Official August Mummies Club!!

Awwww Gabrielle, sorry to hear you're poorly and in pain. I hope you can rest and take things easy and that you are feeling better in no time! Illness is never fun, and pain is always a bit of a misery, but just think it will all be worth it in the end :D
Shadow xx
Congrats Nuttymummy! we went for our 20 wk scan today and baby was keeps its legs closed so sonographer could not really tell, she says should thought it might be a girl but is not certain. Says she is only 65% sure. So I am going to stick to buying neutral colours. Baby is healthy and was well but I have a low lying placenta so going back for another scan at 36 weeks.

ohhhhhhhhh honey..........sorry that you couldn't find out the sex.......same happned with me,.........but most imp. thing is baby is healthy and fine:happydance::happydance:

congrats :muaha::muaha:
Aww great to come on here and read all this. Congrats all. Feeling pretty down today as things just haven't gone right and I'm so shattered but in true gorgeous baby style he's been giving me little pokes since I have sat down just to cheer me up (those that remember he did it for Ofsted too) and reading all these lovely posts have really lifted my spirits (although lifting energy levels would be nice too lol)

Hope you lovely ladies have had a better day than me. xxx
Aww Pips, don't be down honey! Let those cute little nudges cheer you up :D
I'm afraid I've had a fabulous day with our LOVELY new doggie, my mum and brother came round, mum with her 1 year old lab Anna and my bro with his 3 year old collie Rosie. Ben (our collie) and Rosie REALLY hit it off, and we all had a lovely day on the beach :D
Although at one point I did desperately need the loo (little guy was leaning right on my bladder I think!) but two separate public loos were all locked up and I had to walk right along the beach to find an open one!! I was so relieved when it was open hehe...

Sprinkling happy :dust: on you all :D

Shadow xx
babyboo...i have low lying placenta too....and they keeping an eye on the kidneys....go back at 32 weeks to check. they said it was strange that ive had a low lying placenta twice now!!! with my son....and now with this one!! hopefully it will move like it did last time!!
Thanks Smith87999, I can't wait until there are strong kicks so as I'm sure - ha I will probably wish I was back here then.

Gabrielle - I'm so sorry that you are not well and in so much pain. hope you are feeling better soon. :hug:

Babyboo - So sorry to hear you couldn't find out what the sex was - but its good to know bubs is doing so well.

Pippin - So sorry your feeling down, I hope the little nudges cheer you up, why dont you have a relaxing bath and get an early night and tomorrow is another day and hopefully you will feel better and less tired. :hug:

ShadowRat - I'm delighted you are feeling so good - I'm having a very good day myself, for not reason what so ever I'm just in really good form today and am enjoying being pregnant for once.

Nuttymummy and babyboo - sorry to hear about your low lying placentas and hope they do move for you both.
I'm going to join ShadowRat and springle some happy dust for you all. :dust:
Aww you girls are just amazing thank you. Hubby cooked a nice dinner and now I'm tucked up in bed with a stretching bump! Think he's having a growth spurt today. Do any of your bumps ache sometimes?
I had an appointment with the "health educator" today, and we went in as usual, tried to check in at the counter and... they had no record of me having an appointment! The receptionist woman asked me if I had my appointment card and I said "Not with me." and she told us that we'd have to wait for a while because her schedule was full, so my bf said that we'd go home and get the appointment card for proof and we left. We come back and I showed them the appointment card and the same receptionist told us that we shouldn't have left in the first place because no one else was in line to see her and that now we had to wait just because we left! Grrrr. I was already annoyed at my last health educator appointment because the regular woman wasn't there and we had to see a different one. She's the one who messed up the appointment too.
Gabrielle hpe u feel better soon rest up chick.

pippin hope u have a better day today make hubby make a fuss of u.

waiting4baby hope the appointment went ok after all that.

a.f.m i have a bad head today didnt drink anof water yesterday and paying for it today arrgg. Lucas is still kicking away dnt think this baby sleeps lol. My mum told me last night that there gunna buy the cotbed so thats the pram and cotbed that are geting bort for us yay cnt wait to start buying now just need to get room fin 1st.
Waiting for Baby and tmr1234 sorry you both had a bit of a mare the last few days. I had a horrid week as you can see from earlier posts. Headaches happen easily for me now if I don't drink, it's as if the little one sucks it out of my head directly and bam instant headache.

I got cheered up this morning girls (thanks again I love you all for being so supportive) I received my first mother's day present which was a very large bunch of pink flowers, they were from two of my best friends who I love very dearly but haven't seen for sixth months. I was so thrilled I couldn't go back to sleep so in bed telling you guys. I think the weekend is looking up. I started a thread so we can all share our surprise gifts if we get any. Not counting on my husband but he is buying me a support pillow today so I'm going to count that too :blush: Hurrah for being a Mummy!!!
Well all... have a wonderful weekend... mine is busy.. but should be fun... :happydance:

Gabreille.. sorry that you have the infection... those are miserable.. hope the drugs have started to kick in... :hugs:
Gabrielle hpe u feel better soon rest up chick.

pippin hope u have a better day today make hubby make a fuss of u.

waiting4baby hope the appointment went ok after all that.

a.f.m i have a bad head today didnt drink anof water yesterday and paying for it today arrgg. Lucas is still kicking away dnt think this baby sleeps lol. My mum told me last night that there gunna buy the cotbed so thats the pram and cotbed that are geting bort for us yay cnt wait to start buying now just need to get room fin 1st.
Thank you, it did go alright. We finally got to ask what was going on with this testing that I thought was supposed to be done between 15 and 18 weeks, but she said that we still had time up to 20 weeks and to ask my OB at the next appointment and she'd order it for us. I can't wait to start buying either. I want to know when my baby shower is going to be and who's coming and what they're buying so that I can buy more! :hissy: :rofl:

Waiting for Baby and tmr1234 sorry you both had a bit of a mare the last few days. I had a horrid week as you can see from earlier posts. Headaches happen easily for me now if I don't drink, it's as if the little one sucks it out of my head directly and bam instant headache.

I got cheered up this morning girls (thanks again I love you all for being so supportive) I received my first mother's day present which was a very large bunch of pink flowers, they were from two of my best friends who I love very dearly but haven't seen for sixth months. I was so thrilled I couldn't go back to sleep so in bed telling you guys. I think the weekend is looking up. I started a thread so we can all share our surprise gifts if we get any. Not counting on my husband but he is buying me a support pillow today so I'm going to count that too :blush: Hurrah for being a Mummy!!!
It's okay! I always have trouble with those appointments, it seems, but it's okay. I bounce back!

I don't think I'll be getting anything for Mother's Day... probably ever, because I've always been horrible about remembering it for my mom, but she always tells me that it's okay because I show her enough appreciation as it is that we don't need a single, official day to do it.
I'm so tired today, just want to go home and sleep but am at work till 9. :( Been a busy week, this is my 5th day working (usually do 3) and can't sleep in tomorrow as I arranged months ago to go see Alain de Botton, the philosopher, in a talk about pessimism (like I need any advice on that!!! I believe it's about the benefits of pessimism, how to make it work for you) with my cousin. Really don't want to go but won't let her down unless something really important came up (sleep not important enough).

Saw midwife again on Mon, that was fine, and had appointment with perinatal psychiatry team yesterday before work (am being monitored for depression and anxiety because I have a long personal history of mental health stuff, plus a family history of depression, including PPD, which apparently puts me at very high risk). They were very very nice. I am lucky with my medical professionals so far.

Oh and I have developed a patch of rosacea on my cheek. Very pretty (not). Anybody else got this?

Baby seems ok, heart pounds away when I listen in and bump has really popped out this week. Very hard to hide it at work now. And the kicks! It makes me so happy to feel baby move around.

Congrats to all who know what team they're on! My scan isn't till a week on Tuesday. Fiance wants to know what sex baby is but I am secretly hoping baby keeps its legs shut. I'd like a surprise but if we can find out we will.
:hug:hi girls glad every one seems ok well a got some maternity
trousers today from next some linen ones a black pair and one pair there so comfy been trying to where old ones and there just hurt now. so happy

well bump coming now so happy about . not felt baby today so stressing abit hopefully it will move latter tonight .:hug:
Hi girls - had to tell you all but we were very bold and bought our pram today. I know its extremely early but It is a whole combination set and was marked down from €1400 to €1150, so I couldn't leave it there as that is a lot off and will come in handy to buy something else and the shop were brilliant and are going to store it until we need it. I'm so over the moon with it, I wish I could have brought it home and played with it, but am too superstitious.

Here is the link if you want a peep

Its great it is a proper lie down pram and then turns into a pushchair for later and it also has a car seat which also combines as a travel system and the best thing I think is it has a stand, so it can be used as a kind of moses basket for bubs to lie in during the day in the living room or it can be used for night time if we are away instead of having to drag the crib with us. DH keeps laughing at me cause I'm like a child all day. :happydance: :happydance:
we got a bottle stemer yesterday 1/2 price and oh was like ur not playing utill till lucas is here i seid well i need to see if it is working he just tuted and walked away. Men why dnt they get we need to try things lol

lucas was very unacctive yesterday hardley moved at all but gave me a big kick this am and woke me uplol loving it.

Happy Mouthers day!!!!

i will try and upload a almost 21wk pic today som time

take care s
:yipee: 18 weeks today and it's mothering sunday......AND baby is flying around my tummy this morning making himself known awwww I love him so much! Wondered whether it was just muscles or something but when I got the doppler out he was all over the shop. Hurrah for wiggly babies :wohoo:

ps. No presents from DH but didn't really expect much, not shallow I promise but was hoping for a little card (on valentines day he wrote to us both you see)
Aww you girls are just amazing thank you. Hubby cooked a nice dinner and now I'm tucked up in bed with a stretching bump! Think he's having a growth spurt today. Do any of your bumps ache sometimes?

Yea, totally!! I had one yesterday, little aches and stretches in my tumtum and it feels like bump is expanding!! I quite like it, but I do worry that it means that stretchmarks may be on their way :( Ah well, it will all be worth it in the end :D

I've not had any kind of anything for Mother's Day, but I am fine with that, as I think of this as my last Mother's Day NOT being a mum! Also, my OH (bless him) is really really rubbish with birthdays and gifts and cards and such! That is all my territory, and I'm happy to keep it that way hehe!

jelr, your pram looks awesome, but I was shocked to hear what you paid for it.... Surely 1150 Euros is a lot?!? When I look that model up, it's selling for £575, which is about 612 EUR at today's rate... Well anyway, it is very awesome, I'm so glad you love it :D I wouldn't worry about buying it "early" either: We got ours when I was just 12 weeks!!! Ours is an all-in-one model too, and when it is a carry cot it rocks gently which is sweet :D

It's so great to hear that everyone is having lots of movement now! I still adore it when my little boy wiggles around in there, but last night he kept me awake for AGES with some very strong kicking!! I could feel it strongly with my hands from the outside, and I told a sleepy OH that if he wanted to put his hands on bump now then he'd feel proper kicking going on, but he groggily moaned at me and said "tomorrow". I let him sleep! lol... I'm sure it won't be long till he's feeling it too :D

Sending sunny Mother's Day vibes to all of you!! Off to walk lovely Ben on the beach now, he is currently sunbathing in the back garden, bless him!!

Shadow xx
It's great isn't it Shadow and I have to agree 1150 sounds a lot but then I guess we do have great sales on at the moment and the exchange rate might have gotten better.

Just realised that I have gone up a box on my ticker :yipee: pointless telling you all but it seems two minutes ago that I went up the last one. :wohoo: for time flying by!!!
My tummy feels tender and kind of sore all along the bottom of it... I just popped (my bump) in the last few days :happydance: so I am thinking that it is just growing pains. But I was at a wedding reception last night... and it was driving me nuts... besides that ... all is well... :)

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