my friend since the fifth grade has a dog name Ben
I had my scan today so they can check my cervix and the sonograph tech told us that we are having a BOY!
Girls I think I'm feeling movement today and yesterday - but it feels
about half way from my belly button to my pubic bone, but yet on the doppler the heartbeat is still right down by my pubic bone, so it dont know if I'm imagining it. It feels like my phone is in my pocket and is vibrating as yesterday I kept looking for my phone in my coat pocket and then realised it wasn't there at all, has it felt like this for anyone else??
Thats what it feels like to me too. It's more like a vibration rather than thuds or pokes
Naw Cleckner, I don't have Myspace, but I have Facebook. I think Facebook is a bit bigger over here in the UK than myspace now... We could always do both of course! Anyone else got Facebook? I could start a group for BnB August Mummies on there if anyone would be interested! (It'd be so cool to see photos of each other!)
S xx