October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

I feel so nauseous and light headed, still spotting but not like when I woke up, it's lighter now. Could this be IB? I feel so week, doesn't feel like normal AF's.... and it's way too early for AF...

I think it's possible.. Especially if you Od earlier than you think.
Af due tomorrow or possibly Friday. Please stay away!!! Tested today and cant quite tell if i see a very faint line or my eyes are playing tricks on me. Hubs says he sees it too. He was so cute, he knew i was going to test, and i could here him pacing, then he popped his head in after about 30 sec and said "you pregnant yet?" I was still just putting in my contacts. Lol hadn't even tested....or closed the door to go. His cuteness is making this fun. Sorry im a mushmellow. (Maybe its baby hormones....we'll see in the next day or so!) :happydance:
livlovelust - I guess theres a chance it could be IB, or it could just be PCOS being a git. How is the bleeding today and how are you feeling?

Rach87 - its nice that you can share the ttc journey and he's excited about you testing, I wish I'd had that with my hubby but when I got my bfp we were planning our wedding and it was a shock and his initial reaction wasn't wonderful. Infact mine wasn't either as I was not in a good place (was grieving for my mum and had an mc 6 months before) but it was fine once we both got our heads round it. This time we're trying so will be nice to share the excitement of a bfp together...if it ever happens. Fingers crossed its a line, I get terrible line eye!!

Not much going on with me today, 8 dpo and still getting the pain in my left breast, had some in my right. Its a dull shooting almost pulsating pain that comes and goes and goes under my armpit. Had a few headaches too and niggles in my pelvic area, but headaches could be me getting over my cold (although feel fine now) and pelvic niggles could be my ibs.

Hi everyone. Just popping back in to catch up...there is lots to catch up on!

Canada - I hope your mum is feeling a bit better. At least she is out of hospital now and in the comfort of her own home. :hugs:

Emilie - I hope your mum makes a speedy recovery, my MILL had a mini-stroke back in July and is now back to normal. But if was a worrying time for us all so I know how you feel. :hugs:

Cookie - FX'd the breast pain is a good sign!

Liz - I hope it was IB! FX'd for you.

Rach - that's cute about your hubby! When we first started TTC I was a bit of a POAS addict (I've calmed down a lot now) and hubby wanted to film every test I did because he wanted it on film when we got our BFP! It use to stress me out loads so I told him off for stressing me out and now he doesn't ask when I'm testing! :haha:

Whoever posted that video it was really cute too! :)

If anyone sets up a weight loss thread then let me know! :thumbup:

Afm - not much going on! CD9 today and just waiting for ovulation! We're going to DTD eod from tonight and then every day for three days once I get my positive OPK!
Bing - thats pretty much SMEP isn't it? That's what we did this time although didn't do the 3rd day as I had a cold and felt yuk. Hoping we did enough, but feel like our timing was pretty good. Good luck, I've read some good things about SMEP.

Yes it's pretty much SMEP although the official SMEP is to start eod from CD8, then every day for 3 days from positive OPK, miss a day, then bd again for one final day!

I hope you feeling better now after your cold.

Yeh fine now thanks, before having a child I was a big wimp but now I barely register having a cold...like motherhood suddenly toughens you up!!! lol

I dont get how missing a day then doing it the next is really worth it as surely thats after ovulation? Anyway if we aren't successful this cycle will do SMEP properly next cycle, and preseed aswell...it only arrived on our last bd day so only got to use it once.
Rach - I hope its a true line in the next day or two! Fingers crossed for you!

I'm 4dpo and NOT patient at all this month..just want to test! I kind of want this month over (since I had a cp last month) because I think my chances are slim.
I'm sure I heard that you are very fertile after a cp, so you have a very good chance. xx
MnG, good luck at your appointment today! I really hope they find nice, big eggs waiting for you to release with that trigger shot. :thumbup: Please keep us posted!

Lizlove, sorry that you're having such confusing symptoms this month! :( I really hope they turn into something good for you! :)

Kozmik, I tend to do that too, checking back in constantly as if I think it will make the wait shorter somehow! Or like Cookie said, I google the same things over and over and over, hoping that one of them will just magically tell me somehow that I'm actually pregnant! I don't think ttc turns us into the most logical people... :haha:

Aks, I agree...I think sugar cookies WOULD help! Mmmmm....now I want a cookie... :)

Rach, that's super cute about your hubby and his waiting for you to test! I love it! :) The first time I tested I expected DH to be anxiously awaiting the results. He was just hanging out on the couch but I thought he was trying not to crowd me and was playing it cool. After I was done and it was a negative, I told him "Well, it was negative, but it is awfully early to test so you never know!" to which he replied "Oh I forgot you were even doing that. I was wondering why you jumped out of bed so early this morning!" (I normally stay in bed until the last possible second) Ha! That's great that you're both seeing something, I have everything crossed for you that the line is really there! Keep us posted!

Shey, how are you doing? Are those tests still getting darker and darker? Should I change it on here yet? :)

Good luck to everyone else still waiting to test, so many promising symptoms flying around this thread! I can't wait to see more bfp's, keep 'em coming!
Hello everyone,

KozmikKitten, I also heard that you are more fertile after the cp because of all the remaining hormones on your body.

Cookie, that is a good sign that you still have breast pain! Fdx.

AFM, 8 dpo today! the week is dragging... no symptoms.... and had a spike in my temps today, have no clue if that means anything.
Leti - the sharp stabbing pains seem to have eased off this afternoon, but feeling much more tender now on the side of my boob which is unusual for me as any discomfort I have is usually upfront. Weird how my right boob is pretty much ok. Ouch I say the pain has eased, but hurting again under my armpit. If my tests have arrived (hubby seems to think so) then I'll probably test later as I have no self control. Nice that we are at exactly the same point in the 2ww, yay to your spike. You got a chart to share? xx
Well I started to temp really late in the cycle, but here it is

My test also arrived today, I saw the box this morning when I was stepping out for work, but I'm going to try to wait until Sunday... Saturday maybe.
Ugh so I think it's AF as its still lightly bleeding :( cramps are gone but I'm only 7DPO there's no way I Oed earlier. The bleeding isn't enough to fill a panty liner though but when I go potty there seems to be a scent amount with a couple clumps :( ugh
Ugh so I think it's AF as its still lightly bleeding :( cramps are gone but I'm only 7DPO there's no way I Oed earlier. The bleeding isn't enough to fill a panty liner though but when I go potty there seems to be a scent amount with a couple clumps :( ugh

Sorry lizlovelust,

I got my period 4 days earlier one time, but it was full blown AF.
Have you tested just in case?
MnG, good luck at your appointment today! I really hope they find nice, big eggs waiting for you to release with that trigger shot. :thumbup: Please keep us posted!

Lizlove, sorry that you're having such confusing symptoms this month! :( I really hope they turn into something good for you! :)

Kozmik, I tend to do that too, checking back in constantly as if I think it will make the wait shorter somehow! Or like Cookie said, I google the same things over and over and over, hoping that one of them will just magically tell me somehow that I'm actually pregnant! I don't think ttc turns us into the most logical people... :haha:

Aks, I agree...I think sugar cookies WOULD help! Mmmmm....now I want a cookie... :)

Rach, that's super cute about your hubby and his waiting for you to test! I love it! :) The first time I tested I expected DH to be anxiously awaiting the results. He was just hanging out on the couch but I thought he was trying not to crowd me and was playing it cool. After I was done and it was a negative, I told him "Well, it was negative, but it is awfully early to test so you never know!" to which he replied "Oh I forgot you were even doing that. I was wondering why you jumped out of bed so early this morning!" (I normally stay in bed until the last possible second) Ha! That's great that you're both seeing something, I have everything crossed for you that the line is really there! Keep us posted!

Shey, how are you doing? Are those tests still getting darker and darker? Should I change it on here yet? :)

Good luck to everyone else still waiting to test, so many promising symptoms flying around this thread! I can't wait to see more bfp's, keep 'em coming!

I haven't taken anymore home test, but af is still it here and three days late. I had blood work done on Tuesday and I am anxiously waiting for a call back from my doctor to confirm!!

My sleep pattern is completely messed up! Waking up every night around 2 and up until about 4... I had this with my daughter but not this early! Can't complain though, other than that I am feeling great!
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing? I'm having a SUPER boring day at work today. I've had tons of creamy CM the last 2 days, more than I've ever had before. I'm only about 6DPO though, so I still have some waiting to do before I can test. :-=

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