My god I have just spent an hour reading through like about 400 posts since I was on last - DH is delighted cause I was complaining about him having on the Man U match and I had said he was to turn it over when I got off this but I have been occupied for most of the match thanks to this
Well girls I have been keeping a quick eye on ye all every couple of days but work has been so hectic and I have been wrecked that I haven't got a chance to post. I wont do my normal post which includes everyone cause I would be here for the year

- so I'm just gonna write a bit to the ones I can remember.
Welcome back Cleckner - glad you had a lovely holiday, well done on updating the post.
Shadow - I love the name Vincent it is really strong.
Pippin - so sorry babs wouldn't play ball for you. hope the next two weeks go by quickly.
I see we have a few new members so welcome to you all.
Congrats on the new pink and blue bumps.
Gabby honey my heart goes out to you, I have just read your post from Kimberly. I have everything crossed for you, I know you must be scared out of your mind, but keep the chin up, you are always so postive and hopefully with all your positive thinking and our prayers your LO will stay put for another few weeks.
What is the story with this Yummy Mummy I hear ye talkin about, I'm gonna have a look now in the main thread to see if I can find out more cause ye have me all intrigued.
Well I dont have much news myself, work is hectic, but I am off next week for half term, so I'm lookin forward to that, unfortunately DH wont be though as he is trying to hold on to his annual holidays for when the baby is born.
Think I am feeling kicks now, still not 100% though as they are not very hard and I can't feel them from the outside yet and are more like pops than kicks, which is strange as I have a posterier placenta.
Any body getting baby brain - I am so forgetful lately and it is driving me mad cause I'm am always so organised and on the ball and I really need to be for my job as I co-ordinate 12 adult education groups and I also teach one literacy class a week, I have to write everything in my diary or I am forgetting to do things.
Well I hope I wont be away as long.

to you all. Xx