I'm so excited - just had to share ... had my 16w midwife appointment today, and she said they don't usually listen for the heartbeat until 24 weeks because people get worried if they can't find anything ... we spoke about it and I told her I was fine if she couldn't find anything, I understood it didn't mean anything bad. She put the doppler on my belly and literally within a couple of seconds you could hear the unmistakeable sound of the heartbeat! Really fast, and really loud! It was an amazing sound and I admit, I was nearly welling up. An unforgettable moment, even more so than the first scan!![]()
That is just fab hun, great isn't it I could listen to it all day. My midwife found it at 13 weeks I was quite shocked she even tried but I think she loves hearing it herself!!!xxxx
Yeah I have to agree I would listen to it all day myself - i have a home doppler and found it @ 13 weeks but I limit myself to just listening twice a week cause if not I would defo have it out all day every day as it is an amazing sound.
Cant wait to feel movement now and really can't wait to see DH feel it as seeing his face at the scan was just amazing especially the last time where the babs was flying around the place he couldn't get over it. xx