October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

cookie, I had that with my last bfp started on dpo4, So it is def an good sign. Fxd.
Orion, so sorry that AF got you! :( I hope you were able to find the comfort you needed in hubby's arms last night. :hugs: I had thought about doing the at home sperm analysis too (or rather, having DH do it to be exact :haha: ) but I hadn't thought about all the stuff that it doesn't test for. Good thinking, Bing! I might have to consider that more...

Mumand, so sorry that the :witch: got you too! :hugs:

Bing, wow! You really had to work late, and then a 2 hour commute on top of that?! I would never manage a 2 hour commute each way every day. That would drive me bonkers! Thanks so much for setting up the November thread! I really appreciate it. :) I'm going to go join it now! I'm 99% sure I O'd yesterday so I could technically still test again in October, but I'm going to try really hard to wait until November.

Cookie, so glad you're feeling better about things today! Yay! :happydance:

Emilie, I know it's hard, but try not to worry about it too much, especially if you're worried about breast cancer. I've read that very, very rarely is there pain associated with breast cancer. :hugs:

Drjo, yay for your bw confirming O! So excited for you! I really, really hope you caught it!!!

I think I could probably use a weight loss buddy too. I'm up about 10 lbs since we got married too...I was up 15, lost 8, then gained about 3 back. :/ Which is really annoying since I gained that 15 in less than a year! Ugh! I would really like to lose another 15 total or so. That's what I was down to about 8 months before we got married, gained about 5 of it back before the wedding, then the other 15 after. I just enjoy junky, crappy food too much! :( I think I just need to work on moderation more than anything, and quit snacking so much! Oh, and that pesky exercising would be good too. :winkwink:
Question...Has anyone had no CM when ovulating? I used to have it until march this year. Now its gone.

I've read about Evening Primrose, has anyone tried?

Or anything else?

Thanks for the help
I'm also working on losing weight while TTC. I've been at it for a little while as I've got more to lose than I'd like to admit. Hubby joined the gym with me so that's been helpful.
I took EPO for all of 3 days.. It gave me raging migraines and haven't taken them again. But I have heard it does work for others.
Leti - I did try EPO but didn't last long as it gave me migraines. I have good cm before ovulation so I wouldn't have noticed that side of things anyway. Have you tried a lube? I recently bought Preseed, read lots of good reviews about it. Also read a cough medicine can increase cm, not sure of the name but I'm sure if you googled it you'd find out. Ooooh I hope my breasts pains are a positive, after so many bfns over the last year and a half I really don't want to get my hopes up.

Turtle - I love junk food too and have struggled with my weight for years and years, since I was a young teen infact. Also an emotiona eater so this weekend I drowned myself in Indian food and ribs!!! lol ok they were 2 meals I had but I used food make me feel better.

MnGmakes3 - just realised we both said EOP gave us migraines! Nasty stuff!!
I guess I will try it for next cycle and pray I don't get the migraines!
Thanks turtle...yeah im feeling better today. Just needed a sulking day along with chocolate lol. Im thinking we may end up ditching ttc for a bit and just see what happens but we arent sure yet. Im also looking into local fertility clinics and see what we can do in our financial range. We are a lower income family, so we cant afford ivf etc or extensive testing. Right now we just want to look into our options. I just think it was hard on me as I just didnt want to land being one with fertility issues. But such is life. Good luck to everyone else for october :)
Leti - I did try EPO but didn't last long as it gave me migraines. I have good cm before ovulation so I wouldn't have noticed that side of things anyway. Have you tried a lube? I recently bought Preseed, read lots of good reviews about it. Also read a cough medicine can increase cm, not sure of the name but I'm sure if you googled it you'd find out. Ooooh I hope my breasts pains are a positive, after so many bfns over the last year and a half I really don't want to get my hopes up.

Turtle - I love junk food too and have struggled with my weight for years and years, since I was a young teen infact. Also an emotiona eater so this weekend I drowned myself in Indian food and ribs!!! lol ok they were 2 meals I had but I used food make me feel better.


Leti, we used Preseed this cycle, too. I have ewcm, but also thought it couldn't hurt to make sure I cover all bases.

Also, I'd also join the weight loss group. I'd like to drop about 10lbs.
I'm out, the witch arrived and temp dropped way down, below baseline :(. :witch: :nope:

I'm exhausted on every level after these past 7 months of trying with the early MC last month, and have decided that while I WILL go see a doctor (hubby too) to see IF we can even have kids, I am going to take a break from the charting, temping, planning madness until at least the new year... maybe for good. I have bipolar disorder and lupus and all this has been too hard to take. I need to keep myself safe.

On a positive note, we have 4 wine club pick-ups plus a tasting party this weekend (we live near Napa/Sonoma). :wine:And I have a bottle of viognier chilling in the fridge, waiting for me when I get home from work. Bottoms up and baby dust for those still waiting.:dust:
MnGmakes3 - just realised we both said EOP gave us migraines! Nasty stuff!!

Yea and it wasn't even something that happened later in the day where I had to guess what the migraine could be from... These were instant within minutes! I wonder why???:shrug:
Whoo hooo!!! my nipples are hurting me!! :) :) :) :happydance::happydance: ouch!
Woohoo! Mine too! I never thought that would be something to cheer about but it's so exciting!!
I know!!! "normal" people must think we are crazy!!! :haha:
I'm out, the witch arrived and temp dropped way down, below baseline :(. :witch: :nope:

I'm exhausted on every level after these past 7 months of trying with the early MC last month, and have decided that while I WILL go see a doctor (hubby too) to see IF we can even have kids, I am going to take a break from the charting, temping, planning madness until at least the new year... maybe for good. I have bipolar disorder and lupus and all this has been too hard to take. I need to keep myself safe.

On a positive note, we have 4 wine club pick-ups plus a tasting party this weekend (we live near Napa/Sonoma). :wine:And I have a bottle of viognier chilling in the fridge, waiting for me when I get home from work. Bottoms up and baby dust for those still waiting.:dust:

I totally feel you...im at that point as well. Been trying for a year and im exhausted. Next payday im going to go get me some smirnoff twisted lol. Im not done trying for good yet, but going to look into what may be going on. Hugs to you.
So apparently my temps could be all crazy because I sleep with my mouth open. I had no idea that would cause issues since I sleep with my mouth open every night and not just sometimes. I'm not really digging on temping vaginally so now I don't know what I'm going to do. At least that clears up some confusion.
Orion, so sorry that AF got you! :( I hope you were able to find the comfort you needed in hubby's arms last night. :hugs: I had thought about doing the at home sperm analysis too (or rather, having DH do it to be exact :haha: ) but I hadn't thought about all the stuff that it doesn't test for. Good thinking, Bing! I might have to consider that more...

Mumand, so sorry that the :witch: got you too! :hugs:

Bing, wow! You really had to work late, and then a 2 hour commute on top of that?! I would never manage a 2 hour commute each way every day. That would drive me bonkers! Thanks so much for setting up the November thread! I really appreciate it. :) I'm going to go join it now! I'm 99% sure I O'd yesterday so I could technically still test again in October, but I'm going to try really hard to wait until November.

Cookie, so glad you're feeling better about things today! Yay! :happydance:

Emilie, I know it's hard, but try not to worry about it too much, especially if you're worried about breast cancer. I've read that very, very rarely is there pain associated with breast cancer. :hugs:

Drjo, yay for your bw confirming O! So excited for you! I really, really hope you caught it!!!

I think I could probably use a weight loss buddy too. I'm up about 10 lbs since we got married too...I was up 15, lost 8, then gained about 3 back. :/ Which is really annoying since I gained that 15 in less than a year! Ugh! I would really like to lose another 15 total or so. That's what I was down to about 8 months before we got married, gained about 5 of it back before the wedding, then the other 15 after. I just enjoy junky, crappy food too much! :( I think I just need to work on moderation more than anything, and quit snacking so much! Oh, and that pesky exercising would be good too. :winkwink:
Actually the no pain with breast cancer is a myth. My doctor said it can hurt. He has seen so many women not come in to get there breast checked because there was pain and it was cancer and they caught it late. My aunt had breast pain from the beginning when she had breast cancer. It is the more common breast cancers that don't have pain. But I have a family history of the less common breast cancer. I do worry. But I do think it is from ovulation but I will find out for sure. But anyway. It has been only been in the past few years that they realized that there is pain and it isn't as rare as they thought. Sorry for my rant.
Crystlmcd - that's one question I forgot to ask!! Yes temping orally can give very erratic temps, I would switch to vaginal temping next cycle. X

Starryjune - ttc can be emotionally draining, I had a break earlier this year and it did help. Alot of people find once they stop trying it happens. X

Leti - what was your breast/under arm pain like?? Mines quite painful! I've not had it since I started ttc but I did have it years and years ago and it was caused by hormones, epo got rid of it (low dose is ok just high dose that gives me migraines).


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