weight I need to lose more.

Mumand, that made me laugh that you might have DH take the tests to work and hide them so you're not tempted! Too funny! :haha:

Yoga, thank you! I really appreciate that. :hugs: Nicely done on all of the things you've accomplished around the house! I love feeling so accomplished...and being to cross things off my to-do list. It's an awesome feeling!

Shey, no problem! Just let me know when you'd like me to change it for you! :) How are you feeling today? Have you tested again?

Canada, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. :( I can't even imagine how hard that must be fore you. We're here to listen any time you want to vent or cry to us! :hugs:

Starry, you never know. Some women don't get their bfp until the day AF is due to arrive, and some not until even later than that. Don't count yourself out just yet! I don't blame you though. I took a break this month from opk's and temping and I'm very happy that I did! It's been great not worrying about any of it. Do what's best for YOU. :hugs:

Atlanta, thanks for sharing that nice friend story! I think that's really great, I'm glad to hear she was so sensitive and sweet about it and about your feelings.

Bing, you're definitely welcome to take over the November thread if you'd like! I don't want you to feel like you have to by any means. But if you're interested, I'd say go for it! And thank you ahead of time if you do decide to! :thumbup:

Cookie, I'm glad that you were able to talk it out with your friend and clear the air some. I'm also glad to hear that she did have your feelings in mind, just wasn't sure the best way to tell you! I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time right now all around. I'm sure the anniversary of your mom's death must be really hard each year. :( We're here for you!!! :hugs:

Mommyto, sorry that it's been a rough week for you too emotionally! :hugs:

Kozmik, your chances sound great this month! FX for you!!!

Orion, I'm sorry that you're feeling out. :( I'm glad that DH is able to keep you positive and laughing though! :)

Crystl, glad your temp went back up this morning! I hope it continues to go up!

Liz, I'm sorry but I really don't know anything about pcos so I can't help you there....

Aks, hi, and welcome to the thread! :hi: I don't really know on your question though...unfortunately, I don't think cp is supposed to be a very reliable source of predicting pregnancy. I believe the cervix tends to go high in early pregnancy but from what I've read that can happen. For some women it happens before a bfp and for some women it doesn't happen until a few weeks after.
Oops... Should show now!


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Thanks! It just doesn't feel real!!!!! I can't wait to get to the doctor!
Thanks! I have some other symptoms as well just wasn't sure if that was one or not.

Congrats, Sheylee!
Crystlmcd - are your temps usually so erratic? Do you always take it at the same time? Hopefully ovulation will happen soon, it's so frustrating when you wait and wait and it doesn't happen, I've had some long cycles in the past. When do you usually o or does it vary?


I just started temping this cycle so I have no idea what my normal temp pattern is. I do take my temp every day at the exact same time.

My last 2 cycles were 28 days. I just started using OPKs last cycle and based on my results last cycle I believe I O'd on CD16. I thought I O'd on CD18 this cycle but my temps aren't confirming that so I'm not sure now. As of now, I'm just planning on continuing to temp and wait and see what happens.
Anyone decided on a Nov thread yet?? Im excited for this cycle! Cmooonnnn Nov 7th!!:blush:
Well today has become super depressing for me :( Even though we had the best timing possible etc af showed up today :( so im officially out this month. Its frustating. So it looks like our next step is to buy one of those tests for hubby and see if something is going on with his swimmies. And if that turns out fine, then im going to try some other vitamins ect as there is a chance my uterine lining just isnt thick enough to sustain implantation. Im trying to look into different options as i just cant take a bunch of time off work for tons of testing etc. My drs office closes right when i leave work. Im just feeling emotionally drained and depressed. I will be happy when i can be back in hubbys arms when i get home from work.
Orion - so sorry AF showed up. :hugs: Just a piece of advice - the sperm tests you can but over the counter only check sperm count and do not check other factors such as motility (number of sperm moving), morphology (shape) etc. So it's probably worth your hubby going to his doctors to get a full sperm analysis done. What time do your doctors open? Could you get an early morning appointment and go before work? Or even miss the first hour of work and stay late to make up the time?


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