Linds- awesome!!! Hope you have fun.
I am so incredibly jelous of all the women going out tonight!!! you all suck!
Saph- awee look at her, she was loving right from day 1

looove the new avatar.
Nekz- shit you just don't get a break glad Avery is finally better... but poor colin now!!! its a viscious circle dissinfect everythinng LOL!!! Hope you feel better soon too...!!!
Me- well I just got home from the hospital and traded off with my husband... what a night, kid pulled out his IV had blood everywhere he was freaking right out , jumped off his bed. Then he wants to cuddle... and pukes all over me!!! He is in good spirits vitals look good, stats look good, so far everything is going great!! Other then last night of course.. but that is minor.
Tonight- no plans... back to the plant box. Going to be there until at least Sunday, but I can recall last time he was supposed to be discharged out of a hospital on Sunday, they made it Monday as no drs were in to discharge.. so I am pretty sure it will end up being monday. bleh....
Drama Llama.... thats where Llama comes from hahaha!!!