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Official August Mummies Club!!

Ooooh, Sam, I am so pleased!! That is absolutely wonderful news... worth the wait, eh. :)

Cleck, I'd love to come into chat but have just got to work and am here till 1am. :hissy:
so happy for you sam lots of hugs xxxxxx
:happydance: Yay Sam Star - great news!! ...................and breathe, you now know everything and can relax a little. I am SO happy the results were PERFECT!!:happydance:
:D YAY!!!! SO happy to hear this news Sam, I had a feeling it might be a good result, but what a trauma to go through on top of everything else!! Hope you are feeling suitably relieved my dear :D


Shadow x x x
I am off to computer for the rest of the day but some gals are in the pregancy chat room if anyone is interested...

Have a great evening ...
and day for others...lol
hey girls :hi: I haven't been in here for a while so THANKS Shadow for the poem I'm going to read it in a mo I haven't read that one before :happydance:

Sam so glad the results came back fine :yipee: Hurrah for little Elinor. My little Sam is kicking in joy too :hugs:

Lastly a little story... last night I went to the Theatre to see War Horse )very good and very sad at times) and Sam was enjoying the music and kicking and dancing a way. Then a scene came where 3 gun shots were fired and frightened the life out of us all even little Sam. he curled up into a hard little ball and didn't unfurl for a good 30 minutes upon which they did it again!!! I felt so guilty poor chap but he's over it now :rofl:
Shadow I have read the poem before but not for ages, thanks for reminding me of it, it's lovely isn't it but I do want to know what happens next!!! hahaha guess we'll never know :rofl:
Lastly a little story... last night I went to the Theatre to see War Horse )very good and very sad at times) and Sam was enjoying the music and kicking and dancing a way. Then a scene came where 3 gun shots were fired and frightened the life out of us all even little Sam. he curled up into a hard little ball and didn't unfurl for a good 30 minutes upon which they did it again!!! I felt so guilty poor chap but he's over it now :rofl:

Awwww! Hehehe they are at that stage now where sound can affect them in there! Poor little Sam hehehe...

Glad you liked the poem: I hadn't read it in ages either, but it is very cool :)

Me very tired and aching tonight :( looking forward to my bed soon!

x x xx
:shock: OMG November mummies have moved over to second tri now!!! I feel like the oldest in the school now..... in fact we are aren't we in second tri can't believe we are here already ladies, eeek!!!!
Good morning, ladies!

Sam, I'm so happy for you!!! :hugs: :hugs: Still very miffed that they made you wait for so long though. That was incredibly rude!

Hope everyone is doing ok and taking it easy.

Little one has been kicking up a storm here and there -- my hubby even felt a really strong kick this morning! His comment? "Oh!" :rofl:

Work is still keeping me incredibly busy. I'm supposed to reduce my work shift hours to 6 hrs a day but they aren't doing that...plus some other shady stuff that's going on which has me rather frustrated.
Aww Elly get complaining and get those hours down. I wish I had that option but I have the long hard slog up until the end of term to do. All that marking and stuff I'm trying to block out!
Yep, been complaining and have a medical note. Thing is, work partner is on vacation so they say they need me there.
I know, feels strange seeing all the 13 and 14 weekers. Seems like AGEEEESSSS ago we were at that stage!
Is it starting to really kick in now that were going to have babies before we know it??? I was speaking to my mum when all of a sudden it hit like a sack of s**t!!!!
:shock: Im going to be a mummy - again!!!
SamStar - that's fantastic news on Elinor May -I'm so so happy for you. xxxx
Hey guys just popping to say hi and sorry I haven't been on for the last couple of weeks but my dad is very sick in hospital so that has kept me busy. I'm doing well though have become viable since I was on last and not long to go till double figures. I see some of ye have moved over to 3rd tri you lucky things, I still have 2 weeks to go.

Well we put up the border and stickers in the nursery so I will post some pics next week when the curtains and furniture comes, and we have decided to go for the 3D / 4D scan next Friday so I can't wait for that.

Well I hope you are all well, I have so much to catch up on, which I'm going to do now. Xx

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