Hi ladies!!!
Impossible to catch up with this whole thread, so I'll just say love and hugs to each and every one of you that needs it. xxx
So I've had a really busy week ........ Monday I was away with work for an overnight stay - back late on Tuesday and was exhausted after hauling my luggage on the train...
Wednesday and Thursday were busy days at work and I had to work late to catch up, and then today I had a blood consultant appointment this morning, and back to work this afternoon. I'm very glad it's a bank holiday weekend now!!!
I'm still getting morning sickness ...... I feel grotty for a couple of hours most mornings, but 2 mornings this week I have actually been sick
LO seems to be doing well - He/she has active days and quiet days, but I love the fact that I'm feeling pretty regular kicks now!
My consultants have been chatting to each other about my delivery, and have decided that I have to be induced early after having treatment for my blood. They've said I won't be allowed a forceps or ventouse assisted delivery. They want me to have an anaethetist appointment to talk about whether I would be allowed an epidural or not.
My worst case scenario is that I end up in an emergency c-section under general anasthetic, because they tell me that I can't have an epidural or spinal - I really don't want to miss the birth!! Still, I guess the LO arriving safely is the main thing.
Sorry for the self indulgent rant!!!
Anyhow ......... so the August ladies start moving to 3rd tri tomorrow....... how exciting!!! I will probably be one of the last August ladies to move over - I sure will miss the ones of you who are gone sooner! I will keep an eye on the thread in 3rd tri and look forward to joining you later!