Hey all! 
It's so cool to have people all online at the same time to do a chat!!
Pips, if you're about, I'm so sorry that bubs wasnt playing ball today! I didn't think that would happen for you, but at least they're gonna do another in 2 weeks right? That's not TOO long to wait hehe!
Cleck: Can't be long for you now eh?! I hope you get to add your colour to the list today!! For some reason, I'm thinking
for you lately, so we'll see later...
Hi mom-on-8/2009, welcome (back) to the group!! I hear ya about bird keeping, I had two birds and they battered each other near to death too, eventually though, one escaped somehow and got eaten by the cat, the other died shortly after with some weird black goop coming out of his little beak
It's sad to lose pets... I don't keep mice, but have always kept rats. We've had 11 in total, but right now we only have one, Tweek, whose cage partners are all dead and gone of old age now, but he is still going strong! He's such a sweet little rat 
CONGRATS m-t-Rose on your
That's so sneaky of you to see it on the screen hehehe! Funny that they wouldn't tell you though, I'm always confused about that policy in hospitals!
Gabs, I hope you are taking it VERY easy my lovely... I hope that cervix doesn't start dilating any more, and that your bedrest and meds work well and do their job! I'm sure your little Jack will be a strong little fighter after all of this worry!!
JaiJai, welcome back and good luck for your scan honey! What are you hoping for?? Any inclings yet?
Smith (feels weird to call you that! can I call you Laura?!) ... You are SO right about it going by so fast!! I just figured out how close we are all getting the other day and I don't feel ready at all!!! But I'm sure it will come.
Marley, we're waaaaay cooler than the September club anyway (LOL) but it must be fun to "straddle" the two groups! Hehehe
Shadow xxx

It's so cool to have people all online at the same time to do a chat!!
Pips, if you're about, I'm so sorry that bubs wasnt playing ball today! I didn't think that would happen for you, but at least they're gonna do another in 2 weeks right? That's not TOO long to wait hehe!
Cleck: Can't be long for you now eh?! I hope you get to add your colour to the list today!! For some reason, I'm thinking

Hi mom-on-8/2009, welcome (back) to the group!! I hear ya about bird keeping, I had two birds and they battered each other near to death too, eventually though, one escaped somehow and got eaten by the cat, the other died shortly after with some weird black goop coming out of his little beak

CONGRATS m-t-Rose on your

Gabs, I hope you are taking it VERY easy my lovely... I hope that cervix doesn't start dilating any more, and that your bedrest and meds work well and do their job! I'm sure your little Jack will be a strong little fighter after all of this worry!!

JaiJai, welcome back and good luck for your scan honey! What are you hoping for?? Any inclings yet?
Smith (feels weird to call you that! can I call you Laura?!) ... You are SO right about it going by so fast!! I just figured out how close we are all getting the other day and I don't feel ready at all!!! But I'm sure it will come.
Marley, we're waaaaay cooler than the September club anyway (LOL) but it must be fun to "straddle" the two groups! Hehehe
Shadow xxx