Where's the poll? I need to get in there on team blue!
Having lots of fun getting adorable little boy things and talking names. It feels like it's been forever since we found out, though it's really been just under two weeks!
The little guy is a BIGTIME kicker! The other night he was really being crazy. My husband put his hand on my belly and felt consistent movement for a good 3 minutes! He seems to have a LOT of energy--especially when he wants some food! He kicks at all times throughout the day, but when I'm hungry he really kicks. I love it!
hi all i need to ask a question...i am almost 19 weeks now and have had bad pains down below, to the piont it hurts to walk, they go all round my back too, is anyone else gettin similar pains like this, think i mite go to the docs to get it checked as it sooooo painful ifi stand for too long xx
i have really bad round ligament pain in my upeer right leg really hurts when geting up and if iv been sat to long i have found if i strech it it helps loads.
Well ladys today is the day in 7 1/2 hrs i should know if bubs isor
cnt wait feels like this day would never come. now if she tells me she dnt know i am not leaving there lol i want to know