Hey girls....technically not in second tri just yet...but of course posting here instead of first tri!

I had my 12wk scan yesterday and i didnt have it for a Nucheal scan b/c we dont do those here. I had it b/c i have a total previa and they had to check it. It of course is still covering my entire cervix so i am on pelvic rest still. Its better then bedrest which i've been on twice with my last two pregnanices.....ahhhhh I guess now that i will be in second tri its getting scary for me...

I'm just praying my baby is healthy and can make it to 34 wks. My last baby wanted to come at 24wks but i made it to 30. I have two little boys at home and i'm terrified of having another preemie baby and two boys to take care of.
Sorry to go on and on but just wondering if anyone else has had two preemies and will most likely have a preemie again? I know august is far away but to me its coming up fast!!! I get ultsounds and NST"S once a week starting at 17weeks and its just alot to handle.
OKAY....done whining.