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*October Testing Thread*

Thank you guys so much!! I had some pin pricks of blood last night...one at a time for 8-10 times when i was wiping. Nothing since, no cramping etc so I am assuming it was an implantation bleed? I haven't had it before but seemed to follow what I've heard others describe before. I put a call in to my OB this morning (waiting for a call back) to get their thoughts and if they think I would need a rhogam shot (A- bloodtype) or if it was small enough that I wouldn't. AF is due tomorrow so just looking forward to getting through that milestone! Tested this morning and I see a bit of progress from yesterday but it was only like a 15 hour difference or so. Will post tomorrow with progress pictures!

Rooting you ladies on and will start to get caught up with this thread!

@Suggerhoney looks good on the tests. Seem close to O hope

@Emsabub its a pain, I know. Just keep watching them. I surge for at least two days but some people only for a few hours. I hope it happens soon for you though. I am ok and feeling O coming but not sure what is going on with my body.

I go in on Monday to see what is going on with my ovaries and uterine lining. If my doctor likes what he sees, he will book us in for an IUI. I am not getting my hopes up though. Just chilling and not doing much except my usual vitamins and staying as chill as possible. I do not want a repeat of the last two cycles which were so awful and stressful.
Thank you for checking in on me. :dust:
Progression pics. Not a lot from day to day but 10 - 12 looks okay. I had a hcg draw yesterday and should hear from my nurse this morning with what that number is and to schedule another. No more bleeding thankfully. AF is due today and so far I'm having none of my usual symptoms other than I've had a wicked migraine for the last 24 hours. I get cyclical migraines around AF so it has me a bit worried. I think overall I'm feeling hopeful but cautiously so. I'll feel better I think once I get through today with no period and have a couple more blood draws done.

Sorry to jump in girls, just getting ready for work in 20 mins & not long got home from my boudoir shoot.

Is this positive?! [-o<[-o<

@Emsabub that's for sure positive!! go catch that eggie!!

@Suggerhoney it's looking great hun! With being off the forums for a few weeks, I missed how all of your testing turned out?

@FTale KMFX that you are able to move forward with an IUI!
Good luck everyone close to O!! Go catch the eggies!

AFM I am officially done work and laid off. I applied for employment assistance benefits this morning so hopefully that goes through rather quickly. I have one more paycheque coming (although it's about $700 less than my usual paycheques so this month will be budgeted very carefully). Trying to enjoy this time off and not stress...obviously I would rather be working for many reasons but we should be ok financially, and I hope to find work soon. We paid for daycare for October so my daughter is still going and I have some time to myself!

It's thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :)
Thank you girls!! I've already prewarned my man he needs to be ready for being pounced on later :haha:

@Suggerhoney have you taken anymore opks? They look so close they should be positive by now!
@FTale I really really hope you get the outcome you want & deserve!
@kksy9b I see it without opening it! Have you had your results back yet? Also thank you for your help with that opk!!
@Bevziibubble thankyou! I'd almost forgotten what a positive opk looked like :headspin:
@Alligator :hugs: With your daughter being at daycare at least you've got that quiet time & space to put your effort into finding another job. Happy Thanksgiving too!

Thanks for your input ladies! I'm quite excited it's happened a few days earlier! Does this mean ov is about 12-24 hours away? I think
@Emsabub hahaha....have to give him some time to get ready!! I've read ovulation is anywhere from 12-48 hours after your first positive. I always seem to ovulate right at 24 hours. Are you temping too? that's a great indicator of when you've actually ovulated with a temp jump. Good luck!!

@Alligator I'm sorry about the lay off hun :hugs: I hope you are able to find something even better quickly!

I haven't heard from my nurse yet but the lab had my results up online so I went ahead and looked. HCG was at 17 and progesterone at 6. Which is all low, but when you consider that I was at 3 weeks 5 days yesterday and the draw was done less than 24 hours after a positive test (with the day before being negative), I think it's fine. Both of those numbers are in range with what the lab said that it should be. I'm not sure if they will want me to go back in for another draw now or wait a few days and then do a round of draws but I'm going to tell them I want to do at least 3 to see that everything is doubling properly. Hopefully I hear from them today!
Progression pics. Not a lot from day to day but 10 - 12 looks okay. I had a hcg draw yesterday and should hear from my nurse this morning with what that number is and to schedule another. No more bleeding thankfully. AF is due today and so far I'm having none of my usual symptoms other than I've had a wicked migraine for the last 24 hours. I get cyclical migraines around AF so it has me a bit worried. I think overall I'm feeling hopeful but cautiously so. I'll feel better I think once I get through today with no period and have a couple more blood draws done.

View attachment 1088798

You are so early still. Frer dont show color like they use too. Saw your beta post and make sense. Baby needs doubling time. Can u get any progesterone suppositories, pills or cream? Cant hurt but totally up to you. Keeping baby in my prayers.

Sorry to jump in girls, just getting ready for work in 20 mins & not long got home from my boudoir shoot.

Is this positive?! [-o<[-o<

View attachment 1088804

Congrats that is one positive opk!! Fx!

@Emsabub that's for sure positive!! go catch that eggie!!

@Suggerhoney it's looking great hun! With being off the forums for a few weeks, I missed how all of your testing turned out?

@FTale KMFX that you are able to move forward with an IUI!

Thank you. Trying not to think about it. Halloween candy and work are really helping distract me

Good luck everyone close to O!! Go catch the eggies!

AFM I am officially done work and laid off. I applied for employment assistance benefits this morning so hopefully that goes through rather quickly. I have one more paycheque coming (although it's about $700 less than my usual paycheques so this month will be budgeted very carefully). Trying to enjoy this time off and not stress...obviously I would rather be working for many reasons but we should be ok financially, and I hope to find work soon. We paid for daycare for October so my daughter is still going and I have some time to myself!

It's thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :)

Have Happy Thanksgiving up there. Deep deep breaths and take in time to yourself. You need some 'you' time. Please keep us posted on how everything is going. Hugs:hug:
Good luck everyone close to O!! Go catch the eggies!

AFM I am officially done work and laid off. I applied for employment assistance benefits this morning so hopefully that goes through rather quickly. I have one more paycheque coming (although it's about $700 less than my usual paycheques so this month will be budgeted very carefully). Trying to enjoy this time off and not stress...obviously I would rather be working for many reasons but we should be ok financially, and I hope to find work soon. We paid for daycare for October so my daughter is still going and I have some time to myself!

It's thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :)

I hope that you manage to find work soon :hugs:

Happy Thanksgiving :)
@Emsabub hahaha....have to give him some time to get ready!! I've read ovulation is anywhere from 12-48 hours after your first positive. I always seem to ovulate right at 24 hours. Are you temping too? that's a great indicator of when you've actually ovulated with a temp jump. Good luck!!

@Alligator I'm sorry about the lay off hun :hugs: I hope you are able to find something even better quickly!

I haven't heard from my nurse yet but the lab had my results up online so I went ahead and looked. HCG was at 17 and progesterone at 6. Which is all low, but when you consider that I was at 3 weeks 5 days yesterday and the draw was done less than 24 hours after a positive test (with the day before being negative), I think it's fine. Both of those numbers are in range with what the lab said that it should be. I'm not sure if they will want me to go back in for another draw now or wait a few days and then do a round of draws but I'm going to tell them I want to do at least 3 to see that everything is doubling properly. Hopefully I hear from them today!

I hope that you hear back soon. FX!
Hi ladies!
Not feeling too well. Im pretty sure Im experiencing a chemical. My tests didnt progress and I started bleeding and passed an small clot and having bad cramping :-(
Good luck to everyone and Im sorry to the ones af got. Sending hugs and baby dust
@Emsabub that's for sure positive!! go catch that eggie!!

@Suggerhoney it's looking great hun! With being off the forums for a few weeks, I missed how all of your testing turned out?

@FTale KMFX that you are able to move forward with an IUI!

I had another chemical in July hon so thats 3 now since April.
Had bloods done for recurring Misscariges and all my results came back normol. Thd doctor thinks I just had a run of bad luck.
@Suggerhoney I'm so glad all of your bloodwork came back normal! Praying that you catch this month with a sticky bean :hugs: sounds like you all have great timing!

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