Official August Mummies Club!!

HI, lalalistic, we due 1 day apart..... it'll be a race to see who meets there little one first!!!! :happydance: We're going to find out too if we can. I can't wait!!!!
Hey Pippin. I cant wait til August, feel terrible about wishing my life away! Do you think you are having a boy or a girl? I'm suspecting boy!
I suspecting a boy too, it's weird it's a really strong feeling but I bet it turns out to be a girl and will have a complex for the rest of it's life :rofl: I'm so impatient I want to find out NOW!!!! Roll on August when we get off work to be full time Mums :yipee:
HI EVERYONE, im new to the 2nd tri :-) im due on august the 21st and we want a suprise so team yellow all the way xx
Congratulations ccnewmum24 it's lovely we are all so close together. I came here a little early to make myself feel better :blush: it's worked and I feel quite relaxed. Hope you do too. xxxx
We have the 20wk scan on 23 March - which seems like a long time away still! I have a glucose tolerance test on Friday, as they have me scheduled for one at 16wks and one at 28wks. There is a huge history of diabetes in my immediate family, so they're being extra cautious. I will be so glad to have that first one done and over with - hate having them done!
hi girls hope all is well .
well i think ive started to fell baby move:happydance:
is every one having bloods done for downs. i decided not to due to been only 60% and my odds are better odds with my scared did see nasal bone at 12 weeks which is a good sigh. all i do is worry
I think I felt the baby today too Leo!

We had decided not to get the Downs test as it wouldn't affect our decision to have the baby either way. However, after thinking about it we changed our mind thinking that it would be better to be able to prepare rather than it being a shock after the birth.
I think I felt the baby today too Leo!

We had decided not to get the Downs test as it wouldn't affect our decision to have the baby either way. However, after thinking about it we changed our mind thinking that it would be better to be able to prepare rather than it being a shock after the birth.

i no what u mean i would have test if it was yes or no its all just numbers though i wont have amino due to risks all u do is worry lol
I know exactly what you mean. OH and I were discussing it the other day and we've decided that if the blood tests come back high risk then we won't have the other tests, we'll just prepare ourselves for the possibility of our baby having Downs. If he/she doesn't have it then great and if they do then we'll be able to deal with it.
I know exactly what you mean. OH and I were discussing it the other day and we've decided that if the blood tests come back high risk then we won't have the other tests, we'll just prepare ourselves for the possibility of our baby having Downs. If he/she doesn't have it then great and if they do then we'll be able to deal with it.

bless you its hard to no what to do for best xxx
It's more to do with my phobia of syringes and the impossible task of me lying still long enough for them to do the test than anything else!
I finally decided to wander over from first tri. My due date is august 25th.
Hi all I have already been over to book my seat and you girls were kind enough to keep it for me. But I'm gonna officially move over now if thats okay even though it says 14 weeks - I think 2nd tri starts at 13 weeks and it seems a bit calmer over here which I'm starting to feel a bit calmer myself.

Finally found the :baby: heartbeat yesterday on our doppler for the 1st time - it was so great to know the little one is still growing strong and DH was over the moon as he was the one who found it eventually.

Hope your all keeping well and I am looking forward to chatting to you all :hug:
Oh by the way aidensxmomma - I'm due the 25th too xx
hi new girls hope all is good i wont buy a dopper just in case i cant find hb and think i will go mad. im so scared there npt gonna be able to find heartbeat at 16w midwife check. ive getting headache and nose bleeds and still got ms so im hoping these are good sighs lol think im going cazy lol please tell me im not the only one feeling like this lol xxxx
welcome to all new girls here :wave:

I will have my blood test on my next appt, just like you guys, I don't want to do any other test if it come back high risk, beside it may came back nothing anyway. I did amnio with my 1st son to see if his lung had mature enough for him so I can be induced ( I was 38 weeks that time)'s hurt when they took the fluid, I can't help my self to tense when they put the needle and that made it worse :( that's why this time I don't want to do it again whatever the result is.
leo, you are absolutely not the only one feeling like that - I feel exactly the same, petrified something has gone wrong and baby has died, even though he/she seemed fine at the scan 3.5 weeks ago. I would like to get a doppler because I see how lots of the other ladies have reassured themselves from hearing the heartbeat but I'm scared I won't be able to find it or it won't be there at all... so I'm waiting till I hear it at my midwife appointment (March 2nd, I'll be 16 + 6 and it feels like years away given I'm SO eaten up with anxiety) or - hopefully - at the GP's surgery tomorrow (where I am going on the advice of a midwife I called today because she could tell how worked up I am :( )

I'm also hoping that because I still have symptoms everything is fine. My nose has been blocked almost constantly since the day I got the ++, I've been sneezing a lot, breasts still hurt... no more nausea but I never had much of that anyway... but I've had some cramping again today and I don't know how to feel about that - it's not severe and there's no bleeding, so I don't know if it's positive and just things growing in there...

I wish I could calm down and ENJOY this! I wanted to be pregnant for years, never thought I would be, it's a miracle to me that I managed it, and now... well, I never expected I'd be lying in bed crying and depressed.
Aww girls I have a doppler and I love it. I can find baby within about 30 seconds now I know where she/he is hiding and I am SOOOO much calmer knowing that I can reassure myself when I need too. I'm a little concerned I'm using it too much as there is mixed reviews but 2/3 times a week I have a 30 second listen and just put myself at ease. I'm enjoying this pregnancy so much more now. I have horrible paranoia about missed miscarriage and now if it comes back I can ease it straight away. If there is something wrong I rather know in a few days than a few weeks possibly months. I told my mid wife and she was fascinated by how cheap I got it (£40 including P&P) and thought it was a great idea. I even thought mine was better!!!

Anyway just thought you'd like to hear from someone that has them. Hope you are all taking it easy with your feet up!!!! xxx :hugs: to a great bunch of August Mummies!!!
Hey girls....technically not in second tri just yet...but of course posting here instead of first tri!:) hehe.

I had my 12wk scan yesterday and i didnt have it for a Nucheal scan b/c we dont do those here. I had it b/c i have a total previa and they had to check it. It of course is still covering my entire cervix so i am on pelvic rest still. Its better then bedrest which i've been on twice with my last two pregnanices.....ahhhhh I guess now that i will be in second tri its getting scary for me...:( I'm just praying my baby is healthy and can make it to 34 wks. My last baby wanted to come at 24wks but i made it to 30. I have two little boys at home and i'm terrified of having another preemie baby and two boys to take care of.

Sorry to go on and on but just wondering if anyone else has had two preemies and will most likely have a preemie again? I know august is far away but to me its coming up fast!!! I get ultsounds and NST"S once a week starting at 17weeks and its just alot to handle.

OKAY....done whining.

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