October Testing Party (cont. from Mid-End of Sept. thread) - Join Me!

Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! We made it through this week! Whohoo! :O)

I had another Dr appointment this morning and it went well. My IUI is scheduled for Monday, which means it looks like I will ovulate this cycle. (yeah for small victories) I have 2 or 3 eggs that look like they will mature. I'm happy that this cycle is moving forward, since I have had two cycles in the past year that got called off. I am cautiously optimist this month, but mentally prepared for the next step...which would be IVF.

On the brighter side, my Dr and his staff are wonderful. If anything is off, he will find it. The injections this month did not make me break out as bad, because I went to Sephora and got some products to be proactive. I am seeing my family this weekend. I only see them about once a month, so I am looking forward to it.

I met a girl in the waiting room today. She said that she didn't have any friends that were going through the fertility stuff. I invited her to join our blog, because you ladies are the best and so supportive.

Turtle~Will you put my test date down for Oct 12th? I don't think I will be able to hold out for that long, but it's worth a try. I hope you caught the egg during O.

Welcome to the new ladies! Sorry to see the familiar aviators back.

Loobs~Sorry AF got you! ((HUGS))

Bing~You are so funny! I have been thinking the same thing about being 16 again. If only I could drink like I was 16 again too! Good luck with your Monday appointment. I am excited that you will start getting some answers to what is going on.
Oh Yoga, I'm so glad that you got good news at your Dr's appointment! I really, really hope they catch that egg on Monday when you go in!!! FX so tightly for you! I'm also glad that you're having so many small victories this cycle, and I hope they lead to one great big victory for you! :hugs: Also, that's great that you invited the woman from the waiting room to our site! I hope she joins, and I hope that it helps her to have some people here to talk to about it (as I know it's really helped me a ton!). I've got you added for the 12th. Oh, and I also agree on the whole "if only I could drink like I was 16 again" part too. :haha:
yay yoga- so glad to hear things are looking up! Good luck on Monday!!!
Yoga that is so exciting! I hope everything works out for you and you can relax and enjoy this weekend before it all happens.

Anyone who is or has taken Vitex - did you notice anything different when you started? I have been taking it for 3 days and haven't noticed anything yet. Probably too early to know if it is helping.

As for remembering to take vitamins and pills I know what you mean. I am taking so many I get confused trying to remember what I took when. So this cycle I am taking my prenatal, epo until ovulation, vitamin c, fish oil and vitex. I stopped the b-50 complex because I couldn't take the smell and taste any more. Hopefully some of this will help me lengthen my lp. What do the rest of you take?
i take- b-complex, folic, prenatal, asprin, epo until ov, drink rlt until ov and a spoonful of honey with cinnamon daily
Hello all, I'm so glad to see all of your 'virtual' faces again! I didn't realize how much I've missed you until I tried to catch up on posts tonight!

Things sound so great this month for everyone! And I'm happy to see lots of new people on here too.

AFM, I ended up with a nasty cyst last month and have been recovering from that. It has been painful, but I'm hopeful that it is healing well. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 3rd to make sure all my parts look bright and shiny.
I began temping for the first time this month, but am unsure of exactly how to look for O. I'm also using OPKs and had a positive last night/today!
I am not completely sure about when AF is due this time because of the weird cycle last month. One place says Oct 12, another says the 9th. So, please put me down as testing on the 9th. Our wedding anniversary is the 19th and I'd love to surprise DH.
My DS has decided we should all be skeletons this Halloween and normally I would encourage something a little more creative. However, if this is our month, I'd love to add a small skeleton to my shirt as an announcement!
Bug the honey and cinnamon sounds delicious. What is it supposed to help with?
Honey - Rich in minerals and amino acids, honey has been known to enhance fertility throughout history. Many consider it to be a fertility super-food which nourishes the reproductive system for both men and women.

Cinnamon - Cinnamon is a sweet-tasting spice that has recently been shown to have a beneficial effect on stabilizing blood insulin levels. It has fertility enhancing properties, especially when combined with honey. Take 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
mixed with 2 tablespoons honey.

In China, Japan and Far-East countries, women who do not conceive and need to strengthen the uterus, have been taking cinnamon powder for centuries. Women who cannot conceive take a pinch of cinnamon powder in half teaspoon of honey and apply it on the gums frequently throughout the day, so that it slowly mixes with the saliva and enters the body.

*copied from another website :)
Getting excited!! Last day of spotting..bring on the bd Marathon!! :haha:
Wow this thread moves fast!!

Mamabee thats an awesome and super creative announcement you have planned there, hope this is your month!!

Turtle yaaaayyy this is your time girl, really hope this is it!

Lanfear i m 7dpo today so only a day apart..i think after my 5dpo testing i can hold out till monday! Kmfx for both of us!

Leti welcome! Hope you can catch that eggy without the ivf but even if you end up doing it its great to have a plan!!

Sorry i m missing out on some ladies but its impossible to go back on my phone...moved 3 weeks ago and STILL dont have internet access!!

Afm: so ok i ve managed to not poas for 2 days now..tomorrow i m running a 5k in a race against breast cancer so i m pretty sure i wont test but bring on monday..there s no stopping me then! For those of you in the tww are you experiencing any symptoms? Still nothing for me :(
Eclaire - previously I have only taken a pre-natal vitamin but as I think my problem may be a thin lining, so after finding a blog someone had written on how they thickened their lining, this cycle I am trying:

• Red raspberry leaf tea 2/3 times a day until O
• Pomegranate juice once a day until O
• Vitamin E
• B complex
• Pre natal vitamins

Yoga - I'm so happy your doctors appointment went well and I really hope this is your month!

Christiana - GL in your run

Afm - I think I'm coming down with a cold. Had a sore throat yesterday and it's worse this morning and nose is a little blocked :cry:

I'd like to join! I stalked the September thread. :) This will be my first cycle trying Clomid. I normally only ovulate once every 3-4 months, so I hope this works and gives me some more chances to conceive. My last cycle was 74 days long! And i havent ovulated since i got pregnant in may. If i ovulate, I'll be testing sometime between the 23rd and 28th. Since my body does everything late, please put me down for the 28th for now.
Wow this thread moves fast!!

Mamabee thats an awesome and super creative announcement you have planned there, hope this is your month!!

Me too! I really want to be able to do this and this is my last chance. If not, back to the drawing board!
Good morning! I'm so excited, I finally got my temp rise today, 4 dpo. I'm still checking in with my doctor on Wednesday to see if my progesterone levels are low. Has anyone had this problem? Other than prog supplements, what else should I be taking if they are low?
Bug that is awesome. Thanks for the info. I will add that to my routine today.

So I am not sure if this is a side effect of the vitex or not but I am going through a serious breakout. And it is not just my face. Also, had pain in my right breast this morning and started leaking a little bit of milk while bathing. Could be that I stopped breastfeeding a week ago and my body is trying to come to terms with the change but this is awful.
MamaBee, welcome back! Nice to see you again! I love your announcement idea too, I really hope this is your month and that you're able to use it! FX!

Drjo, welcome! :hi: Glad to have you with us! I really hope the Clomid works for you this cycle, and good luck! :hugs:

Bug, that cinnamon and honey thing sounds delicious! I might have to start doing that myself! Funny timing, just today someone else posted something on FB about how that helps if you're coming down with a cold too. :)

Christiana, good luck on your 5k tomorrow! I hope you do great! :thumbup:

Bing, sorry that you're getting sick! I hope you start feeling better soon! Maybe you should try Bug's honey and cinnamon trick, since I just read that it helps with colds too! :)

Jus, sorry I can't help at all with your questions, but yay for temp rise! :)

Sorry if I missed anyone. How's everyone else doing?
First opk testing day tomorrow yay :) I know it will be neg, but i want to get a couple of negs in before the first positive out of the the four. Excited to start the multpiple bd sessions lol. Wonder if dh will be able to keep with it ;) fx that preseed does the trick for us this month. Im tired of this baby fever lol.

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