Aww you girls are just amazing thank you. Hubby cooked a nice dinner and now I'm tucked up in bed with a stretching bump! Think he's having a growth spurt today. Do any of your bumps ache sometimes?
Yea, totally!! I had one yesterday, little aches and stretches in my tumtum and it feels like bump is expanding!! I quite like it, but I do worry that it means that stretchmarks may be on their way

Ah well, it will all be worth it in the end
I've not had any kind of anything for Mother's Day, but I am fine with that, as I think of this as my last Mother's Day NOT being a mum! Also, my OH (bless him) is really really rubbish with birthdays and gifts and cards and such! That is all my territory, and I'm happy to keep it that way hehe!
jelr, your pram looks awesome, but I was shocked to hear what you paid for it.... Surely 1150 Euros is a lot?!? When I look that model up, it's selling for £575, which is about 612 EUR at today's rate... Well anyway, it is very awesome, I'm so glad you love it

I wouldn't worry about buying it "early" either: We got ours when I was just 12 weeks!!! Ours is an all-in-one model too, and when it is a carry cot it rocks gently which is sweet
It's so great to hear that everyone is having lots of movement now! I still adore it when my little boy wiggles around in there, but last night he kept me awake for AGES with some very strong kicking!! I could feel it strongly with my hands from the outside, and I told a sleepy OH that if he wanted to put his hands on bump now then he'd feel proper kicking going on, but he groggily moaned at me and said "tomorrow". I let him sleep! lol... I'm sure it won't be long till he's feeling it too
Sending sunny Mother's Day vibes to all of you!! Off to walk lovely Ben on the beach now, he is currently sunbathing in the back garden, bless him!!
Shadow xx